A: The Ring Of Gaia
Q: This one is tough or easy (depending if you know ur FF8 Knowledge on Bosses) What is the rare item you can get from Mugging Adel in the first Boss Battle of Disc 4?
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A: The Ring Of Gaia
Q: This one is tough or easy (depending if you know ur FF8 Knowledge on Bosses) What is the rare item you can get from Mugging Adel in the first Boss Battle of Disc 4?
A.) Samantha Soul
Easy one:
Q.) How does a Moomba remember people?
A. They do so by licking their blood, thus recognising their DNA.
Q. List the magic spells that Selphie can use in Slot which cannot be used by others.
A. Wall, Full cure, The End, Rapture.
Q. What can the Tonberry King drop after being beat?
A: That would be the Royal Crown.
Q: What are the answers to Bahamut's questions in the Deep Sea Research Center?
Here are his questions:
1) So you wish to challenge me...
2) Begging for mercy?
3) Damned imbeciles. Why do you wish to fight?
A. 1: "It's not our will to fight"
2: "Never"
3: "None of your business"
Q. What is Squall's Student ID number?
A. 41269
Q. The gilgamesh card can be refined into what?
A.) You get 10 Holy Wars for refining the Gilgamesh card.
Q.) What is General Caraway's first name?
A: Fury, a BA first name btw haha
Q: How do you get Fury Caraway to use his Rinoa card in the Triple Triad Card Game?
A: You should give him Ifrit's card.
Q: Fury immediately loses the Ifrit card you gave him, who did he lose it to and where can you find them?
A.) He lost it to Martine, and you can find Martine in Fisherman's Horizon to win back the Ifrit card. :D
Q.) How were Ellone's parents killed?
A: They were shot down for refusing to hand over their child
Q: In the storyline, who was the only playable character that remembered about being together in the past?
A: Irvine
Q: What did the other characters attribute this memory loss to?
A. The use of GFs.
Q: What is the name of the mechanical boss that attacks you in the Galbadia Missile Base?
A: BGH251F2 also known as Iron Clad
Q: When you get to fight BGH251F2, you can actually lose in two ways, the first one if all of your characters fall down (the usual one) and the second one is?
Taking a stab at the answer here:
A.) The other way is if you run out of time when the self-destruct mechanism was set.
Q.) During the concert scene in Fisherman's Horizon, what instruments do you have to choose for the Town Music Theme from FF V to play?
- Violin
- Flute
- Acoustic Guitar
- Tap
Q: And which instruments are needed for "Eyes on Me" theme?
A: Electric Guitar, Saxophone, Bass Guitar, and Piano (I'm pretty sure these are the remaining four).
Q: Name all of the GFs that can be drawn, as well as who or what their drawn from.
A: Tough one. Here is all of them
Siren - drawn from Elvoret
Carbuncle - drawn from Iguions
Leviathan - drawn from NORG
Pandemona - drawn from Fujin and Raijin during disc 2
Alexander - drawn from Edea during disc 2 fight
Edea - drawn from Ultima Weapon
Q: What is the most you can boost a GF's attack to during the animation when you summon them?
A. 250
Q. What is the name of the theme that plays while on the World Map?
A: Blue Fields
If it's free question, then I'll go for it.
Q: Name the attacks of all the GF's in the game (including the ones not actually equipped by the party).
Quezacotl - Thunder Storm
Shiva - Diamond Dust
Ifrit - Hellfire
Siren - Silent Voice
Brothers - Brotherly Love
Diablos - Dark Messenger
Carbuncle - Ruby Light
Leviathan - Tsunami
Pandemona - Tornado Zone
Cerberus - Counter Rockets
Alexander - Holy Judgement
Doomtrain - Runaway Train
Bahamut - Mega Flare
Cactuar - 1000 Needles
Tonberry - Chef's Knife
Eden - Eternal Breath
Chocobo - ChocoFire, ChocoFlare, ChocoMeteor
Moomba - MoombaMoomba
MiniMog - Moogle Dance
Phoenix - Rebirth Flame
Odin - Zantetsuken
Gilgamesh - Excalibur, Excalipoor, Masamune, Zantetsuken
Q: What item do you get for defeating a PuPu?
A: The Level 5 card, Pupu.
Q: What item do you receive if you Card Mod a Gayla card?
A: Card Modding Gayla gives you a Mystery Fluid, which teaches Quistis the Blue Magic "Acid," and also Status Mag-Refines into Meltdown.
Q. What were the colours of the Propagators?