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Thread: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

  1. #1
    Postingway Ending thoughts (spoilers) Maciariello's Avatar
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    Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    So I've completed Final Fantasy IX, and I must say the ending to this game is probably one of my favorite endings I've ever seen to a game. The whole scene with Garnet running through the crowd and jumping into Zidane's arms was phenomenally directed and had a very powerful emotion to it that really made playing to the end of the game worth every second spent playing it. Steiner and Beatrix holding up the sword above them to reflect the sunlight and the crowd going wild just made the scene even more incredible.

    Not to mention all the scenes prior to the final scene. The Lifa Tree scene with Kuja becoming a tragic character and Vivi's narration all made the ending that much more potent.

    What are your thoughts on the ending?

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Ending thoughts (spoilers) Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciariello View Post
    Steiner and Beatrix holding up the sword above them to reflect the sunlight and the crowd going wild just made the scene even more incredible.
    For me this was the best part in the entire ending and ending itself is one of the best in FF franchise if not the best. The only thing that was confusing a little bit was the scene where you find out that Vivi became father/mother but it was kinda cute seeing all those little black mages hopping around him. The prior scene with Kuja was also great, he finally shows that he's not so evil after all.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Ending thoughts (spoilers)
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    Yep. I liked it too. I sort of wanted Zidane and Garnet to kiss though. I don't think that they ever did throughout the whole game. I'm glad it turned out pretty much a happy ending. I'm not so sure that Vivi was the one that was narrating the ending though. The player never really find out what exactly happened to him. Lots of speculation has come about, but there is no solid evidence of anything. It's sort of confusing where exactly all his children came from too, but they are adorable.

    I liked Kuja. It's a shame that he died.
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  4. #4
    Don't forget the lovely song in the background... I really had to fight my tears back when Garnet saw Zidane.
    Besides, I liked the fact that the game ended like it has begun, with the theater and stuff. That had a great effect on me. :3

    Also, I liked all the philosophical stuff at the end, the talking about death and life.

    IX definitely had a great ending. <3

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  5. #5
    Yanqui UXO Ending thoughts (spoilers) charliepanayi's Avatar
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    The ending is very well done, and is quite moving in places. I love the music in it too. It's nice seeing the fates of all the main characters. And Melodies of Life during the credits is wonderful.

    I always thought the general consensus was it is Vivi narrating at the end, and that he dies shortly after writing those words (which ties in with the fact during the game he comes to terms with the fact that he will someday die). I know people disagree on it, but that explanation does make the most sense, and he is the one character not explicitly pointed out at the end. Of course if he is dead that makes the ending even sadder!

    As for his 'children', I always thought that Vivi simply learnt how to create more Black Mages and so because he'd created them, they became his children as such. I can't really see Black Mages sexually reproducing (do they even have gender?), but who knows XD
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  6. #6
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Ending thoughts (spoilers) Tallulah's Avatar
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    I was always confused about who was talking in the epilogue. I thought it was the different characters expressing their thoughts and feelings, but now I think of it, it makes sense that it is Vivi. I heard it's a little more explicit in the Japanese version; the tone used is associated with our favourite little mage.

    I must play this again sometime.

  7. #7
    ~Its impossible to fight~ Ending thoughts (spoilers) Orbiting Gravity's Avatar
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    I absolutely loved it. The part with Dagger leaving her necklace behind had me in tears (I can be overly emotional sometimes) but I kept screaming at the T.V. I mean, all that time she spent standing there, she could have retrieved it. But I guess its the thought that was the major point of the ending. (I would have gotten it though...)

    But why didn't anyone give it to her? Seriously.

  8. #8
    Vivi Ending thoughts (spoilers) ViveLaVive's Avatar
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    AMAZING ending. One of the best in the series, next to 6(i think)

  9. #9
    Registered User Ending thoughts (spoilers) Zeza's Avatar
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    I think not the ending, but the WHOLE game is awesome... I mean, Kujah´s transformation along the game is simply soberbious. He starts as a "god", nobody can touch him, but as long as you play the game, Kujah will change his mind, and when Garland told him the true, he turns into an evil being, he only wants to destroy everything.

    And in the end, he turns into "good", he wants forgiveness for all he did.

    Simply epic!  5007

  10. #10
    I felt great pity for Kuja, he was created to destroy, then rejected for a better model. His life span was short, and in that short time all he did was try find meaning to his existence, even if he went down the wrong path.
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  11. #11
    Have no comment to this game but GREAT! Oh god the ending is phenomenal. I don't know what to call it but perfection.

  12. #12
    All is One.One is All. Ending thoughts (spoilers) Firefly's Avatar
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    The ending to FFIX was nothing but magnificent.The ending left me in tears not only because it Vivi died and Garnet and Zidane's reunite,but it was the ending of the game.One of the best endings ever!
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  13. #13
    Registered User Ending thoughts (spoilers) Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    Best end ever.
    One of very few games that brought tears in my eyes.

  14. #14
    Finding this place a little dull... Ending thoughts (spoilers) xTidus's Avatar
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    Re: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    I think the Final Fantasy X ending is better where Tidus vanishes and yuna falls. Brought a tear to my eye.

    xTidus: "What are you doing?"
    ViviMasterMage: "I'm eating your hair... Why?"
    xTidus: "You have problems..."
    ViviMasterMage: "You smell nice!...I do have problems!"
    Both: *giggles*

  15. #15
    Our Hopes and Expectations Ending thoughts (spoilers) Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    This is the best ending in the series in my opinion. VIII and XII have really good ones too.

    My only complaint is that I desperately wanted Zidane and Dagger to kiss, but it wasn't to be.

    But yeah, it was very sweet. Zidane in the play, Dagger running down, Beatrix and Steiner letting loose on the reins (seeing Beatrix in CG was great too). It was really really "FInal Fantasy" like.

  16. #16
    Do the elements trust you? Ending thoughts (spoilers) bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    Freya,Steiner,zidane,and vivi(I think remember he was staying pretty darn close to his what I'm guessing is wife) coming together with their loved ones is so touching. And the part where kuja dies was so freakin tear whenching I loved kujas character and I hated fighting him,but in the end him being remembered as good was so happy! On a scale from one to ten I give it infinity(it's my post I can make my scales how I want)
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  17. #17

    Re: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    I'll say this, the ending was quite satisfying. Especially considering that I earned it through beating that damned Necron.

    So anyway, how did Vivi have kids? I found it a little confusing how at first it seemed like Vivi lost his memory or something, and than suddenly a whole platoon began walking down the street.

  18. #18
    Yanqui UXO Ending thoughts (spoilers) charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Re: Ending thoughts (spoilers)

    I know some people make jokes avout Vivi getting it on with another Black Mage, but as my post above says, I that instead he found out how to create more Black Mages and did so, and that made him their 'father' - do Black Mages even have a gender? Questions that will never be answered XD
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