Hello Everybody!
The wierdest thing happened when I installed my first FF 8 back in 2000 Februari. I bought the Game at the store “Tratition” in Gothenburg - Sweden and upon installing it I noticed that I had about i think 9999.9999 Gill and the clocks colour whs at pink 99:99. Some times as the battle started, this red caped man named Gilgamesh came in and slized the enemy in half. Allsow I had a whole bunch of Cards from the start. This was the fisrt FF game I’ve ever played and I didn’t know if it was supposed be like this. So I continued to play. Sadly When I came to the part at the train where Squall, Zell & Selphie gets knocked out by the “gas”, you become Laguna and his friends. All was OK untill I got into an battle. The Laguna Battle busic starts and the last thing you hear is a Funguar laughing it’s horribly insane Warcry... and the Game Crashes.
I tryed to reinstall the game, dissable the music driver, various of different config settings and eaven at my friends computer whithe and Normal game start the game crashed. So I went back to “Tradition” to ask fort a Warranty and I got a new package and new disks and this time the game Worked.
Now... 11 years later I wonder, WTH happened? Why...and like Bilbo said “Can I see it one more time?” I Found what I believe is one of those Saves. Now I have tried to just put it in the Slot 1 folder but upon starting the game and trying to load/ open the slot, the game crashes. Even in the Editor – Hyne it can not read the file any more...DAME!!!
My Question: Is there any of you guys who might know a way to read this file? I can send it over. Or can I do it myselfe?
It’s little like I need to know... and maybe you are a little curious now as well. Please Help!
Best Regards //Mikael Pérson