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  1. #271
    All is One.One is All. FFVIII Help Thread Firefly's Avatar
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    Sry Hyz,but I need to have a question answered..
    Ok,on Disc 3 when fighting the elctrical boss and the probes on Lunatic Pandora(sry I can't remember the name)..I can't beat him.My entire team is a 31 apart from Squall who is a 65.But still I keep dying.Any suggestions or tips?

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  2. #272
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FFVIII Help Thread Xanatos's Avatar
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    The boss is called "Mobile 8" if I remember correctly. He shouldn't be a problem unless you have crappy magic, few GF and you don't have any of their useful abilities, nuff said:

    1. mode - normal one, just hit his main body, the canons are no threat at all
    2. mode - the side cannons will fly off the main body and they will counterattack if you attack them.

    First of all don't use GF while you're fighting him in his second mode because he'll use counterattacks immediately and remember that you can't destroy the side cannons so aim for his main body. I hope you know that bosses and regular opponents level alongside you so levels aren't the most important factor in the game but it doesn't hurt to be on a high level. You're on disc 3 and in all honesty your opponent shouldn't give you a hard time but he does and the only thing that comes to my mind is that you're not prepared well enough.

    OK, the first and most important magic that you should have is "Aura", the magic that will enable you to use Limit Breaks more often (that means that you can deal some severe damage with Zell, Squall, Irvine) and I don't need to mention that you can finish this battle in one move, if Squall by any chance uses his Lionhart (you should have his ultimate weapon by now, if not I recommend you to obtain it, I highly doubt that you'll have a chance later in the game) and Qustis Blue Magic can be more than useful (Mighty Guard and White wind are the best support spells in the entire game). Also some GF abilities prove to be more than useful, HP+60%, Str +60%, Auto Haste, Auto Protect...and such should come in handy. Casting Protect and Regen on your entire party should be of some serious help, GF Cerberus is most useful here because he enables you to cast magic three times in a row. The battle itself shouldn't be hard, you just need to have decent magic, abilities and Limit Breaks also help a lot maybe the most because you can break him in few turns. I have read somewhere in a walktrough that Odin can also kill this opponent instantly but I'm not entirely sure on this one.

    I hope that I've been of some help.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 10-18-2009 at 01:33 AM.

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  3. #273
    All is One.One is All. FFVIII Help Thread Firefly's Avatar
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    Thx! I will see how it goes after I level some more.But thx alot again!
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    * My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
    * My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]

    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  4. #274
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FFVIII Help Thread Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    Thx! I will see how it goes after I level some more.But thx alot again!
    I would concentrate more on collecting some strong magics to junction, like Ultima, Aura, Protect, Shell, Flare, Full Life...and so on, but leveling isn't a bad idea also but remember that your opponent will be on the same level as your strongest character. There is another thing you should know that will come in handy not just against this boss but every single opponent, cast magic called "Meltdown" on your opponent and after that you'll deal noticeably more damage.

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  5. #275
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! FFVIII Help Thread Tallulah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    This isnt a question about gameplay. It's more a question of how I can possibly play. My problem is this:- At the end of disc 1, when the failed assassination video takes place, the video freezes. This leaves me unable to play any further.

    I just wondered if anybody knew of a way to correct this? I ask because I found a way to skip videos on FFIX and the game runs smoothly. This was by opening the disc cover on my Playstation 1.

    Any help at all would be appreciated.

    Aww no. This happens to my FFVII CDs (at Junon on Disc 1 and with Bugenhagen at the Ancients City on Disc 2) occasionally. As a result, I always wipe the disc with a cloth (usually the bottom of my t-shirt, lol!) before I put the disc in , and save before the FMVs in question, just in case. I haven't found any way to skip FMVs in VII and VIII unfortunately.

    Possibly the disc may be damaged. You can take this to any rental/video game store and they can try and repair them, which involves careful cleaning and putting on a protective film, for a small fee.

    A little less likely, if this happens with any other games, it might me the machine. Try the disc on a friend's machine, for example, to rule this out.

    Getting the disc repaired might not work if the damage is too severe, such as a really bad scratch, but it's quite cheap; more so if you have more CDs, DVDs or games that keep sticking or glitching up as they usually do discounts for multiple repairs.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #276
    Hi. I have a question about 2 of Quistis' limit breaks. My first question is about her "Shockwave Pulsar" limit break. Does anyone know what is the greatest potential amount of damage that she can cause with this limit break?

    My second question is about her "Mighty Guard" limit break. I like to use this limit break since it can cast the Aura spell on the whole party. Unfortunately, this very rarely occurs when I play. Is there any way I can increase the chances of the Aura spell being cast or is this entirely random? Will raising her luck stat have any effect on this?

    Thanks for your help.

  7. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by lodgamer View Post
    Hi. I have a question about 2 of Quistis' limit breaks. My first question is about her "Shockwave Pulsar" limit break. Does anyone know what is the greatest potential amount of damage that she can cause with this limit break?

    My second question is about her "Mighty Guard" limit break. I like to use this limit break since it can cast the Aura spell on the whole party. Unfortunately, this very rarely occurs when I play. Is there any way I can increase the chances of the Aura spell being cast or is this entirely random? Will raising her luck stat have any effect on this?

    Thanks for your help.
    Well, max dame of Shockwave i'd ever seen was 38.000
    Mighty Guard provide all the party with Haste, Protect, Shell and may be Float, Regen and Aura. The more dangerous quistis in hp lower, more bad effect, the more lucky she will cast aura.
    Here is the status that Quitis always cast aura, 1 hp

  8. #278

    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Can you do ALL of the sidequests on Disc 3 or 4? Or are there some that you have to do on certain discs, like 1 or 2?

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  9. #279
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ FFVIII Help Thread Treize's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    Can you do ALL of the sidequests on Disc 3 or 4? Or are there some that you have to do on certain discs, like 1 or 2?
    I'm pretty sure that you can do all of the sidequests once you get Ragnarok in disk three. Don't wait until disk four to do them, though, because a lot of the sidequests become unavailable if you did not know. I think the only thing you could miss would be the GFs, but you can get them later in disk four. I'm not sure how much help they will be that late in the game, but you can still get them.
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  10. #280

    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Another question, are there any missable magazines in the game? I think i've missed the ones at the Balamb Hotel and Train Station

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  11. #281
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ FFVIII Help Thread Treize's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    Another question, are there any missable magazines in the game? I think i've missed the ones at the Balamb Hotel and Train Station
    Yeah, I know that you can at least miss the one that you have to get with Rinoa in the sewers in disk one. I thought you could back track, and get the rest if you missed them initially, but I'm not positive. Also, it isn't that big of a deal if you miss them because you can still mod your weapons without them; you just need to have the right items, and it will appear without the magazine. Also you can buy them all in disk three at Esthar. Even if you miss them, you will be able to get them all eventually.
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  12. #282
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! FFVIII Help Thread Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    Another question, are there any missable magazines in the game? I think i've missed the ones at the Balamb Hotel and Train Station
    If you are referring to the Timber Maniacs magazines, the magazine at Balamb can either be found in the hotel room OR the train station. Depending on which one you come across first, it determines whether or not Laguna falls asleep during his meeting with Julia during the first dream sequence. I'm not sure what happens if you pick up neither before heading off to Timber... :/

    For each one you pick up, Selphie will add an article to her 'Sir Laguna' fan page on the console in the classroom.
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  13. #283
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ FFVIII Help Thread Treize's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    What I said isn't talking about Timber Maniacs. I was talking about Weapons Monthly or Combat King, but mainly Weapons Monthly, I guess. Timber Maniacs don't really serve much of a purpose besides adding to the fan page, so if you missed one, you shouldn't have to worry about it that much. I thought that you could go back and get them, but I could be wrong.
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  14. #284

    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    Can you do ALL of the sidequests on Disc 3 or 4? Or are there some that you have to do on certain discs, like 1 or 2?
    Well, it has 2 side quest that must be done in disk 2,in detail, it's in the first time you enter Fisherman Horizon. Sorry i don't remember the detail, but one quest is about the son of the woman who sell hot dog in Ballamb Garden. Another quest about the history of FH( talking with the master of FH), he is the man who is fishing when Ballamb crashed into FH ( in the movie).
    If those quests weren't done, in disk 3,4 you cannot do it
    Last edited by cenarius; 02-09-2010 at 06:51 AM.

  15. #285
    Smashtheincredible FFVIII Help Thread matt's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Sephiroth King View Post
    Ok, you need

    Adamantine x1

    Dragon Fang x4

    Pulse Ammo x12

    How to get it:

    To get the Adamantine either defeat an Adamantoise
    or change Minotaur card into item.

    To get Dragon Fangs fight From Blue Dragon w/RARE ITEM ability on to receive it as a item

    And finaly to get Pulse Ammo change Lazer Cannon item to get 5 Pulse Ammo or change Power Generator to get 20 Pulse Ammo.

    Thats how I just did it.
    its worth mentioning that there is a way to get this weapon on disk one, the way is to card mod minotor, card mod a bizzilian elnoynes cards (<---- i think thats the right name its the monster version of the boss on the communication tower) i think you will need 10 to get 1 energy crystal, then using ammo refine will turn them in to pulse ammo and the dragon fang can be won in the forest near galbadia garden its rare but its possible they have to be low levels so its deffo a challenge.

    Sorry its vague but I havent played FF8 in so long, if I have miss spelt any thing my appoligies, if there are any mistakes please let me know

    Last edited by matt; 04-05-2011 at 08:09 AM.
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  16. #286
    I'll find you, no matter what. FFVIII Help Thread FeyLenne13's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Has anyone figured out the monkey's cryptic message? I found the monkey in the forest near Timber but I can't figure out the clue and I have no idea if it has anything to do with the alien sightings either. Lol I know reading this sounds strange but it's all in the game

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  17. #287
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FFVIII Help Thread Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Nothing strange really, it's just one out of dozen sidequests in universe of Final Fantasy VIII. It's called the Obel's Lake Quest, it actually has nothing to do with UFO sithings, that's a quest of it's own. Obel's Lake Quest is hardest, and longest quest you can find in Final Fantasy VIII, it's a bit complicated to explain, though I'll give you this link,Obel's Lake Quest, hope this helps.

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  18. #288
    I'll find you, no matter what. FFVIII Help Thread FeyLenne13's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Yay, now I can put that mystery to bed! Thanks Xanatos, that was really helpful

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  19. #289
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    After many yaers I have just popped in this game again. I have just started disk 3, but I can't remember, is it better to get Odin now, or wait for him. Whatever help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

  20. #290
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FFVIII Help Thread Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    It doesn't matter really, you can't summon him at will, he appears randomly. I say do it now, actually you should have done it sooner, every now, and then he would save you trouble of fighting a random enemy. Also, he's necessary if you want to obtain Gilgamesh.

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  21. #291
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    It is all coming back to me now, I can't remember why, but I was told to wait by someone before, Off to hunt I go, and many thanks to you.

  22. #292
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み FFVIII Help Thread ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    I always get Odin almost as soon as I have control of Balamb Garden. That way you can take advantage of his random kills earlier, netting you some easy exp earlier on. So in short, I would definitely get him as quickly as you can.

  23. #293
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: FFVIII Help Thread

    Thank you for the help! I have remembered why I was told to wait, Odin interferes with overnight Angelo search, but as I will not be doing this I will take your advice. Thank you again

  24. #294
    Certified tech, come at me! FFVIII Help Thread SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I have a question about the whole "Monsters level up as you do" gig. Do they level up when just the party levels up or can they also level up when the GFs level up as well?

    Question #2, can any of the other weapons monthly mags be found in Disk 1 besides the one for March?
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  25. #295
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! FFVIII Help Thread Tallulah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    I have a question about the whole "Monsters level up as you do" gig. Do they level up when just the party levels up or can they also level up when the GFs level up as well?

    Question #2, can any of the other weapons monthly mags be found in Disk 1 besides the one for March?
    Apart from the monsters in the Fire Cavern, which stay at Level 8, for some reason (I went back and checked out of curiosity, when I was Level 40 or something), monsters are at a similar level to the characters. If the characters are at different levels, e.g. Squall Level 20, Rinoa Level 16 and Selphie Level 14, then the monsters' levels are usually the average, so the monsters will be around Level 16-17. I don't think the GFs are taken into account, as they are only associated with the technical stuff within the characters' junctions.

    As for the magazines, I don't think they are available in the first disc, apart from the March one, but I never really looked. However, if you have all the equipment for an upgrade, even if you haven't gotten the magazine, you will be able to get it regardless. Hence why it is possible to get Lionheart on Disc 1, if you are patient enough.
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  26. #296
    Certified tech, come at me! FFVIII Help Thread SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    Apart from the monsters in the Fire Cavern, which stay at Level 8, for some reason (I went back and checked out of curiosity, when I was Level 40 or something), monsters are at a similar level to the characters. If the characters are at different levels, e.g. Squall Level 20, Rinoa Level 16 and Selphie Level 14, then the monsters' levels are usually the average, so the monsters will be around Level 16-17. I don't think the GFs are taken into account, as they are only associated with the technical stuff within the characters' junctions.

    As for the magazines, I don't think they are available in the first disc, apart from the March one, but I never really looked. However, if you have all the equipment for an upgrade, even if you haven't gotten the magazine, you will be able to get it regardless. Hence why it is possible to get Lionheart on Disc 1, if you are patient enough.
    Ahhh... So that's why i was recently able to upgrade Squall's weapon to the Shear Trigger not too long ago, very helpful info. Thank you!
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  27. #297
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    Monsters follow Squall's level. So you can keep Squall fainted like the entire game and just level up everyone else if you want. Your GFs level way to fast so that would suck if they followed your GFs level.

    and yes you just need the items to upgrade the weapon, the magazine just tells you what you need.
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  28. #298
    Consistently Average FFVIII Help Thread Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I found a Ultima Draw point in Fisherman's Horizon on disk 2, the first one I've found in the game so far, and it said that Squall couldn't draw it, despite Zell and Quistis being able to. It's not that he has 100 already, it just said he couldn't draw it, is there a reason for this?

    Quistis now has a nice attack boost because of this.
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  29. #299
    Boxer of the Galaxy FFVIII Help Thread Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    I found a Ultima Draw point in Fisherman's Horizon on disk 2, the first one I've found in the game so far, and it said that Squall couldn't draw it, despite Zell and Quistis being able to. It's not that he has 100 already, it just said he couldn't draw it, is there a reason for this?

    Quistis now has a nice attack boost because of this.
    a) you dont have the 'draw' command currently equipped on Squall
    b) he has maxed out his available space for magic, which I believe is 8 pages.

  30. #300
    Consistently Average FFVIII Help Thread Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Argh yeah it turns out it was b, I forgot there was a limit to the amount of magic you can have.

    Guess I'll have to start refining low tiered magic and stuff. Thanks Rowan.
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