hey neo necron, im having alot of trouble getting squalls ultimate weapon, dude ive been trying for ages n just cant seem to get it...can i get any help on this ?
Signed: veyr annoyed and needy rpg gamer...
I've no idea why I didn't think of making one of these before, but if you seek help and advice for FFVIII, here is the place to ask your questions.
Also, if anybody wants to answer a question for somebody, then do feel free. This thread is free for anybody to make any questions and/or answers they desire (so long as the are not spammy, of course ^_^).
Last edited by Neo Necron; 03-29-2005 at 10:30 AM.
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hey neo necron, im having alot of trouble getting squalls ultimate weapon, dude ive been trying for ages n just cant seem to get it...can i get any help on this ?
Signed: veyr annoyed and needy rpg gamer...
Ok, you need
Adamantine x1
Dragon Fang x4
Pulse Ammo x12
How to get it:
To get the Adamantine either defeat an Adamantoise
or change Minotaur card into item.
To get Dragon Fangs fight From Blue Dragon w/RARE ITEM ability on to receive it as a item
And finaly to get Pulse Ammo change Lazer Cannon item to get 5 Pulse Ammo or change Power Generator to get 20 Pulse Ammo.
Thats how I just did it.
Yeah, those are the items to get. A few additional notes though:
Make sure you dont mug the adamantoises, or you won't win any adamantines.
Dragon Fangs, again, win them from Blue Dragons but don't mug them. Blue Dragons succumb easily to a comination of meltdown and death. Doesn't work all the time, but more often than death works on some other enemies.
Power Generators to get Pulse Ammo can be won from Elnoyles. You can find one in Esthar. Look around for a dark looking guy standing on a walkway by a sort of T-junction. Speak to him, he'll laugh manically and you'll fight an Elnoyle. Again, defeat it, don't mug it.
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[REPLEY QUOTE TO:Mr_Biggs= FROM Tristen] Squall's final weapon is impossible to get if you try to get it by cards instead be patient you have to be on the third disc alright here's what you need ADAMANTINE- you'll have to sacrifice a card called minataur or something like that any way use CARD MOD to get ADAMANTINE.Originally Posted by Mr_Biggs
PULSE AMMO on the end of disc three you'll have to fight a robot inside lunatic pandora (only after you smashed in to it with the red ship you get) it'll drop something put that through AMMO-RF that'll give you enough PULSE AMMO.
DRAGON FANGS-welllllllll you just have to fight dragons ya know that about covers it.
Last edited by tristen; 04-05-2005 at 11:48 AM.
Heh...well I have a question. In disk three, how do you get the items to get doomstrain. I got it once but I forgot how to do it now.
6 Malboro Tentacles (Mug or win from Malboros)
6 Remedy Pluses (Refine from remedies using Alexander's (I think it's Alexander) Med-Lv-Up ability)
6 Steel Pipes (Mug or win from low-level wendigos)
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You can also get Marlboro Tentacles from Card Modding. 4 Malboro cards gets you 4 I beleive.
Thanks yall, I got the summon.
Hey NN do you know the best place to train in FF8? Trying to find a good place.
Try going to the island closest to hell or the island closest to heaven. All the monsters there are at level 100. If you beat any monsters there you can get bout 750-1200 exp per battle.
If you wana make it easy for yourself junction 100 death to elem/att and its a one hit kill.
Isn't it status/att? Because Death isn't an element.....
Anyway....Is there a way to stop (spoiler below....I think)
Ultimecia from drawing away all of your stuff?
Indeed there is, it is by killing her uber fast...When I fought her, she only managed to get about 3 different spells from me.
Well, if you want me to go into detail, just say so...
Seriously yes. I'm having a bit of trouble.
The final Boss can really only be stopped from stealing your spells by yes, just defeating her really fast. However, it can be argued that if you really use your "Bonus" abilities (Str Bonus, Vt Bonus) then you shouldn't really have to worry.
Ex: When i faced her, My Squall had Str Bonus since about level 20, and had it through level 100. He gained an additional 80 str points, making a HUGE difference. Using a strength + 60% ability helps even more. You may not even have to equip a spell to strength. I did this with strength and HP, and also magic I believe. Squall was a wrecking force, and destroyed most enemies, without many spells equipped.
If that's not an option: Have Squall, Zell, and another character. Double cast (using Cerberus) Aura on Squall and Zell, then use Holy Wars on your party. Let them unload (Squall with Renzokuken, Zell abusing Duel if you know the trick. If you don't, basically, you just let Zell loose using only (I believe) Punch Rush and Booya, and repeat over and over again.) Then repeat, for an easy win.
Basically, I used Squall, Irvine, and Zell. I used Aura on them and had them bust out their limits. Squall with the Lionheart, Zell with Duel, and Irvine with Pulse Ammo.
By the way, what is the duel trick? I think I've heard it somewhere before but I forgot it...
I just said the duel trick.
Basically, you just let Zell do two moves repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I used Booya (O X) and Punch rush ( Up, down) and you keep repeating those two moves. People have done this so they've gotten over 400,000 damage on one duel. I can get usually an average of about 100,000 on one Duel, so it can easily beat Renzokuken. However, you can only do moves of about 2 buttons or less, because otherwise, it takes too long, and you don't get much in.
Meltdown + Aura + Renzokuken = Much damage to Ultemecia.
It's the way through most bosses, infact. Read the 'FFVIII too easy' thread to get an idea ^_^.
Limit breaks really are the way to killing Ultemecia fast. Aura gets you more access to limit breaks, so use as many as you can. Casting meltdown on Ultemecia weakens her as it does with any other enemy, so be sure to use it.
Oh, and if you are going to use Double or Triple, I wouldn't recommend using Cerberus, as Ultemecia can cast away your GFs as you summon them, so you dont want to risk wasting time.
I never bother with double or triple at all to be honest. I only really use magic for meltdown, aura, and healing, and healing can also be done using items. Since megalixirs do more than curagas, I use items more than I do magic.
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Good evening everybody!
Well, I'm a super fan of the Final Fantasy games, specially FF8. I finished this game several times but now I'm having a BIG problem with my disc one. The problem is: The game crashes at the Dollet Communication Tower (disc one) when Squall, Zell and Seifer get at the top of the hill and they meet Selphie. In this part the game crashes to desktop. For this reason I ask you masters: Does anybody have the saved game inside the Communication Tower? You know, before killing the boss? If you guys do, can you pleeeease send me this file?
Last edited by Leo Leonhart; 06-25-2005 at 06:22 PM.
Can't help you, sir, I play the PSX version of the game. If you like, you can make a seperate thread for this sort of question titled 'FFVIII save file required', I'll allow it as it's not the usual sort of question. It's due to a bug on your disc and not so much a question about the game itself.
Still, somebody may have a save game file. You could try searching the internet, I think there are websites out there that let you download save game files.
You could also try to re-install the game. Just keep ahold of the save file you do have before the game crashed.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
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I need help on getting the Power Generator.
I'm already on the fourth disk and missed any other chances to get them so I could use them on Quistis to acquire her Ray-Bomb Blue Magic. I looked it up and I've been reading how you can steal one from the Blitz monster but it is very rare. I haven't had any luck with stealing a Power Generator from the Blitz so I continued to look up information about this. I also found out that if you defeat over thirty enemies over level thirty, you may be able to steal from them.
I'm kind of confused, though. Does that mean kill any monster in the game that's above level thirty over thirty times? Or does it mean that I have to kill over thirty of the Blitz monsters over thirty times? Do I have to steal from them each time, not steal from them, or does it even matter?
Please, if anyone knows how to go about this the right way and knows that it'll work, I would greatly appreciate it. I've kind of lost the motivation to play Final Fantasy VIII because I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way and am not sure if I'll ever get the Power Generator. And from the sounds of it I could have gotten it easily earlier in the game but now that I'm on the fourth disk, I can't seem to find any other way to get the Power Generator.
You can't steal it you must mug it from blitz easy way to encounter blitzes is to walk in forests near edea's house. if it says cannot steal anything cure the blitz and use mug again.It's very rare to get it so it might take a while but just be patient.Hope this works
ps2:blitzes give you many times 8 betrayal sword.I have done this on PAL version.![]()
And Yes You Can Get It In Fourth Disk.anybody Saying Anything Else Are Liars
I thought stealing and mugging were kind of the same thing, or at least somewhat similar.
I looked it up in my guide book and you can't get a Power Generator from an Elnoyle. It's the Energy Crystal that I was really thinking of that you can use as some of the raw materials to refine your weapon into the Lion Heart if you have the other materials needed, or something. I knew there wasn't something right about when I heard that you can get Power Generators from and Elnoyle because I would have already of had it by now.
Thanks for advice. I'm glad it's different from what I've heard when I tried looking up some ways of getting the generator. Hopefully by combining these different strageties I'll finally get this item and get the game over with. Thanks again.
Oh and yeah, I've had enough of those Betrayal Swords.![]()
Good that I was any help![]()
same for me about those betrayal swords![]()
I am currently writing a revamped Tutorial, That covers just about every aspect of the game, much more then the game one provides, 300% more info then the game one. Its still a working progres...but basically I am here for anyone who needs help?
I actually have a question myself. Do they have Eva Up item or the Luck Up item? Or Hit-up? I wasn't entirly sure, I have never encountered them myself, but I'm learning new things everyday. Like if you Devour the right monster you can raise your raw strength stat(strength stat without juntioning)? It also applies for Vit, Spr, Spd, Mag, and HP. Interesting bit of info ehh? Just learned that today messing around with Devour. Neat things.
I don't have th PC version, and I know this is COMPLETELY unrelated, but my FF8 also has a problem with saving inside the communications tower. Except for the fact it refuses to save rather then freezing.Originally Posted by Leo Leonhart
Rinoa Heartilly: woah, I had no idea that was possible. I have to try it now... @_@;;...
I'm not sure to your question, though I seriously doubt it, I, having been through the game, seen everything there was to see, and never found any, so it's highly unlikely.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Well Rinoa Heartilly, that info is pretty old if you ask me.. at least on the gamefaqs forums they were doing that from the startBut good for people who didn't know!
I need some help here. I just got passed the part where you go to the white SeeD ship and i need to know how to get into Esthar and where to i find this monolith the people are talking about.
If i remember rightly you've got to go to FH. But bear in mind you're gonna be in Esthar for a while, and there are Malboros in the desert south of it, so make sure you're prepared.
before you hit Esthar you'll hit the Great Salt Lake, be careful because Abadon can be a bitch, but he has one major weakness, he's undead.
Hope that helps.
Yes, I am that little white running man on the fire exit signs you see.
hi i just started playing. i do not undestand the junctioning system and i don't understand nothing lol anyways like hwo to make them immune to stuff or somethign liek that