Card tournament is right before those events. Finish tournament and you do Alexandria battle.
Spoilers are most likely.
I was playing on my computer, and got to the part on the second disc where Kuja was walking in the middle of Alexandria I think, at night time, right before the Alaxander and Bahamut part. As I went to Save state(save at any time), the game froze.
So what happened? I save stated a frozen game, meaning all progres I have made died.
I checked my other Save states, but the closest one is the Card tournament in Treno.
How far is that from where my game died?
I have only beaten the 3rd disc in a previous play through, and my Pc died, so I had to start anew, and this crap happens... >.>
Is disc four worth it? Other than the climax.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
Card tournament is right before those events. Finish tournament and you do Alexandria battle.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Disc 4 is primarily the last dungeon. I believe some of the hot & cold chocobo areas open up. I could be wrong about that and you could get some of the ultimate treasures in Disc 3. I would say it is worth a shot that way you could say you beat the game. There were some parts during the ending that really stuck with me & other parts that were not so fond. But that's just me. Give it a spin till you beat the game.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
I'd say its all worth it, I know its not quite as different as the other FF's. but I was always a fan of the oldschool ones.
Disc 3 is your last chance to do a lot of things, such as the Coffee Side quest. Once disc 3 ends, the world changed and some areas wont let you enter them anymore.
You can do every Chocobo Hot and Cold in Disc 3, once you get the first airship.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Wait, so it is like FF8 in which once the 3rd disc ends... there is about 2% left? o.o
I don't remember doing any side-quests or anything in disc three.
Actually, I don't even remember an airship to ride. Well, nevermind. I just didn't know what to do with it other than the main story.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
No think like FFIX and FFVIII as their 4th disc is just the final dungeon. You can still do the side quests in disc 4, just some areas in the game wont be accessible anymore due to events in the game.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
FFIX disc 4 is like 90% of side quests. Only some areas that have a side quest for them can only be done before Disc 4. The only one I can remember right now is the Coffee Side Quest. Because once Disc 4 begins, you can't go to the Dali Tower/Cargo Ship guys house.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
Personally, I think it's pretty worth it, because you fulfill an old man's wish to try the different kinds of gourmet coffee~!Originally Posted by o0Odin00
Ohhh, is the coffee side quest worth it? Because, I don't know much about FF9 yet, but I plan to master it soon.As far as other rewards go, you get a collectible figurine. Also....
Click at your own risk.:
Haha, that's hilarious. Poor old man... o.o
Now I have to do the side-quest.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
ye do it, if you doN't ocntinue ff ix it will haunt you in your dreams^^
Some funny posts in this topic. But yeah you should defineitely continue this is the greatest game ever next to FFVI IMHO so yeah go for it. You will be missing out if you do not.
It's weird because, I would say FF9 is the funnest to play. Funner than FF8, has the best colors in my opinion, and I really love the game. But I love FF8 the most...>.>
I mean, from what I have played, FF9 is the funnest FF game to date, next to FF5.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
Well then what is stoping you then man? Just go and play and enjoy yourself playing this awesome masterpiece. Don't question it man just do it, you'll love agais just like you did before. To bad you are only playing it on an emulator though because playing games on the TV while being comfy on the couch is the best way to play games.
Yea, I think that's it. If I had played it on a TV, I would appreciate it more.
I could transfer the file onto my ps3 but...
The reason why I am hesitating is cause yea know, when you go far into a game without saving, then the game freezes or you die, you don't wanna play it again haha
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
IF your FF fan you should just stop dallyin and do it!!! Granted it is not my favourite FF game but it is till a decent game with plenty of side quests and a pretty good ending I don't think you would regret finishing it!!!
I think you should complete FFIX. You can always go on Youtube and find the ending to the game, but it isn't the same as when you get to enjoy actually completing it yourself. There are items to get, bosses from the past games to fight against, and Disc 4 ties up all of the loose ends that Discs 1-3 made. And watching the end of game that first time is always memorable. I remember mine, I had been playing for 14 hours straight, it was around 1 a.m. and ... ... ...
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
All I got to say about FF9 in criticism isnt really criticism its just a warning to stay alert and informed, if you don't pay attention and buy out the shops at the right time you will miss out on huge skill gaps and lose weapons and items forever. Its not an easy FF to master. I guess FF9 is kind of cryptic in a way, but hey it didn't stop it from being my fav, in fact I think it added more depth.
One major problem I had with FF9 is no more multihits, not even one, why couldn't they do a multi hit combo with Steiner or one of Daggers summons?
Ark was really disappointing. After taking ages to defeat it in Oeilvert (or was it Ipsen's Castle? I always get these two locations mixed up!), when you cast it, the full animation takes about six years, and only does 1000-2000 worth of damage. I was so pissed when I cast it and all it did was... well, that!
I would definitely recommend Final Fantasy IX. Try not to play it on the emulator, as they are notorious for crashing. You can get a copy on e-Bay, or even Amazon (although e-Bay is probs your best bet) fairly cheaply if you know where to look.
"...For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)
Your choice it is a good game but not the best but if you are a real FF fan you will do it even if it just to say you have done it. However in my opinion it is not the best but you may disagree like some other people it is personal opinion.