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Here is my cast for Final Fantasy VIII if it would be remade with voices.
Squall: David Boreanaz
To me he is the one and only Squall and I think that he would manage.
Quistis: Paula Tiso
She played the Quistis Look-a-like Jihl Nabaat in FFXIII and I think that she would be the person to play Quistis. Of course her voice would have a more sweeter tone but would otherwise be the same voice.
Irvine: Quinton Flynn
Don't ask me why I chose Quinton to play Irvine. I will leave that for you to ponder.
Selphie: Molly Keck
She played Selphie in the Kingdom Hearts series and I think that she would therefore voice Selphie in her original incarnation.
Rinoa: Hedy Burress
I think that she would be the cool choice to play Rinoa. That's about it.
Zell: James Arnold Taylor
This was a bit of a tough choice but I eventually settled on him. Why him you ask? Well, I had this idea that Zell would sound like Tidus but is more brash and cool.
And that's all of the main cast. Tell me what do you think about my choices.
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Here is my cast for Final Fantasy VIII if it would be remade with voices.
Squall: Reuben Langdon
Also the voice of Dante from Devil May Cry 3 and 4, i think tweaked the right way this would be epic for squall!
Quistis: Laura Bailey
I always caught Quistis as a sexy and sleek, under-rated character in FF8, but i do think she deserves a lustfull voice to an extent.
Irvine: Dave Wittenberg
would be an Amazing Irvine, well known as the voice of Kakashi from Naruto, with a slight pitch shift in voice, would be perfect imo.
Selphie: Monica Rial
Selphie was playful and full of life and energy, so she'd need a childlike voice. this one is damn close to what I'd pick.
Rinoa: Cherami Leigh
Strong, yet sincere, loving yet determined, that's what Rinoa needs.
Zell: David Vincent
Nothings going to pull off that egotistical air head like David can lol, would be amazing.
Adding a few you didn't:
Seifer: Crispin Freeman
the tone and depth are perfect for a Villain, I'd love to see this.
Sorceress Edea: Allison Keith
I'd love to see this, her voice if toned bass heavy would be epic lol.
And that's all of the main cast. Tell me what do you think about my choices.
I think it is an interesting thread, but I'm just not good with placing voices like you. I'll have to search for some videos with each the posted people to know if I agree or not.
If it gets a remake it just might, but first FF7.
I'm sure about voices but I would like to see waht they what kind of voices would be added to each character. To see if they really match the personality of the cahracter through the game.
Games beaten:- Crisis core, FF7 FF9 FF10. I need more time to game
The dude who voices Nero in DMC4 should voice Squall.
Scott McNeil should be the voice for Zell because they both look like flamers.
ogawd cover your eyes:
I warned you.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I think it would be good but I wouldn't like to put a name to a voice also you could be slightly disappointed if a) Someone did a crap job or b)They sound different to how you hear them in your head (and I don't mean that literally I don't have voices in my head) because cuz how you perceive the charcaters in this game is how they sound to you which would be diffrent for everyone.