A. I hope I remember this right x3.
Squall, Irvine, Selphie, Seifer, Quistis, Zell, Edea (She was matron) and Ellone.
Hope I didn't leave anyone out.
Q. Who was the "King of Cards" before passing on the title to Quistis?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
A. Diablos, Carbuncle, Cerberus, and Jumbo Cactaur.
Q. List all Triple Triad Cards: Level 8.
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
A: Chubby Chocobo, Angelo, Gilgamesh, Mini Mog, Chicobo, Quezacoyl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Sacred, and Minotaur.
Q: What is the name of Siefer's Gunblade?
A. The Hyperion I believe.
Q. Who are Rinoa's parents?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
A: Julia and general Carraway.
free question.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
A. At rank 15 your salary will be 12,500 gil.
Q. When were the release dates in the USA, Japan and Europe for this game?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
Japan - February 11, 1999
USA - September 9, 1999
England - October 27, 1999
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
Q. What is the translation to the song Liberi Fatali?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
A. I did some research and found this:
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Wake from your sleep, my children
Your childhood years are gone
Wake from your sleep, Children of Fate
Your rest is gone
Come to the true garden
The garden of spring's truth
With fiery truth,
Burn the evils of this world.
With fiery truth,
Light the darkness of the world.
Farewell, children
The day has died.
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (succesion of witches)
Q. How old are all the main characters in the story (by main I mean playable)?
Squall = 17
Rinoa = 17
Irvine = 18
Selphie = 17
Quistis = 18
Zell = 17
Laguna = 27
Seifer = 18
Question - What do you get from Draw from Ultima?
At the end of the day, it comes down to one hero to save us all.
you can draw Eden from Ultima Weapon. That is a must-have!
question: Where do you go to obtain the GF Doomtrain?
How is Laguna related to the other party members?
Maybe there should be another question, since that was a little bit vague.
Q. Name all of the Command abilities learned by various GFs, and which ones learn them.
A. Magic - All GF
Draw - All GF
GF - All GF
Item - All GF
Card - Quezacotl
Doom - Shiva
Mad Rush - Ifrit Eden
Treatment - Siren
Defend - Brothers, Cactuar
Darkside - Diablos, Doomtrain, Eden
Recover - Leviathan
Absorb - Pandemona, Doomtrain
Revive - Alexander
LV Down - Tonberry
LV Up - Tonberry
Kamikaze - Cactaur
Devour - Eden
MiniMog - N/A
Q. Who is NORG?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
A. The NORG is an outcast of the Shuumi tribe, who funded Balamb Garden, and just happens to be the Garden Master.
Q. Name all the monsters found on The Island Closest To Heaven.
I believe they are Malboro, Ochu, Chimera, and Hexadragon
Free Question
Q. List all of Rinoa's weapons and what parts are needed to make them.
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
A: Weapons-Items
1. Pin Wheel - 3X M-stone Piece
2. Valkyrie - Shear Feather and Magic Stone
3. Rising Sun - Saw Blade and 8x Screws
4. Cardinal - Cockatrice Pinion ,Sharp Spike and Mesmerize Blade
5. Shooting Star - 2x Windmill, 2x Regen Ring, Force Armlet, and 2x Energy Crystal
Q: List of Quistis Blue Magic and items needed to learn every Blue Magic.
*ability* - *item*
Ultra Waves - spider web
Electracute - coral fragment
Lv ? Death - curse spike
Degenerator - black hole
Aqua breath - water crystal
Micro missle - missle
Acid - mystery fluid
Gatling gun - running fire
Fire breath - inferno fang
Bad breath - malboro tentacle
White wind - whisper
Homing laser - laser cannon
Mighty guard - barrier
Ray bomb - power generator
Shockwave pulsar - dark matter
Free question
Q. List all the available Guardian Forces in FFVIII and how you attain them.
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
Quezacotl- Get it automatically, either from your control panel in the classroom, or from Quistis
Shiva- Same as Quezacotl
Ifrit- Beat it in the Fire Cavern
Siren- Draw from Elvoret at the top of the Dollet Comm. Tower, or Tri-Point at Ultemicia's Castle
Diablos- Beat it by using the Magical Lamp
Brothers- Beat them in the Tomb Of The Unknown King
Carbuncle- Draw from Iguions at the Presidential Palace during the Assassination mission, or Krysta at Ultimecia's Castle
Leviathan- Draw from The NORG in the basement of Balamb Garden, or Trauma at Ultimecia's Castle
Pandemona- Draw from Fujin in the Balamb Hotel, or Red Giant at Ultimecia's Castle
Cerberus- Beat it in the G-Garden, or draw from Gargantua at Ultimecia's Castle
Alexander- Draw from Edea in the G-Garden, or Catoblepas at Ultimecia's Castle
Doomtrain- Use the Solomon Ring after obtaining 6 Malboro Tentacles, 6 Steel Pipes & 6 Remedy+
Bahamut- Beat in the Underwater Facility
Cactuar- Beat the Jumbo Cactuar on Cactuar Island
Tonberry- Beat 20 Tonberrys in the Cetra Ruins, and then beat the Tonberry King
Eden- Draw from Ultima Weapon at the bottom of the Underwater Research Facility, or Tiamat at Ultemecia's Castle
Here are the extra ones too.
Odin- Beat him at Cetra Ruins
Gilgamesh- Have Odin, then fight Seifer at the Lunatic Pandora
Phoenix- Use a Phoenix Pinion
Chicobo- Use Gysahl Greens
MiniMog- Use a Pocketstation
Moomba-Same as MiniMog
...Phew that was all from memory too
Wha hoo! *Huggles*
Q. What are Squall, Selphie, Rinoa, Irvine, Quistis and Zell's surnames?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
they are
Squall Leonhart
Selphie Tilmitt
Rinoa Heartilly
Irvine Kinneas
Quistis Trepe
and Zell Dincht
Q. Which Garden is Selphie from? And in Balamb which commitee does she join?
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.