Doom Train and Alexander
Doom Train
Atop with the exception of Carbunkle (couldn't post it in the poll) are the GF's in Final Fantasy VIII and they're all pretty freaking epic!!! My question is however, which is your favorite GF.
Mine is brothers....although it's not the strongest of the summons....I can't help but laugh at it everytime. Sacred throws the enemies into the airs, then Minotaur cheats at rock, paper, scissors thus throwing Sacred into the opponets, I laugh everytime I see it lol.
But that's just my opinion what do you think?
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Doom Train and Alexander
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My awesome sister: angelmarie190515
Well the coolest is Griever, although my expectations for him where higher than what appeared in the final battle, Eden deals more damage than him! I know he's an unusable GF, but I would love to own him! Hmm, I like Pandemona, and Shiva is of course an all time favourite, but I think I will vote for Odin this time.
I usually go with Bahamuth as it is my favorite summon, though VIII's version of Shiva is simply beautiful, probably the best summon cutscene in entire franchise. The scene where she suddenly opens her eyes still gives me goosebumps.
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I actually didn't get through the entire game (lost interest eventually). Only got up to the summons Leviathan and Odin. Going by those, I'd say my favorite was probably Shiva, for the same reasons Xanatos stated. She was beautiful in this game. Ifrit was cool, too.
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Shiva and Eden. Shiva has always been my favorite summon, in all her incarnations, and Eden is just a badass^_^
You're still missing the best of them all. Gilgamesh!!!! None of you have mentioned him. He was awesome.
The ones that I picked are Doomtrain, Odin and Eden.
Doomtrain is able to cast all status effects in one fell swoop, as well as a bit of damage. He came in handy.
Next was Odin. Wasn't hard to get at all once you knew what y ou were doing. And he kills everything on the field in 2 seconds flat. Awesome guy.
Eden, wasn't my all time favourite, but when you can deal a massive amount of damage, you make it to the top of my list pretty damn quick. His summon was waaay too long though. I was at 250 long before the damn scene ended, and I usually took my time.
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Diablos or doomtrain
Diabols pretty much for the only reason that it looks cool, and when i first played i overused it for fights...
Doomtrain saves me using meltdowns
Oh I like Cactuar too. But Cactuars are just awesome by default anyway. I have oneon my bed. But then, Im just a sad bastard![]()
I totally forgot about Diablos. Definitely the coolest animation of the ones I saw.
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Yeah, Diablos has definitely one of the coolest animations. That dark matter sphere move of his is awesome. Forgot to vote for him.![]()
I voted for Leviathan. He/she is pretty. :3 I've always liked the water element and the attack is pretty cool too, even if it's not very effective.
I like Pandamona as well. The way she inflates and blows the wind like an inflated balloon is pretty amusing.![]()
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Doom Train looks kind of creep in a way. That's probably why it's one of my favorites lol.
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The coolest sister I could ask for: Chocobo_Lover17
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My Brother, The Legendary Bad-Ass Ninja-Samurai War God Soul Reaper: Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
My supernatural obesssing sister: LadyWinchester
My wonderful sister: eternity
My brother and FFVIII loving Adopter: Robbo
My one-of-a-kind sister: Bailax
My awesome sister: angelmarie190515
It's awesome and I totally forgot about it, or don't even remember having/using it:
Final Fantasy VIII Summon: Doomtrain - YouTube
Here's the funny Pandemona summon I was talking about:
Final Fantasy VIII Summon: Pandemona - YouTube
I like Shiva, but I've always been a sucker for Shiva. Aside from my completely irrational like of Shiva, I really have no other reason.
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Well, for one thing, she is kinda hot.![]()
Signature courtesy of Elise
My TFF Family:
My brother from down under: The_Dream_Recluse
The coolest sister I could ask for: Chocobo_Lover17
My nameless hero of a brother: Hero without a Name
My Gunblade Wielding sister: R.Kyra
My Brother, The Legendary Bad-Ass Ninja-Samurai War God Soul Reaper: Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
My supernatural obesssing sister: LadyWinchester
My wonderful sister: eternity
My brother and FFVIII loving Adopter: Robbo
My one-of-a-kind sister: Bailax
My awesome sister: angelmarie190515
After beating the game, Doomtrain became my new favorite GF, not that Brothers isn't cool but getting Doomtrain is cool enough and then when you have a death train going at you on rails of's pretty sweet!
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
My TFF Family
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Firefly: Baby cousin To spread joy to all who read the forums
The_Dream_Recluse: Witty brother with a sweet sword
Bailiax: My star stealing sister who lives in the beautiful deep sea.
Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos
Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan
Shiva Shiva Shiva diamond dust always looks good in every single game but viii and x were my favorites though
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Leviathan owns your face holes and Doom Train was stoopid.
Shiva always gives me a mental boner,so i'm used to that.(tmi)
Signature courtesy of Elise
My TFF Family:
My brother from down under: The_Dream_Recluse
The coolest sister I could ask for: Chocobo_Lover17
My nameless hero of a brother: Hero without a Name
My Gunblade Wielding sister: R.Kyra
My Brother, The Legendary Bad-Ass Ninja-Samurai War God Soul Reaper: Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
My supernatural obesssing sister: LadyWinchester
My wonderful sister: eternity
My brother and FFVIII loving Adopter: Robbo
My one-of-a-kind sister: Bailax
My awesome sister: angelmarie190515
Doomtrain and Cerberus but couldn't vote for Cerberus cuz it wasn't a choice in your poll strange?
Probably the one with the shortest animation and that doesn't have the boost ability. Cactuar, maybe?
Though I like the fact that they included Quetzalcóatl, the good ol Aztec god.
Siren. Because she has so many status defense Junctions and she seems kinda quiet and peaceful.
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
Quazcotel and Shiva, oh how they have saved me on many occasions. I loved those two GFs and used them all the time, they also have beautiful cinematics, but then again most GFs do (except the Brothers of course).
Diablos definitelyencounter none is a godsend in this game.
"Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."
The one I seem to use most is Shiva, but my favourite is Bahamut. He's badass lol