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  1. #1
    I will save the world So....the Limit Breaks Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    So....the Limit Breaks

    I'm planning to buy ff8 today after I get my new debit card but I have played the game in the past but I have yet to defeat it, it's on my to-do list. I just wanted to talk about the limit breaks from ff8.

    Now if anyone here played ff7...which is almost 96% of the tffers here, you know the limit breaks are pretty sweet, as for ff8 the limit breaks are good but.....ah
    you need to have yellow hp to have that, or I believe have the aura magic later on in the game

    Bottom line is, as cool as the actual limit breaks are, and they are pretty sweet ranging for all the characters, is it worth using them when they are *quote me to look at the spoilers. I personally think it sucks, especially when you face a fast character, especially sometime if you need to press triangle to get it. I personally don't like it compared to the other final fantasies. The actual limit breaks themselves, awesome. Just don't like the format of it.

    What do you guys think? And also why we are here...what is your favorite limit break. Mine would be Irvine's

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  2. #2
    Registered User So....the Limit Breaks
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    The "activate during critical health" thing was inspired from (maybe even a callback to) when FF VI was doing it, called "desperation attacks" in that game. And it's not so bad. Enemies aren't all that tough in this game, not unless you level grind a lot, since enemies level up as you do.

    My favorite is probably Zell's "Armageddon Fist", which is just spamming Punch Rush and Booya! over and over again during his "Duel" limit break. Dishes out a lot of damage (especially if you're given quite a few seconds on the timer), and you only have to push 2 buttons per move to do it. :3 Not as flashy as some of the other moves the characters can do, but it gets the job done.
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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    I've been saying this since I beat VII like 9 years ago.

    Limit Breaks are for noobs.
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  4. #4
    I will save the world So....the Limit Breaks Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    I've been saying this since I beat VII like 9 years ago.

    Limit Breaks are for noobs.
    I personally don't use them myself, least in ffvii anyway. I use attacks/gf. I just wanted to get opinions from Tff. Hence why I'm here to chat it up.

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  5. #5
    Registered User So....the Limit Breaks Squall's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    I think my name tells you all you need to know, lol. But I will say that Zell's Limit Break is pretty cool; I like how you can determine how much damage you'll do witht the time limit given to you.

    I also do agree that the format for Limit Breaks is very skewed. I only use them when I absolutely have to, and that's at the end of the game but I'll spare you the details since you have yet to beat it.

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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy So....the Limit Breaks Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    If you need help with anything to do with the game, just ask me. I consider myself to know the game mechanics and everything about the game in finest detail. The battle system is so broken in the sense that by card modding early on, you can own some of the most powerful magic in the game. Im replaying it again for the 30th or so time, so id be more than happy to help you out with any questions you have.

    and limit breaks arnt for noobs. It takes a certain amount of time to gain the farm required to make the ultimate weapons which unlock the best limits. Thats what the pro's do. Anyone can easily win the game without limits. Hell, my hp never gets low enough for me to even be able to use a limit(without aura). I kill most bosses 1 hit including final boss final forms. I even did a blow so powerful, it killed 2 of the forms in one go. I also happen to be level 14 end game. Now whos the noob.

  7. #7
    Registered User So....the Limit Breaks Squall's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    If you need help with anything to do with the game, just ask me. I consider myself to know the game mechanics and everything about the game in finest detail. The battle system is so broken in the sense that by card modding early on, you can own some of the most powerful magic in the game. Im replaying it again for the 30th or so time, so id be more than happy to help you out with any questions you have.

    and limit breaks arnt for noobs. It takes a certain amount of time to gain the farm required to make the ultimate weapons which unlock the best limits. Thats what the pro's do. Anyone can easily win the game without limits. Hell, my hp never gets low enough for me to even be able to use a limit(without aura). I kill most bosses 1 hit including final boss final forms. I even did a blow so powerful, it killed 2 of the forms in one go. I also happen to be level 14 end game. Now whos the noob.

    Seems like FF8 was pretty hard for you *insert blatant sarcasm here* lol

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  8. #8
    Registered User So....the Limit Breaks Pug's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    If you need help with anything to do with the game, just ask me. I consider myself to know the game mechanics and everything about the game in finest detail. The battle system is so broken in the sense that by card modding early on, you can own some of the most powerful magic in the game. Im replaying it again for the 30th or so time, so id be more than happy to help you out with any questions you have.

    and limit breaks arnt for noobs. It takes a certain amount of time to gain the farm required to make the ultimate weapons which unlock the best limits. Thats what the pro's do. Anyone can easily win the game without limits. Hell, my hp never gets low enough for me to even be able to use a limit(without aura). I kill most bosses 1 hit including final boss final forms. I even did a blow so powerful, it killed 2 of the forms in one go. I also happen to be level 14 end game. Now whos the noob.

    We all know of the game flaw which is turning every monster into a card and beating the game at level 1

    On another note my mate beat FF7 at level 30 >.> He isn't good at much but when it comes to not being assed to grind levels in video games hes a pro.

  9. #9
    Gamer Girl So....the Limit Breaks Sakaea's Avatar
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    Re: So....the Limit Breaks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    If you need help with anything to do with the game, just ask me. I consider myself to know the game mechanics and everything about the game in finest detail. The battle system is so broken in the sense that by card modding early on, you can own some of the most powerful magic in the game. Im replaying it again for the 30th or so time, so id be more than happy to help you out with any questions you have.

    and limit breaks arnt for noobs. It takes a certain amount of time to gain the farm required to make the ultimate weapons which unlock the best limits. Thats what the pro's do. Anyone can easily win the game without limits. Hell, my hp never gets low enough for me to even be able to use a limit(without aura). I kill most bosses 1 hit including final boss final forms. I even did a blow so powerful, it killed 2 of the forms in one go. I also happen to be level 14 end game. Now whos the noob.

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  10. #10
    Everyone needs a savior So....the Limit Breaks the_savior21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pug View Post
    We all know of the game flaw which is turning every monster into a card and beating the game at level 1
    U can't beat the game at lvl 1 lol equally starts at lvl 7
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