I took the effort to upload all 8 character motto posters to my personal space here on the forum for your viewing pleasure and also hopefully to start a little discussion on which of the mottos is the best, or most meaningful to you? Feel free to also discuss the actual artwork (but please excuse the black fade-in on each image).
Moderators - Please forgive the double post - the boards only allow 5 images per post.
Thanks for these. I always thought these were amazing, and I read them before each time I booted up the game to play.
Vivi's is my personal favorite, if not a little dark. I love Steiner's probably just as much however, and then Freya's equal to that.
Funny you should say that Locke, I used to just watch those slides over and over on the game too before playing every once in a while. Vivi's also happens to be my desktop image and has been for quite some time. I do love Quina's though. And Quina in general. Absolute ray of the light to the entire series.
When I was in highschool I was given a task to write down some of my favorite quotes, and give my thought on each one of them. I went with the one from Zidane, Freya, and Amaranth, and even though my teacher wasn't exactly familiar with the authors themselves he was still thrilled with my work.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity