A. It was the NTSC version of the game.
Q. When you fight BGH251F2 in the missile base, how many of its 'pods' do you destroy before you beat it?
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A. It was the NTSC version of the game.
Q. When you fight BGH251F2 in the missile base, how many of its 'pods' do you destroy before you beat it?
Q. What is the first line spoken by Selphie in the game?
A: "Im late im late"
Q: What are the names of all of Ultimecia's forms?
A. Ultimecia, Ultimecia-Griever, True Ultimecia
Q. How much Gil does a train ticket cost from Balamb to Timber?
A: 3000 Gil I believe
Q: Where was the Esuna Draw point on the Island of Balamb?[/
? You're going to have to be more specific
The Island where Balamb Garden and Balamb Town is located, on that small little piece of land where you first started out, there is an Esuna draw point somewhere on it. Where is it?
sorry theres no other way i can make it more specific without giving the answer away ^_^ it's real easy though
A. At the enterance to the train tunnel near the town of Balamb.
Q. There are hidden draw points around the Island Closest to Heaven/Hell. What are all the spells you can draw from them?
A: Tornado, Ultima, Meteor, Triple, Aura, Quake, Full-Life, Holy, And Flare
Q:We have all gotten frustrated with the ever so famous Queen of Cards, but there is a simpler way to get all those cards without having to deal with all the rule changing. What is that way? (lol sorry it sounded like a talk show thing but there was no other way to explain it)
A: (I think i heard this somewhere) From the little boy in Dollet
Q.) Seifer holds his gunblade in an interesting way, extended out in front of him with one hand. What other character in FF VIII held a gunblade the same way?
A: Laguna
Q: When playing Triple Triad, what squares on the grid are the ideal places for the Sacred and Minotaur cards?
A. Depends on the rules really, but for starting points, Top right for Sacred, and bottom right for Minotaur.
Q. On Angelo's card, what do the numbers add up to?
A: Its either 23 or 25
^ I'll give you half marks, it was 25 :P
Q. What do the numbers add up to on the Caterchipillar card?
What items can you find in zell's room?
A: a bed, a gun rack, his famous T-board and storage e.g. drawers
^ You forgot a punch bag :P
Bit of an easy one
Q. During the part where the Galbadian Army invade Balamb, what does the Captain cook in Zell's mum's kitchen?
A: That one fish exclusive to the Balamb region.
Q: Which sword that Squall uses does the Elite Mark Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy XII have a duplicate of?
That's XII Trivia?
I Moan cause i dislike 12 and doubt i got that far :P
A. It was Squall's Revolver, with a chocobo emblem on the blade instead of the lion if I remember correctly.
Q: What symbol is always a reference to Rinoa?
A:Either a feather or an angel's wing. I want to say feather
If correct then FQ
Q. On the MD level of Balamb Garden, what element does the game tell you the monsters there are weak against?
A: Fire
Q: In what movie are two kids seen playing Final Fantasy VIII?