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  1. #1
    Became A Hero ViVi's spouse? ZantetsukenZack's Avatar
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    ViVi's spouse?

    I was always wondering this and didn't cross my mind until now..

    at the end of FFIX you find that vivi had kids. Does that mean he met a spouse and did work?? but can black mages even do that?? or, could it be that they were clones like the ones Kuja was creating?? but if that was the case then where did ViVi come from??

    for some reason, ( I can't remember where I saw it ) probably some dumb site online..I thought for the longest time that it was Quina...strange..yeah probably not...! ...
    Last edited by ZantetsukenZack; 08-17-2009 at 11:33 AM.

  2. #2
    There's a lot of speculation on this. You can go either way with it, really. Who cares who Vivi's spouse is, I was just happy to hear he finally released his load.

  3. #3
    Smashtheincredible ViVi's spouse? matt's Avatar
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    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    There's a lot of speculation on this. You can go either way with it, really. Who cares who Vivi's spouse is, I was just happy to hear he finally released his load.
    What a wonderfull way to put it, and finally released he was 9 in the game, I hadn't even realised what that phrase ment till I was 12
    Games beaten:- Crisis core, FF7 FF9 FF10. I need more time to game

  4. #4
    TFF's Resident Messenger ViVi's spouse? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    ViVi's spouse?

    When I saw this thread, I decided to do some research. All that I could find were a bunch of forums with a bunch more theories on if he died, if he lived, how he had kids, who he had kids with, etc. Here's what I think:

    After the party saves the world, and before the performance of "I Want to be Your Canary", I say that some time has gone by. In that time, Vivi and maybe one of the Genomes decided to reproduce. They were made of similiar ingredients, right? And, if Vivi was able to expel urine in the scene with Zidane at Madain Sari, then I would think he has working "parts".

    Now, before you go and say, "Why don't any of the children look like a Genome?", I will explain that. The reason the children look like Vivi is that 1) Vivi must have had a lot of dominant genes in the pairing, and 2) The Vivi clothes might been on sale at the clothing store.

    There have been topics on other websites that Vivi and Quina, Vivi and Garnet, Vivi asexually. You can believe what you want, but if Zidane is as much of a player that he claims to be, then you know his parts are working. And if a male Genome can do those things, then a female can as well.

    So, bottom line. Vivi and a Genome (possibly Mikoto) had children.

  5. #5
    I was wondering about that too for a while, and just gave up. I was pretty sure it was Vivi. Why not try checking online?? It would probably take some time to find though, If you found anything...... I tried checking myself and found nothing -_-
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-17-2009 at 01:54 AM.

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  6. #6

    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    This question is just one of them no one will ever have the right or wrong answer too but I suppose it is nice he has kids. The REAL question here is did he have to get it on with another Black Mage as all the black mages are male, maybe he had it off with one of the Bran Bal clones it is the only explanation I can think of unless they reproduce asexually (for those who don't know what that means that means children or offspring without sex such as aphids and bacteria etc).

  7. #7
    Final Fantasy Noob! ViVi's spouse? ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    Please don't put spoilers in the title of your thread...
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

    Currently Playing: FFIX

  8. #8
    Registered User ViVi's spouse?
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    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    Is it possible Vivi is asexual?

    Maybe Vivi went back to the town producing the black mages and altered it to make vivi's

  9. #9

    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    Quote Originally Posted by FFGamer86 View Post
    Is it possible Vivi is asexual?

    Maybe Vivi went back to the town producing the black mages and altered it to make vivi's
    Especially after he mentioned he'd rather have no more of them created for the sake of them not being used for war?

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy ViVi's spouse? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    Black mages lay eggs. When the egg hatches, a black mage is born. Pro-tip, dont look up 'vivi reproduction' on google...

  11. #11
    Killer love song what a BLAST! ViVi's spouse? TerraWham's Avatar
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    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    quina is actually a s/he so genderless. I'm thinking the way of eiko or steiner LOOLOLOL

  12. #12
    Registered User ViVi's spouse? Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    .... This Thread just amazed my mind of wonder lol But I hope he had a spouse and not is asexual lol or Can only be created by Kuja P That would be sad
    Everyone Needs their box....

  13. #13

    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    IMHO this was always a bit of a bother to me. i didnt like the fact that he had children because it left so many questions. what happened to him?, why isnt he shown, are we to assume he died?. i think it was a bad ending because he was such an important character to the game so for the creators to have such a confusing ending was a bad call. they should have either shown him alive still or dead. or they could have at least shown where all the babies came from. i think i remember them saying their dad told them about zidane so that means he had to be alive for their birth but what happened. that ending is obviously really annoying to me lol.

  14. #14

    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    I like to believe what happened is that Vivi used what was left of the Mist to create more black mages. He was going to stop sooner or later, and he probably wanted to pass on what he has learned about living life to the fullest to his kids.

  15. #15

    Re: ViVi's spouse?

    I also thought his spouse was Quina. lol...I think because during the ending I think that they were with Quina.

    I always thought that Quina and Vivi had some special bond. Mostly because Vivi's "grandfather" was from the Qu race.

    Do we know how Vivi came about anyway? Was he a prototype?

    I think Vivi's name is interesting. Vivi, as in viviparous, as in live birth (not from an egg). Im not sure if this was intentional or not. Artsy, I know, but fun to think about.

  16. #16
    Registered User ViVi's spouse?
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorptatious View Post
    I like to believe what happened is that Vivi used what was left of the Mist to create more black mages. He was going to stop sooner or later, and he probably wanted to pass on what he has learned about living life to the fullest to his kids.
    I think this also! Good call! Oorrrrr vivi secretly loves prostitutes and one of them rang his door bell and ran one day leaving his offspring on the door step! And he's a secret alcoholic and turns out alcohol is the secret to keeping them Alive!

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