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Thread: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    I've always been a fan of the Alexander card. I guess I'm a sucker for Alexander. Maybe it's because he's a castle and he takes down Bahamut (in FMV).

    I always liked collecting these cards. It was great fun. Hunting down the good players throughout the world was awesome.

    Did anybody else veer from the actual quest to pursue this?
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  2. #2
    Registered User Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    I really tried to understand and play Tetra Master, but I didn't get it. It seemed too random in terms of what card defeated another. I did manage to win the Card Tournament in Treno...once. I was pretty excited when that happened, because honestly, I had no idea what I was doing.

    I don't really go around playing the mini-game, but I do like collecting the cards that are scattered around the world. I suppose I just like to hoard stuff away like that.
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  3. #3
    The Lone Dagger Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    I know that the first two letters determine what kinda attack the card has and what kinda defense it has when it battles other cards and that the next two numbers were how strong it was but that's where my knowledge of how each cards works ends.

    That didn't stop me from travelling all over the place trying to find all the possible cards that I could though. My favorite people to battle are the people in Memoria that are hidden, they not only have some great cards but they are the only people that are a challenge towards the end of the game when my deck was getting ridiculously strong lol

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  4. #4

    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Tetra master is crap it requires very little skill and a whole lot of luck. Triple Triad from FF8 is much much better that does require skill and patience.

  5. #5
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Actually, if anyone takes the time to research about the numbers in Tetra Master (try the FF Wiki), it may take more skill and patience than most people actually have for this game. It is also up to which cards you choose at the beginning (obviously you're not gonna choose a Goblin card over an Ifrit card).

    I love the game. Even though the rewards are just cards, it gives you something to do when you want to do something after passing the game. Over-leveling characters in battle tends to make things boring.
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  6. #6

    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    I love this card game! I started playing 9 a few months ago on my purchased PSX copy (sadly no book) but my PS2 is broken and won't play PSX games until I have the eye-adjusted again.

    But I got it for PSN and I absolutely love it! Before my PS2 system refused PSX games, I actually got pass Eiko and spent most of the hours playing Tetra Master (ask siblings!).

    I love how its like 8's but not in the sense that's its bad or a horrible rip-off. Its actually really fun!

    But I'd like to ask. Am I the only one who feels this one requires just a bit more "thinking" than 8's? No that I'm dissin' on 8's, because I adore that one as well. But sometimes, I feel as if Tetra Master requires a bit of luck as well as patience. In a way, I do like Triple Triad more, but that's most likely because it came first....

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  7. #7
    Registered User Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    I like Tripe triad more and have mastered that and gotten all cards, Tetra Master on the hand i have not..
    But i intend to later, it's just depends how good cards you have which gives you more luck i guess
    The other one was much more cooler though.

  8. #8
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Okay, here's some research I've done on this subject. Hope you can understand the game better after this.


    Here's some basic info. The first digit is attack power, the second means what kind of attack is it (physical or magical), third means physical defense, and fourth is magical defense.

    Now there are four types of attack. P, M, X, and A. P is for physical and M is for magical. Either one can be upgraded into X, which allows it to pick the weakest defense of the opponent's card during a card battle. And there's a small chance of an X card turning into an A card, which allows it to pick the smallest number in an opponent's card during a card battle.

    For a card battle, let's use the stats of the card mentioned above versus a random card.

    1P59 vs. AP40

    As you can see, our first card wouldn't stand a chance against a card with high physical defense. But let's change the second digit.

    1X59 vs. AP40

    In this case, the first card will target the opponent's lowest defense. Since the opponent's card has a magic defense of 0, the first card, whose attack power is one, will target the opponent's magic defense.

    I have yet to see an A card in action, since I've only read about it. This is mostly based on my experience with Tetra Master. I hope this helps.
    Last edited by Leon; 01-13-2011 at 12:51 PM.
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  9. #9
    TFF's Resident Messenger Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Can anyone tell me the ranks of Tetra Master? I am currently a "Player", but I was wondering how much farther I have to go? And does each card have a different amount of points depending on the code of each card?

  10. #10
    Registered User Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne View Post
    Can anyone tell me the ranks of Tetra Master? I am currently a "Player", but I was wondering how much farther I have to go? And does each card have a different amount of points depending on the code of each card?
    The ranks and points required for said rank is listed in the Spoiler tag. Information courtesy of the FF Wiki:
    Tagged for length:

    Points Rank

    0-299 Beginner
    300-399 Novice
    400-499 Player
    500-599 Senior
    600-699 Fan
    700-799 Leader
    800-899 Coach
    900-999 Advisor
    1000-1099 Director
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    1330-1339 Veteran
    1340-1349 Freak
    1350-1359 Champion
    1360-1369 Analyst
    1370-1379 General
    1380-1389 Expert
    1390-1399 Shark
    1400-1449 Specialist
    1450-1474 Elder
    1475-1499 Dominator
    1500-1549 Maestro
    1549-1599 King
    1600-1649 Wizard
    1650-1679 Authority
    1680-1689 Emperor
    1690-1697 Pro
    1698-1699 Master
    1700 The game glitches if you reach this level and says "would you like to discard this card" instead of displaying a rank

    Hope that helps.
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  11. #11
    TFF's Resident Messenger Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Thanks, it helps a lot. I see that I have a lot of work to do. I will be updating my progress to keep everyone informed.

  12. #12

    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Sorry to say it but Tetra Master is a complete bag of wank. Triple Triad in Final 8 Blitzball in Final X and Sphere break in FFX-2 now those are good games!!!
    Last edited by Cain Highwind; 05-17-2011 at 01:06 PM. Reason: POST OK --CAIN

  13. #13
    Registered User Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.) Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Tetra game fans (May be spoilers.)

    Wow i thought Sphere break was horrible but the 2 card games and blitzball was fun.

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