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  1. #1
    I will save the world Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    I'm here to see on this site to all those who played FF8, which was the most annoying battle IYO...for me it would be the battle of diablos, the man is a cheap GF...and he always killed me early in the that stupid gravija attack...gah!

    Funny story about it actually, my buddy was started playing FF8 and was at Galbadia Garden, he already forgot about Siren and he wanted to get diablos, he fought him without looking at his GF's and he was DESTROYED, he called me up asking for my help and I had to level up about 6 levels and get his gf's compitable with their characters...finally after button mashing the crap out of the boost attacks, I finally got him, though I told time you want him beat him early

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  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    I didn't like the spider thing that you have to fight again and again after you leave the Dollet satellite station. It was annoying. I ran away from it, because the game told me to.

    I tried beating it completely once. But I would get it down to about 500 HP, and it would revive itself. If I didn't have to get to the boat in thirty minutes I would have stuck with the battle and killed it.
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  3. #3
    Fueled by Coffee Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    I have to agree with Michael, that mechanical spider was annoying because the game was forcing me to escape. I never tried beating, first time I played it I obeyed the game, later times I didn't think about it as I've already seen the FMV coming ahead.

    That's a funny story about Diablos!
    I never really hated doing gaming stuff for friends, but it really annoys me when someone asks for my saved games. Luckily it's no longer the case with PS3 =)

  4. #4
    I will save the world Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post
    I have to agree with Michael, that mechanical spider was annoying because the game was forcing me to escape. I never tried beating, first time I played it I obeyed the game, later times I didn't think about it as I've already seen the FMV coming ahead.

    That's a funny story about Diablos!
    I never really hated doing gaming stuff for friends, but it really annoys me when someone asks for my saved games. Luckily it's no longer the case with PS3 =)
    I personally don't mid helping our friends, I just had to button mash hard during the boosts to beat him and I hurt my hand doing it, I'm not as young as aigle as I once was when it first came out for the psx

    As for the spider, I recall a walkthrough I was level quazoctel up to lv 30, and then you're able to get some sweet exp from the spider.....despite that the FMV after is EPIC!

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  5. #5
    Registered User Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Hmm, I'd have to say either Adel or The Tonberry King.

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    The Brothers is the only fight I don't like doing. The Spider Mech is fun to do. Infact that whole SeeD mission is great when you know how to gain points for your Rank.

    Diablos is probably my favorite fight in FFVIII.
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  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    You can kill the Spider Boss at a low level. I do it at lvl10 almost all the time. You have to do it at the screen where the Guard dies and you get attacked by a Monster. If you beat the Mech at that point in the chase you don't have to worry about it during the rest of the run back to the shore. Takes on average 10 minutes to beat? Depends on the level. Squall has Thunder Junctioned to his Ele Attack.
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  8. #8
    Registered User Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    You can kill the Spider Boss at a low level. I do it at lvl10 almost all the time. You have to do it at the screen where the Guard dies and you get attacked by a Monster. If you beat the Mech at that point in the chase you don't have to worry about it during the rest of the run back to the shore. Takes on average 10 minutes to beat? Depends on the level. Squall has Thunder Junctioned to his Ele Attack.
    I actually enjoyed fighting the Spider Boss; probably because the Dollet mission was one of my favorite parts of the game.

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  9. #9
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    First time I played VIII, I hated that one mech that you fought in the Missle Base, because of the time limit. That timer stressed me out. It wasn't so bad in later playthroughs, because I had a better grasp of what to do.

    I will ALWAYS hate the Propagators though... Not the actual fights, but the fact that you have to defeat them in pairs to kill 'em off for good.

    As for just random enemy encounters, I hated fighting Red Dragons and Malboros. Both of those were such a pain to kill...
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    Registered User Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    First time I played VIII, I hated that one mech that you fought in the Missle Base, because of the time limit. That timer stressed me out. It wasn't so bad in later playthroughs, because I had a better grasp of what to do.

    I will ALWAYS hate the Propagators though... Not the actual fights, but the fact that you have to defeat them in pairs to kill 'em off for good.

    As for just random enemy encounters, I hated fighting Red Dragons and Malboros. Both of those were such a pain to kill...
    The propagators pissed me off quite a bit, actually. Totally forgot about them.

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  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    killing 20 tonberries to get don tonberry >_>

    Also, in response to the diablo battle, I found it rather easy. The main method I use is to draw demi from him, then cast it on him. It will deal great amounts of damage (over 1000) and he will cast curaga on you (???). Repeat this process a couple fo times, then just finish him off with limit breaks which should be easy to use since his gravity attacks will lower your health to the point in which you should be able to without mashing Triangle.

    Killing the mech spider whilst on the doller mission will give you a hyper wrist and 50ap.

  12. #12
    I will save the world Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    [QUOTE=Rowan;1316642]killing 20 tonberries to get don tonberry >_>

    Also, in response to the diablo battle, I found it rather easy. The main method I use is to draw demi from him, then cast it on him. It will deal great amounts of damage (over 1000) and he will cast curaga on you (???). Repeat this process a couple fo times, then just finish him off with limit breaks which should be easy to use since his gravity attacks will lower your health to the point in which you should be able to without mashing Triangle.

    ....oh god, if I knew I could do that I would of saved myself from having a soar wrist lol. He is one of my fav GF's though, it looks cool what he does.

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  13. #13
    The White Wizard of Fynn Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Adel came to mind straight away. The first time I played this game, I was about ten years old and I didn't junction magic to stats properly, relying on GFs all the time. Needless to say this meant I couldn't attack Adel without killing Rinoa, and I could never get past the fight.

    The X-ATMO robot thing was irritating, but the ABP rewards for bringing its HP down were great for so early in the game, and I was always sure to master the GF abilities that required about 200 to get them out of the way. And then, of course, are Marlboros. You could guarantee they would ambush the party with Bad Breath when you least expected it, and when you had forgotten to save for a while.

  14. #14
    Everyone needs a savior Most Annoying Battle in FF8 the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    First time I played VIII, I hated that one mech that you fought in the Missle Base, because of the time limit. That timer stressed me out. It wasn't so bad in later playthroughs, because I had a better grasp of what to do.

    I will ALWAYS hate the Propagators though... Not the actual fights, but the fact that you have to defeat them in pairs to kill 'em off for good.

    As for just random enemy encounters, I hated fighting Red Dragons and Malboros. Both of those were such a pain to kill...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindu View Post
    And then, of course, are Marlboros. You could guarantee they would ambush the party with Bad Breath when you least expected it, and when you had forgotten to save for a while.
    Yea Ruby dragons and marlboros always popped up after about an hour of grinding and hit me with bad breath or breath and i was a goner

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    if I knew I could do that I would of saved myself from having a soar wrist lol. He is one of my fav GF's though, it looks cool what he does.
    hero without a name i got something you might wanna try when it comes to boost. idk if you already tried this but i found a pretty sweet way to do button mashing if its a single button at twice the speed also. only down side is double the chances of it reseting unless you got sick reflexes. ok use your finger nail to push the button and instead of pressing down on it try sliding your finger nail back and forth over the button.

    it may be hard to understand but if you try it on a flat surface its easier to get used to just put your thumb and pointer together and imagine your coloring a really dark line but make sure your finger nail of your pointer passes over square button

    let me know how it works out for ya
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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Diablos was a bitch. Cause at that point in the game I always wanted to fight, but every time I would try he would rape the unholy hell out of me. Kinda discouraged me a bit, but I always came through, and beat the piss out of him in the end.

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    Everyone needs a savior Most Annoying Battle in FF8 the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    true he was probably the hardest of all the gfs. i usually fought as soon as i got him and i always had him before the brothers although the tonberries sidequest in gerneal was annoying btw karma is a b5
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  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    killing 20 tonberries to get don tonberry >_>

    Also, in response to the diablo battle, I found it rather easy. The main method I use is to draw demi from him, then cast it on him. It will deal great amounts of damage (over 1000) and he will cast curaga on you (???). Repeat this process a couple fo times, then just finish him off with limit breaks which should be easy to use since his gravity attacks will lower your health to the point in which you should be able to without mashing Triangle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindu View Post
    And then, of course, are Marlboros. You could guarantee they would ambush the party with Bad Breath when you least expected it, and when you had forgotten to save for a while.
    and this.

    Malboros are indeed annoying as you pretty much have to change your junction setting to nullify their Bad Breath which I never did.

    I found Adel to be rather annoying on my first playthrough, not her as much as Gilgamesh who would pop out during the battle and usually kill Rinoa.

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  18. #18
    I will save the world Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Funny story about malaboros, you're supposed to be malaboro tentacles in order to get doom train. I ran into a Malaboro and before I had time to go after it, Odin came out killed the guy and I got 6 tentacles Before that, I always had a hard problem though. It sucked At least in VII, and X you have a fighting chance against them.

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  19. #19
    Crash Boom Bang Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    NORG was a nuicance. it pecked head having to hit those stupid orbs. Still frustrates me every time I play

    Tonberry King is probably the most annoying though, if only for the build up with having to go through a plethora of tonberries just for him to appear. Luckily Ive never actually died on him, but having to face all them 'berries again is enough to make me pay attention more than usual in that fight. Especially when he's dropping a load of crap on my head

  20. #20
    Everyone needs a savior Most Annoying Battle in FF8 the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    load of crap thats funny, yea tonberry king is great but i try to get him right away which helps because while fighting through all the tonberries karma doesnt do near as much damage, and if you could mod your way to life, full life, or regen on your hp stat then it takes way longer to defeat them.
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  21. #21
    Crash Boom Bang Most Annoying Battle in FF8 Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    it helps having quistis on low health and starting the battle with micro missles, only problem is, i cant remember now what i have the other chars doing, i just know that that is a god send for her first couple of moves..

  22. #22
    Everyone needs a savior Most Annoying Battle in FF8 the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Most Annoying Battle in FF8

    Ya i try to have a strategy but it always gets blown bout halfway threw
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