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Thread: FFIX Helpline (possible spoilers ahead)

  1. #91
    I pretty much have all that you listed. All four of my characters absorb Shadow damage and two of them absorb Holy damage (the other two don't need too because their level isn't a multiple of four) so Lv 4 Holy doesn't hurt, it even heals two of them. No'one level is a multiple of 5, so that negates Lv 5 death. Flare and Flare Star always kill one of my party members. I'm right in thinking I can't reflect Flare, right? But I can reflect Mini? Because that can be a b1tch. It's Meteor and Curse that hurt the most. Meteor does 9000+ damage on 3 of my characters if they're at full health and Curse either kills everyone or takes them down to low health with mini and poison.

    Have you got any suggestions for party members to use? If I go to Memoria and get Vivi's Mace of Zeus, will I be able to get back to the world map? Doomsday would help a lot.

  2. #92
    A good party setup would be Zidane, Quina (blue magic is extremely useful if you have the time to get some of the better spells), Steiner and Freya... Those 4 in my eyes are the best to beat pretty much most of the game.

    You'll want to power up Freya's Dragon Quest so it does 9,999 damage, to power it up i believe all you have to do is kill Dragons with Freya in your party.

    For Quina the important Blue Magic spells are White Wind and Angels Snack. Angel Snack will get rid of the Mini status effect, or it should do.

    Also try not to enter in too many commands at once, like having all your members attack at once, try and hold back on one incase he uses meteor or status effects so you can cure them as soon as possible.

  3. #93
    That's the party I use as well.

    Any idea how many Dragons I need to kill to get Dragon Crest to 9999 damage? I think it's at about 4500 at the moment.

    Do you know if I can go get Vivi's Mace of Zeus from Memoria and return to fight Ozma?

  4. #94
    I'm pretty sure you can. Considering Memoria isnt just a one time thing.
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  5. #95
    Registered User FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Dimi's Avatar
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    Well for fray I think you should equip the dragon-killer ability which will increase its power and just keep on killing thos dragons to increase it I think.

    And its possible to go back to Memoria more than once. As for Ozma, he's pretty hard, but hopefully you kick his a**.

  6. #96
    Well I've got to the Crystal World save point and there's an option to teleport back to Memoria's entrance which means I can get back to the Invincible. But on the Memoria entrance save point, there's no option to teleport back to the Crystal World.

    I take it I'll have to walk all the way back there? -.-

  7. #97
    Registered User FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Dimi's Avatar
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    Yeah you have to walk all the way back to Crystal World I believe. That's the thing I hated about this part of the game though.

  8. #98
    on disc 3 when eiko is kidnapped by kuja an you have to go save her is there a easier way to defeat thorn and zorn when they combine?

  9. #99
    Equip Anitbody on all your characters.
    Equip Devil Killer on your physical attackers.
    Just have your physical attackers attack while you have another character heal.

    Keep doing that and he should go down pretty quickly.

  10. #100
    i was wondering if it was possible to get an add-on or something like that with the no-encounters ability or feature.
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  11. #101
    FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Ultima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killer Cloud255
    i was wondering if it was possible to get an add-on or something like that with the no-encounters ability or feature.

    Sadly there is no add on or ability that stops Random encounters, however there is a certain way to to avoid random battles but it only works 19/20 times but it helped me in certain situtions. Just walk a little then press the Triangle then Circle then walk alittle more and do the same thing it carries you quite a distance without entering random battles.

    Hope this helps
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  12. #102
    ah well, thanks for the advice, but its odd that VI, VII and VIII all have something to stop random encounters, but IX had nothing.
    "Who is more Foolish? the fool or the fool who follows him"--Ben Kenobi, Star Wars A New Hope


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    Members: Shaun Taylor 18, The Soul Stalker, garoupinha87 and Tiger Lily

  13. #103
    Registered User FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) gavin_kuja_ashworth's Avatar
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    i dont mind the random encounters i tend to level up quite alot for a while so i can defeat them pretty easily with no worries but i have to admit if oyu go through the game without spending any extra time leveling up it is anoying the random fights but a good thing to do is just use flee if you fdont want the battles

  14. #104
    Pedobear approves FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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    how to get your thief skills to rank S?


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  15. #105
    FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Dr.Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palazzo
    I'm right in thinking I can't reflect Flare, right?
    You can reflect it, at least you can when vivi cast's it, its an easy way to get vivi to always do 9999 damage (use auto-reflect and reflect x2 abilities)
    If all i have to show is tears on my pillow what kind of life is this?
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  16. #106
    is there an easy way to sneak up and get the key in time when you play as the regent? 3 whole disks only dying once and i cant even do some crappy minigame ffs

  17. #107
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    It can be a bit tough the first time. I haven't played in a very long time though, so I can't quite remember how it works. Here's what GameFAQs has to say about the Frog and the Hedgehog:

    This is probably the toughest mini-game in the whole game. It's annoying as hell, also. You have to make it across a room without getting caught by the hedgehog in the cage. He will glance back at you every couple of seconds. All he looks for is movement, however. Cid will be so still that the hedgehog won't know someone is in the room. He turns his head a lot. While his back is facing you press O four-five times quickly. Then he should look back at you. Keep doing this until you make it to the end. What's the hard part? His glances back are
    sometimes irregular at best. Sometimes he might look back quickly, and sometimes slowly. It all depends on how well you did last time. If he almost saw movement, then he will go back quickly. If he didn't, then you can get four-five O's in. It all depends on how well you can do it. I suggest that you go slowly, and try not to be a speed demon. You only have six minutes, however. Just don't do what I did the first time; I tapped slower then hell and ended up losing. You have to tap FAST and ACCURATELY. You also only have 6 minutes to complete this. If you run out of time you can try again without fighting the Ark, however. If he sees you then Cid will run away like a coward.

    Provided by TestaALT's Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough. I take no credit for this information.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 09-20-2007 at 10:05 AM.
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  18. #108
    yay i did it thanks

  19. #109
    some say............ FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) The Stig's Avatar
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    where do you get the namingway card because its so hard to find
    Some say he's wanted by the CIA, and that he sleeps upside down like a bat... all we know is, he's called the Stig

    Some say that his tears are adhesive, and that if he caught fire, he'd burn for a thousand days... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that his genitals are on upside down, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci Code in 43 seconds... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Nürburgring, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say he isn't machine washable, and all his potted plants are called Steve... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

  20. #110
    That One Guy FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) dimmufan's Avatar
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    You can get the Namingway card when you enter the Treno Card Tournament. Here's what you do.

    Instead of sending Vivi to Quan's dwelling, keep him in Treno. This will trigger an ATE called Hippo's prize. Afterward, Mario will appear in the card tournament as your second opponent. It's up to him to play the Namingway cards. He can play 5 cards, no cards, or even 2 cards. If he plays 5 Namingway cards then try your best to get a perfect. This is the only time in the whole game that you can acquire a Namingway card. The tournament happens at the start of Disc 3 right after you're finished exploring Alexandria.
    Last edited by dimmufan; 10-04-2007 at 03:21 AM.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  21. #111
    some say............ FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) The Stig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan View Post
    You can get the Namingway card when you enter the Treno Card Tournament. Here's what you do.

    Instead of sending Vivi to Quan's dwelling, keep him in Treno. This will trigger an ATE called Hippo's prize. Afterward, Mario will appear in the card tournament as your second opponent. It's up to him to play the Namingway cards. He can play 5 cards, no cards, or even 2 cards. If he plays 5 Namingway cards then try your best to get a perfect. This is the only time in the whole game that you can acquire a Namingway card. The tournament happens at the start of Disc 3 right after you're finished exploring Alexandria.
    yeah thanks i will do that
    Some say he's wanted by the CIA, and that he sleeps upside down like a bat... all we know is, he's called the Stig

    Some say that his tears are adhesive, and that if he caught fire, he'd burn for a thousand days... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that his genitals are on upside down, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci Code in 43 seconds... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Nürburgring, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say he isn't machine washable, and all his potted plants are called Steve... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

  22. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by vivi2007 View Post
    where do you get the namingway card because its so hard to find
    desert palace.

    kujas room after your party returns on hilda I

    bottom left of screen hidden of course.

  23. #113
    FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    BOY! Nobody hasn't even touched this in a while. Seeing as I need help, I guess I'll be the one who'll revive this thread.

    Can somebody tell me where I need to go after you leave the Black mage's village? Earler in the game, usually someone in the town would at least give you direction on where your going but I'm pretty much clueless. I think I'm at the part where I'm about to go fight Queen Brahne's assistant. Yall know, dude with the silver hair and flies on that dragon? If this helps, I'm where I JUST got Quina from the Qu Marsh.
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  24. #114
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Treize's Avatar
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    They probably figured you wouldn't need help because there is really only one place you can go and that is back to Conde Petie. From there you need to go to Madain Sari. You are about to get another character too. Finally the guy's name is Kuja and you don't fight him until the next disk.
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  25. #115
    FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    Thanks dude! Thought I'd be wearing this dunce cap forever ! Well, this one makes me cat in the hat........ you get the picture! Anywho, thanks lots !!!
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    My High Flyin and Profiling Pilot brother: Final Fantasy Cid
    My FFVII, Tifa Befriended aunt: Winterborn86
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    My Ready to Knock Your Lights Out bro: Silver

    Thanks Halie for the sig pic!

    RPG's currently playing: Final Fantasy VII, Pokémon Crystal, Devil May Cry Collections (1,2 and 3)

  26. #116
    FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Midgar_Minion's Avatar
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    When in Evil Forest what is with the part when you go to the left and there is a river but its a dead end and Zidane says (looks like this river leads somewhere) or something along those lines... does it lead somewhere or can you get back into evil forest or something threw it?

  27. #117
    Registered User FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Midgar Minion
    When in Evil Forest what is with the part when you go to the left and there is a river but its a dead end and Zidane says (looks like this river leads somewhere) or something along those lines... does it lead somewhere or can you get back into evil forest or something threw it?
    I know what you're talking about but I can't exactly list that part of the forest in the game. I remember stumbling into that. It doesn't lead to anywhere though from what I've played. Zidane just says that each time you pass by there. Nothing big.

  28. #118
    FFIX Helpline  (possible spoilers ahead) Midgar_Minion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fishie View Post
    I know what you're talking about but I can't exactly list that part of the forest in the game. I remember stumbling into that. It doesn't lead to anywhere though from what I've played. Zidane just says that each time you pass by there. Nothing big.

    There has got to be something though... I mean why would they put it there, just to bug people like me... It's bin drivin me crazy cause ive played FF9 a few times and never figured out what it was

  29. #119
    I think it "led" to a different area of the game, where Baku and his group were, if I remember correctly. But it didn't matter because you couldn't follow it don't worry about it too much.

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    Got it memorized?

    If you would like a member for your family, send me a PM!

  30. #120
    The formula for Dragon Crest is Damage=(# of dragons slain)x(# of dragons slain) so you need to kill 100 dragons to maximize the damage to 9999. Hope I helped!

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