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Thread: Unused opening of FFVIII

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Unused opening of FFVIII SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Unused opening of FFVIII

    I was looking at a site that had beta game stuff and cancelled game screenshots and I happened to stumble across an intro that was originally going to be used in FF8. This one was kinda cool but I prefer the final version

    Do you like this intro or do you prefer the one thats already in the game?
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Unused opening of FFVIII Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Not really different from the final version, really, except for the few more cut scenes from the game itself, I like the final version better though, can't say I remember the other sounds colliding with Liberi Fatali as much as in beta version.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 08-06-2010 at 09:55 AM.

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  3. #3
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Unused opening of FFVIII ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I much prefer the one in the game. This one shows too many clips from the cutscenes in game, like the train mission etc. The sounds do clash too much with music, drowning the music out completely on some occasions. What was up with the helicopter sound when the camera is going over the field? I don't recall there being any helicopters in the game.

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    This is the opening seen on the Preview Disc that came with FFVII. It's more of a FMV of the game itself, showing you what to expect during the game. (Mainly the first disc it looks like) It's just a preview of the game, I don't think it's a beta opening since I don't think they put FMVs in beta versions of their game. (I'll have to look into, I know a video game tester)
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  5. #5
    Registered User Unused opening of FFVIII Selcopa's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Slight necro but I saw this and its pretty cool. Although I do still like the opening on the game better, it focused what the gamewas going to entail better I thought, but this still was a really cool video.

    Of course just about anything FFVIII I approve.

  6. #6
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I prefer the one in the game. This beta one just seems messy with too many cut-scenes/previews and terrible sound effects. Zan hit the nail on the head about the helicopter noise - I was wondering that myself.

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  7. #7

    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I prefer the one in the game. This beta one just seems messy with too many cut-scenes/previews and terrible sound effects. Zan hit the nail on the head about the helicopter noise - I was wondering that myself.
    Yeah, I completely agree. But on another note, in the final version, they put way to much emphasis on the fight between Seifer and Squall. You think this is a fight for the end of the world or something, but it's just a simple bully fight really.
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  8. #8

    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I want to say they used that video at the Distant Worlds Concert. I prefer the original opening but I do like this one.

  9. #9
    Controlling With Fear Unused opening of FFVIII Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Yeah, the final one is better. I didn't like the other sounds messing around with liberi

  10. #10

    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Polk where was this disc you talk about, because I have the one for the computer and the original one, neither had that, and honestly to me it just looks fake, it's all scenes from the game, and there was no helicopter that I can remember, and on top of that the fight scene was nothing but sounds of electricity and stuff, even the sound for the fire spell was wasn't timed right. if its real then i'm wrong, but it just seems like someone edited it and right at the begining, how they show the title like that, yeah it wouldn't be used like that if they were only going to show it again later. and the last scene with Rinoa coming through the feathers, there was no need for the bird sound effect

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  11. #11
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I prefer the in game opening, this one gives too much away in my opinion. It shows bits and pieces of scenes through out the game, it's too much. The in game version is much more simpler and it works a lot better, I love it.

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    Godsmack Worshipper Unused opening of FFVIII Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I definitely prefer the one in the game for the same reasons mentioned above.
    Damn, watching that intro makes me want to play the game again so bad... It's been nearly two years since I played it for the last time. What I love about it is it NEVER gets old. Final Fantasy VIII is absolutely timeless.
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 10-18-2010 at 09:47 PM.

  13. #13
    Controlling With Fear Unused opening of FFVIII Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Weapon View Post
    I definitely prefer the one in the game for the same reasons mentioned above.
    Damn, watching that intro makes me want to play the game again so bad... It's been nearly two years since I played it for the last time. What I love about it is it NEVER gets old. Final Fantasy VIII is absolutely timeless.
    lol, now you got me wanting to play it. I guess i'll put off watching law&order for a while.
    Last edited by Unlucky Rufus; 10-18-2010 at 11:11 PM.

  14. #14
    Unused opening of FFVIII
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Well i am glad i am not the only after watching that wants to go play it again.. damn.. I do prefer the final one though.. although the interlude at about a minute and a half is nice.. Nice find..

  15. #15
    .............. Unused opening of FFVIII smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    My main bone of contention with that specific video is where the "Final Fantasy VIII text appears with no great fanfare at the start, which compares very badly with VIIs intro where the name appears at a crescendo in the music. As well as the fact too much is given away with all the different FMVs included. Now that is has been mentioned, I do remember seeing something very similar on a preview disc I got with VII.
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  16. #16

    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    There was no preview disc of FF8 with FF7, unless you guys are talking about the platinum version. I remember a FF8 preview disc being released with another squaresoft game (think it was parasite eve or brave fencer) but no way was it out when FF7 was released, heck it hadn't even started development at that point

  17. #17
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Yea, im pretty sure it was parasite eve also... Seems to me that was one of the reasons i bought that game.

  18. #18
    Balamb Garden Unused opening of FFVIII UK-Lionheart's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I prefer the one they used in the game.

  19. #19
    Registered User Unused opening of FFVIII Shiro's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I got an ff8 preview disc with my 7 platinum copy. Had the alternate intro and the video of Squall and Rinoa dancing, but in an old-style, sepia effect

  20. #20

    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I liked the final opening better. Not much is different in that one except for a few more scenes added in. But for sure the final is much better. I think one of the best beggining scences was final fantasy X when tidus is getting ready to play blitz ball that one was awesome.

  21. #21
    Final Fantasy Noob! Unused opening of FFVIII ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Its cool that this is available...but the final version is much better.
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  22. #22
    I'll find you, no matter what. Unused opening of FFVIII FeyLenne13's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    I definitly prefer the one in that game. That other one is just too much to process for an opening.

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  23. #23

    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Quote Originally Posted by Shiro View Post
    I got an ff8 preview disc with my 7 platinum copy. Had the alternate intro and the video of Squall and Rinoa dancing, but in an old-style, sepia effect
    I got this preview disc in my ff VII too!
    I remember the dance in old-style effect!

  24. #24
    Juppiter Adept Unused opening of FFVIII TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    the one in the game is a lot better. There are too many clashy sounds in this one as a whole, though I do think that this video was very good from the point that the revolver lands onward. This is the video used at the Distant Worlds concert that I went to last summer, but of course there was no really loud helicopter or battle noises getting in the way of the track itself.
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  25. #25
    Passing fair judgement Unused opening of FFVIII Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    Quote Originally Posted by mineteaser View Post
    Yeah, I completely agree. But on another note, in the final version, they put way to much emphasis on the fight between Seifer and Squall. You think this is a fight for the end of the world or something, but it's just a simple bully fight really.
    I like the one in the game, cooler to me. But I liked the "bully fight", it was cool, and I'm a sucker for a good duel scene.
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  26. #26
    All is One.One is All. Unused opening of FFVIII Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Unused opening of FFVIII

    The one from the game is so much better than this one.The sounds and noises drown out the music and there are way too many cutscenes playing.
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