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Thread: FFVIII Help Thread

  1. #61
    how do you beat the sorceress when she has the one from your team

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowlord7
    how do you beat the sorceress when she has the one from your team

    Do you mean Adel, when she takes over Rinoa?

    If you do remember you can't use GF's and magics probably not the best route.
    Sorry to say this but there isn't a easy way to blitz this battle, keep up with just using physical attacks, have a party member just for healing. The most important thing for this fight is to make sure you don't kill Rin. If you do Game Over.

    It might take a while but its a pretty easy fight overall.

    Good luck.

  3. #63
    Hi I need some help in finding the players cards

    If you can help It would be appreshiated
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  4. #64
    You get Squall off Laguna
    Zell off his ma
    Rinoa off General Caraway (but you have to forfeit your shiva and Ifirit cards just to play him)
    Quistis is from one of the trepes ( I think) who hangs around in the garden classroom
    Irvine and Selphie - sorry I can't remember.

  5. #65
    Do you know where the shiva card is
    And the siefer card
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  6. #66
    how do you beat the sorceress when she has the one from your team
    A couple of tips:

    1: Draw-Cast Regen from Rinoa onto Rinoa

    2: If you have Zell in your party, use his limit breaks. If not, just use any limit breaks that only hit a single enemy.

    Hi I need some help in finding the players cards

    If you can help It would be appreshiated
    Ward - Doctor Odine in the Esthar Palace/Laboratory

    Kiros - From the man wearing black outside the Deling City hotel. You must taking part in the Card Queen Quest at the time.

    Laguna - Ellone in the Lunar Base

    Selphie - Selphie's friend in Trabia Garden

    Quistis - Trepie Groupie #2 in the Cafeteria

    Irvine - From the Station Master (Female) in Fisherman's Horizon. You must taking part in the Card Queen Quest at the time.

    Zell - Zell's mother in Balamb Town

    Rinoa - Lose the Ifrit card against General Caraway and he'll play the Rinoa card. To get your Ifrit card back, go to Fisherman's Horizon and challenge Martine

    Edea - Edea at her Orphanage

    Seifer - Cid either at Balamb Garden's bridge or at Edea's Orphanage

    Squall - Laguna at Esthar or on the Ragnarok

  7. #67
    Cid has Seifers card and for shiva when your on the white Seed ship talk to Zone he'll ask for a magazine, get the "The girl next door" book and give it to Zone and he'll give you Shiva's card.

  8. #68
    Where can I find Cid
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  9. #69
    In the gardens bridge or the orphanage.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by dark ultima
    Where can I find Cid
    Did you not read my post? =/

  11. #71
    yeah I posted that before reading your thread <sorry>

    So can somone tell me I'm on disc two and does anyone no where I can find the girl next door mag is
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  12. #72
    When you are in Timber go into Timber Maniacs and search all the stacks of magazines to find "Girl Next Door."

  13. #73
    ok thanks for that I got it in my other game but I started again and forgot where it was

    One more thing can you tell me where I can obtain a metal pipe for squalls weapon?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  14. #74
    Defeat or Mug wendigos

    Ok If you need any help just ask

  15. #75
    Ummm. wheres the easiest place or easiest way to obtain Adamantine other than card modding the Minator card

  16. #76
    So where can I find the wendigos?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  17. #77
    I know you can get them around the desert like bit outside Galbadia, but I can't remember anywhere else, I relly need to play through again.

  18. #78
    What is the best way to get Admantine other than car modding Minataur ?

  19. #79
    Sorry if I'm wrong 'cos it's been too long since I've played.

    But isn't there adamantoises in the Lunatic Pandora - if there is you should be able to get them of them.

  20. #80
    What do they look like?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  21. #81
    Big tortoises

  22. #82
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread Zaden's Avatar
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    May 2006
    what all do i have to do to be able to face the ultima weapon
    There is a bullet for everyone the trick is to see it and duck

  23. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwish
    what all do i have to do to be able to face the ultima weapon
    Do you mean how to fight him or how to get to him?

  24. #84
    So where do I find Martine in the FH?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  25. #85
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread Zaden's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by -Xu-
    Do you mean how to fight him or how to get to him?
    i mean how to get to him

    dark ultima If your talking about the old galbadian headmaster hes near the mayors office in Fh
    go down the long bridge to get to the mayors house then go offscrene to the left then you should find him
    There is a bullet for everyone the trick is to see it and duck

  26. #86
    Ok I'm guessing you have Bahamut, if you do just exit and re-enter the Deep sea research center and they'll be a hole in the floor where bahamut was if your party is over Lv.70. Go down it and then you have to work your way through loads of levels of increasingly harder leveled monster. I wouldn't recommend doing this if you arent level 90+ and if you dont have enc - none.

  27. #87
    I can't beat Edea for her card because she uses the random selection on the draw of your cards is there any other way of getting her card?
    or is there anyway to beat her/ getting the card selection so I can choose your own cards?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  28. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by dark ultima
    I can't beat Edea for her card because she uses the random selection on the draw of your cards is there any other way of getting her card?
    or is there anyway to beat her/ getting the card selection so I can choose your own cards?

    Um, I'm really sorry but I don't think there is, I might be wrong though.

  29. #89
    no worrys if you find anything PM me
    Also where can I find the white SeeD ship the one on disc 3?
    The one with Ellone on it?
    So do you have any Idea where I can find it?
    Last edited by Alpha's Ghost; 05-18-2006 at 09:30 AM.
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  30. #90


    I made a thread about revive+ and then realised that there was a thread for questions and answers!
    A while ago a heard about something called revive+. I cant remember what it was or how to get it. Could someone please help me! thanks

    "Lively? He's just loud" - Squall

    "Know-It-All-Zell to the rescue again, baby. Ready for a little story time, Squall?"

    "Maybe I should give this guy more credit" - Squall

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    My TFF Family:
    My mother-Al bhed Psycho, My brothers-Shaun Taylor 18,Auron_0903,OmniTense,abarai renji, My dog-Kurosaki Ichigo, My uncle-maxpower, My auntie-Xeim, My cousin-Knox, My Grandma-Chez Daja

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