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Thread: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

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  1. #1
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX
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    Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    There's a pretty good abundance of interestingly designed characters in the game, so which one stuck out to you as being kind of odd?

    I assume most people are gonna say Quina, but thinking OUTSIDE of the playable cast, I think the half-man, half-fish thing that runs the Alexandrian hotel was pretty odd-looking. Does he have a name? I can't remember... This game was pretty good about giving people names.

    Anyway, everyone else up to that point and afterward didn't really surprise me as much as that guy. I was even pretty okay with Queen Brahne's appearance in the game, but the fish guy? I dunno.
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  2. #2
    The Lone Dagger Oddest-looking character in FF IX Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    How about the Duck guy that is leading the nobles into Alexandria at the start of the game past Vivi and organizing the towns people when they are rebuilding. He was a duck walking around and talking to everyone lol and with a horn that oddly sounded like a quack whenever he blew it. Don't think he had a name either though

    I can't recall the fish guy you're talking about though Dodie. What disc he appear in?

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  3. #3
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Curiosity of their names got the better of me, so I started a new game, and I found out the Duck guy's name is Herald. Either that, or it's his occupation. You know, because of his horn and announcement? That's what I gathered out of it anyway.

    Fish guy is just called Fish Man. Ahh.. How appropriate. Oh, and you can find him as soon as you are able to control Vivi and head to the Hotel (disk one). You'll see a short scene of the Fish Man and a Red Mage having a bit of an argument because there are no more rooms available.
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  4. #4

    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    I remember the fish guy. I lol'd when I saw him. XD

    The character designs that freaked me out the most were those twins that were dress like clowns and worked for Queen Brahne. I'm not afraid of clowns or anything, but when I first saw them I went "Ugh."
    Last edited by Basch; 06-13-2010 at 12:50 PM.

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  5. #5

    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Queen Brahne.

    She always creeped me out haha... Blue skin, on the slightly larger side, and always using that fan...

    Second prize maybe goes to Steiner XD. That guy ALWAYS creeps me out.

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  6. #6
    Final Fantasy Noob! Oddest-looking character in FF IX ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilala View Post
    Queen Brahne.

    She always creeped me out haha... Blue skin, on the slightly larger side, and always using that fan...

    Second prize maybe goes to Steiner XD. That guy ALWAYS creeps me out.
    SLIGHTLY larger side?

    For me, the oddest looking character would have to be Quina! All the Qus in general actually. They're like...a Lickitung mixed with a mime mixed with a chef...with no gender.

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  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    There were a lot of interesting designs in FF9. That's part of its charm, I think; great imagination in the character design! I just started playing it again the other night, and a couple that stuck out to me that haven't been mentioned yet are Cinna and the cymbals player (what is he, some kinda wolf man? Though he also kinda slouches and has kinda long arms, reminiscent of a monkey...) I totally agree on Queen Brahne, though. That woman was the first thing I thought of. Though I know there's a lot of really interesting monster designs, too. (Though all FF's have that, but this one in particular does, I think.) Anyhoo...

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  8. #8
    Crash Boom Bang Oddest-looking character in FF IX Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Dr Tot. Is that a nose or a beak?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Fish guy is just called Fish Man. Ahh.. How appropriate. Oh, and you can find him as soon as you are able to control Vivi and head to the Hotel (disk one). You'll see a short scene of the Fish Man and a Red Mage having a bit of an argument because there are no more rooms available.
    I NEVER noticed that that dude was a fish...haha

    Queen Brahne... like, why is she blue...? Fat I can understand. Pies. Too many of them. Benero and.....the other one...or 2 of them, I don't even know what they were supposed to be

    Ah I love FFIX's characters, they amused me

  9. #9
    The Lone Dagger Oddest-looking character in FF IX Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    Dr Tot. Is that a nose or a beak?
    To me it looks like a beak, check it out:

    The feathers that are all around his face and neck make me believe he was modeled after an eagle or a hawk so I'd say that he's got a beak for a nose.

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  10. #10
    Rabanastran Oddest-looking character in FF IX Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Quote Originally Posted by Xithor View Post
    To me it looks like a beak, check it out:

    The feathers that are all around his face and neck make me believe he was modeled after an eagle or a hawk so I'd say that he's got a beak for a nose.
    Tot is probably one of my FAVOURITE character design in FFIX XD<3 I love that character to tiny bits.

    I haven't finished FFIX yet, I've just left Ipsen's Castle, but so far, I have to say that the hippo people freak me out. They look like they would rather belong to the world of Richard Scarry, haha. I think there is this particular hippo with blonde cork screw locks that looks especially creepy.

    And Amarant Coral. Before I saw Yoshitaka Amano's concept art of him, and his in game self started to make a little more sense, I thought he was a blue man dressed in green with a giant red brain for a head.

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  11. #11
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Oddest-looking character in FF IX ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    The dwarves from Conde Petie are kind of wierd. I've just got to that point on my latest playthrough, and only just realised how weird they actually look.
    Also Dr. Tot. His whole face is just a giant nose/beak/whatever.

    I love the characters from IX, much more imaginative than the other ones IMO.

  12. #12
    Galbadian Gunner Oddest-looking character in FF IX vicentederek's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Amarant Coral
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  13. #13
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    The hippos were really weird, thought they were the oddest creatures in Alexandria (Brahne as well of course.)

  14. #14
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Queen Brahne was the weirdest to me, Garnet was a pretty girl and Brahne was, well... what the hell was she exactly??? Makes me wonder what the king looked like lol

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  15. #15
    The Lone Dagger Oddest-looking character in FF IX Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    Queen Brahne was the weirdest to me, Garnet was a pretty girl and Brahne was, well... what the hell was she exactly??? Makes me wonder what the king looked like lol
    Well Garnet wasn't Brahne's biological daughter but I do hope that her husband looked a lot better than she did because apparently

    Sarah looked "exactly" like her enough to just take her place when the original Princess Garnet passed away.

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  16. #16
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX Aadria's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    I think I'd have to go with Quina as the oddest-looking character in the game. Why is his/her tongue so long? Is that even it's tongue? What is it? The Queen is disturbing, too, though, haha.

  17. #17
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX xXx Rikku xXx's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    I always thought Puck looked pretty weird, just because of the minatureness and rattyness im think anyway hehehehe xD

  18. #18
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX randy666's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    regent cid was a little weird especially with his moustache (oglop form)
    did anyone even like queen brahn as a character (i didn't) she was just a little weird and darn i really do wonder what her husband looked like.
    Q. why does nobody in the whole game look anything like brahn?, is she from a foreign country or from a special race of individuaals or something?
    this is it the final boss now there is no turning back....

  19. #19
    The Lone Dagger Oddest-looking character in FF IX Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Well there are only two characters in the game that appear with blue skin, Amarant and Queen Brahne. They never really explain what race they are are anything so idk what race she is but it is possible Amarant and Brahne are the same race.

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  20. #20

    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Quina and Quale enough said!

  21. #21
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Oddest-looking character in FF IX Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Oddest character design? Hm. I always thought the armor in the Lindblum Guards was kind of odd. I doubt anyone else thinks so, but it just looks weird to me.

    A little off-topic, but I also think the Gimme Cat's design was odd, too.
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  22. #22
    Smashtheincredible Oddest-looking character in FF IX matt's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Hmmm I have to say the oddest looking character is Kuja I mean think people he wears a costume that wouldn't look out of place on Borat and where does he hide his "manly bits" so to speak.

  23. #23
    Oh Boy! Oddest-looking character in FF IX Lavos's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    That four armed man was... need I say anything else? He was like magic - traveling from place to place across the world not recognizing you each time. He was the only person with 4 arms, and... I mean... 4? Really?


  24. #24
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    I thought Regent Cid Probably looked the oldest out of FFIX But that is just my opionon i did also find the twin clowns pretty weird...
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  25. #25
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX RudetheTurk's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    For human main characters, Cinna and Steiner. It's tough for me to picture Steiner as a valiant warrior and Cinna because of those yellow eyes and shadow around them

  26. #26
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX Diamond Dust's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Asking for the oddest looking human character surely rules most out? I'll go with Brahne if that's allowed though. She is one hell of an odd looking lady.

  27. #27
    TFF's Resident Messenger Oddest-looking character in FF IX Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    As far as characters are concerned, the oddest-looking one is the four-armed man (Alleyway Jack). The oddest-looking monster, Jabberwock.
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  28. #28

    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    Quote Originally Posted by RudetheTurk View Post
    For human main characters, Cinna and Steiner. It's tough for me to picture Steiner as a valiant warrior and Cinna because of those yellow eyes and shadow around them
    I don't think Steiner was suppose to be a stylized badass like Cecil from FF4.

    I gotta go with Freya and the rat people, the idea of humanoid rats makes me wanna vomit don't you guys get that their diseased.

  29. #29

    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    I think the ticket man in the start of the game when your ticket gets checked. he was a weird fellow. How about Baku he was a little different to along with Cinna.

  30. #30
    Registered User Oddest-looking character in FF IX Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Oddest-looking character in FF IX

    I'm gonna go with ... Queen Brahne and Cinna! Cinna FREAKS ME OUT

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