Is it Important? There's a girl in the way of the bookshelf I got it last time but I'm playing it on my psp now and o can't get it
Is it Important? There's a girl in the way of the bookshelf I got it last time but I'm playing it on my psp now and o can't get it
i came, i posted, i left
I don't think that they're all that important. Pretty much their only function is to give you some information about PuPu or the summon Doomtrain, and those are just optional things. You can check out a gamefaqs guide and get better results than you could from collecting those Occult magazines, since the info provided in the mags are pretty vague as to what you need to do.
Click at your own risk.:
I don't think they are necessary like Dodie said but I do think that at some point later on in the game you are able to purchase any of the magazines that you missed along the way.
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You don't have to worry about getting the occult fans cuz heres the scoop! Obtain 6 Malboro Tentacles, 6 Steel Pipes and 6 Remedy+ (you need Alexanders MED LV UP ability to make this item) then travel to Tears Point and pick up the Solomon Ring. Open the menu use the Ring and you will be rewarded with the GF Doomtrain and all it will have cost you is the items I have mentioned above there you go done!
While they may not be of dire importance, they are usefull in selling. They are worth like 125000 each. If you're hurting for cash sell 'em.
You do not need to get the Occult Fans to get the Doomtrain GF but they do sell for decent money and they are quite intersting to read, but in the grand scheme of things you can still get Doomtrain without them so don't worry too much.