This is an interesting game to try and find a favorite main character in, because for the most part, they're all very similiar. In fact in almost every other game there is such a wide variety of characters that it becomes very engaging to try to get to know each of them, but here, and while this is one of my very favorite titles, I'd be very interested to hear which ones turned out to be your favorite.
1. Squall - Ya know, I didn't necessarily want to, but there is so much more to him than really any other character in this game. He is strong, he is likeable, and I hesitate to flood the main character with praise, but he's really pretty worthy of a good overall ranking in the series.
2. Rinoa - Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I'm going chalk and just putting up the main characters here, but if you check the other boards, I don't do that a lot. It's just that Rinoa and Squall WERE FFVIII. I mean, the other characters took up space for the most part, rather than adding significant depth.
3. Zell - However, Zell was fun, and an exception. You did meet his folks, and see his room, and he was a cool guy to hang with. A great counterbalance to the expressionless Squall.
4. Quistis - It gets tough with these last 3. But she was leaderly and solid, although nothing much was learned about her after you got away from Balamb.
5. Selphie - Conversely to Quistis, you actually learned much more about her later with her friendships tied to Trabia. She was ok in battle, but so was pretty much everybody.
6. Irvine - Come on bro,,,,, you peed your pants when you got the chance to shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF! Epic fail. Plus he looks exceeding girly.
How do you rank them? :-)