Laguna is Squall's father, they prove that in the game.
As far as getting Kiros, Ward and Laguna in your party permanently, I would only think that would be possible through a gameshark.
I remember on disc 4 in Ragnarok, Laguna said to Squall that they would talk about his real father when they'd meet again.
I heard that there was a extra scene where Laguna revealed who his dad was but i never found out.
Also i heard that you could get Laguna,Kiros and Ward perminetly in the party but i didn't believe that, i just wanted to make sure though
It's probably both not true but does anyone know?
Last edited by Zidane77; 02-15-2010 at 02:10 PM.
Laguna is Squall's father, they prove that in the game.
As far as getting Kiros, Ward and Laguna in your party permanently, I would only think that would be possible through a gameshark.
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It sort of implied that Laguna is his dad. When you talk to Kiros and Ward when they're on the Ragnarok, they say something along the lines of "It's a good thing you look like your mother."
Just different stuff in the game implies it as well. When the Moomba calls Squall "Laguna" in the prison, it's implied because the game states that Moombas remember people by the taste of thier blood. So Squall must have some of Laguna's genetics for the Moomba to call him that.
I think there's some more instances in the game where it's implied that Laguna is his dad, but I can't think of any more right now.
EDIT:: No. There is no scene where Squall and Laguna meet again after Time Compression happens, if that's what you're asking.
Click at your own risk.:
[QUOTE=Zidane77;1250055]I heard that there was a extra scene where Laguna revealed who his dad was but i never found out.[QUOTE]
It would have been wicked if there was a scene where it all come out![]()
Well, they will both be in dissidia 2 soooo
We will get the decisive conclusion there, though I also believe laguna is his father
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Mhmm also kind of on this topic is there any evidence as to Squall's last name because as far as i know no one adopted Squall from the orphanage. So wouldn't his name have remained Loire rather than Leonhart.
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
There was no backdrop on my his name was Leonhart.
Though it is interesting.
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i read somewhere, maybe somewhere on this site actually, but elone is squalls step sister because laguna married raine it says that in the game when squall flashes back to the orphanege that he calls ellone "sis" i dont actually believe that they were blood related but from what i think everyone can agree on is that squall was in the orphenage his whole life and i could believe that laguna got with some chick while he was in galbidia army and then she couldnt take care of the kid so she took him to the orphanege or maybe she died who knows it never sheds any light on squalls parents but it is easy to put together that laguna and squall are father and son why else would ellone choose him to go back and be laguna in the flashbacks why whouldnt she have choosen somebody else... it makes since
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I think whoever told you that is either yanking your chain or full of shit cuz I have never heard anything about that and I am pretty sure if it was possible a lot more people would know about it I certainly would!!!
This game is pretty epic, with a lot of secrets and speculations.
technically nobody knows anything about the actual game because it was never actually stated just implied
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Well, it is implied strongly, more or less telling the character, but leaving the final descision to the player.
Example. All puppies are cute(What the moombas say about Squalls blood), some pets are puppies(What kiros said about squall and ward about his eyes), so, are some pets cute?(the players opinion)
Sorry for going IQ testy on yall
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SE or rather Squaresoft at the time never really revealed anything like that in the open. From what I can remember about playing FFVIII is that, with all the hints they give you, at the end of the game, I myself found that Laguna and Raine were his parents. Reason he grew up in an orphanage is because as you can remember Raine died soon after giving birth to Squall, Laguna at this time had gotten word that Ellone was kidnapped so instead of going back to see his son, he went to search for Ellone which is why Squall was sent to the orphanage.
I think it was addressed already but Squall took his mother's last name since he never met his father, when he was sent to the orphanage, where they asked his name and whoever brought him there said Squall Leonhart instead of Squall Loire, not to mention they weren't married at the time so no one really knew Squall was Laguna's son. Kiros and Ward was the exception I figured because they was Laguna's best friends pretty much.
I had something else to point out but I forgot >.>
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i can believe that
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Just wait until they're done milking FFVII dry. They'll make dvd's and extra games about FFVIII. It'll all be cleared up in a game where you have to actually conceive Squall, as Laguna using the PS3's motion controller and the analog sticks.
But really, like everyone else said, it's heavily implied, between the Moombas calling Squall "Laguna", implying they're of the same bloodline. Kiros and Ward also bust Squall's balls, and Lagunas, by saying it's good he doesn't look like his dad.
In theory, the only other male (potential father) that Kiros and Ward know, is Laguna. I'm also confident that it was stated that Raine died giving birth, and that Laguna was busy saving Esthar/ Ellone, so that he couldn't be a real father, so he left Squall with Cid and Edea.
Doesn't Ellone also call Squall her brother?
Plus I mean cmon, they look just like each other.
Last edited by Pete; 02-14-2011 at 05:45 PM.
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