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Thread: Why do people like Cloud so much?

  1. #1

    Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Guy's a narcissistic bum. spends the game moping around, has 2 girls that want him but he rejects both of them basically. I think he's on the down low

    I swear half of FF7 was Tifa babysitting him. And lets not forget how useless he was in FF Tactics

    Last edited by Nas Lost; 01-16-2012 at 12:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    He's not useless in Tactics, learn to use your units to their full potential.
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  3. #3

    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    He's not useless in Tactics, learn to use your units to their full potential.
    You ever tried using his Limit breaks in Tactics? by the time he's done charging Orlandau and Agrais(equipped with Chaos Swords) have already demolished the field.

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    You use other skills from other Jobs to make him useful and good. Since he has his own Job you just decided he doesn't need to use other jobs? I think I'm done here.
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  5. #5

    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    You use other skills from other Jobs to make him useful and good. Since he has his own Job you just decided he doesn't need to use other jobs? I think I'm done here.
    okay, well u give him another job and he's about as powerful as a regular character. The point is you have to go through a shitload of stuff to get Cloud, and when you finally get him, he turns out to be nothing special.

  6. #6

    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Personally I think Cloud is COOL he KICKS ASS. I will agree he bitches a bit at times but when it comes to fighting and when he get his motor running he is the epiphany of COOL!!!

  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Why do people like Cloud so much? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    He's not useless in Tactics, learn to use your units to their full potential.
    This here. Make him a into a time mage learn their shortened charge move. Then go into a battle with cloud, and his limits are greatly increased. He is a very useful character for those of us who know how to effectively play the game.

    As far as him being a moping bum, if you didn't really know who you were, and thought everything you knew was possibly fake i'm sure you would be pissed to. Most people like Cloud cause he has an actual back story to him.

    He is a good lead character, and VII is a great game end of story.

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  8. #8
    ಌ Turks ಌ Why do people like Cloud so much? Cissnei's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Moping? Ignoring the tragedy that is Advent Children, Cloud was actually a very upbeat guy. "Let's mosey!" The only time I can think of him being like that is when his mind was meddled with by Sephiroth, and even then, he still continued on, knowing that he could flip his shit and possibly kill someone.

    The whole lifestream incident he wasn't really mopy, more a vegetable and once Tifa started helping him find himself, he snapped out of it. But on a personal level, I love Cloud because he was a great leading character that had a real personality and significant character growth through the story.

  9. #9
    Registered User Why do people like Cloud so much? Lychai's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    I liked him in Crisis Core (even though the protagonist was Zack)
    I think it was because he was less whiny and the ending of C.C. made me cry. :\\

  10. #10
    Memento Rhapso Why do people like Cloud so much? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Oh neat, this thread again.
    I like Cloud quite a bit because of the psychology that went into making him who he is. Also, he's an excellent hero for skinny white boys everywhere.
    He didn't have Aerith going for him, if you recall. He was "filling in" for Zack, since he thought that he was Zack. He always loved Tifa, however, from childhood onward. However, I find it hard to focus on love interests when there's a metric ****ton of stupid going on around you, and so did Cloud, probably. Who knows, we're not Nojima.

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  11. #11
    ಌ Turks ಌ Why do people like Cloud so much? Cissnei's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    His relationship with Tifa is probably the best explored love story in all of the main FF titles. The only ones I can think of that come close is Tidus x Yuna, and Zach x Aeris. Imo Squall x Rinoa was horribly executed. But the point of all that rambling, is that it adds another layer to his character since loving her was a huge factor in making him who he is.

  12. #12
    I will save the world Why do people like Cloud so much? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Cloud did have 2 girls going after him yet he was like "meh" around them...which actually for some girls wants him even more. But honestly, Cloud tried to do the right thing and after he got out of the lifestream he did everything he could to fix his mistake and he really showed how strong he actually was. Sure people may hate him because he was all mopey. Then you want to explain why people like squall show much? Point and match!

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  13. #13
    Registered User Why do people like Cloud so much? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Cloud is an infinitely dynamic character. It's the breadth of his mystery that adds to his appeal, and to his final resolve. I mean, it's frustrating seeing him in the wheelchair. And it is kind of a system shock when you find out he's made up his personality, but all these factors add to the character rather than take away. When you find out what ACTUALLY happened in Nibelheim... I mean, there is no more dramatic scene than watching Cloud take on Sephiroth while he is basically hanging off the end of his blade! And eventually, Cloud does prove to be the boss he claimed to be from the start. The final battle with him and Sephiroth, while simple, is really unique story telling device that most characters in any other game wouldn't be able to pull off.

    In short, as he develops, through highs and lows, he becomes the idol that everyone loves.

  14. #14
    Why do people like Cloud so much? Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoAquarius12 View Post
    Cloud is an infinitely dynamic character. It's the breadth of his mystery that adds to his appeal, and to his final resolve. I mean, it's frustrating seeing him in the wheelchair. And it is kind of a system shock when you find out he's made up his personality, but all these factors add to the character rather than take away. When you find out what ACTUALLY happened in Nibelheim... I mean, there is no more dramatic scene than watching Cloud take on Sephiroth while he is basically hanging off the end of his blade! And eventually, Cloud does prove to be the boss he claimed to be from the start. The final battle with him and Sephiroth, while simple, is really unique story telling device that most characters in any other game wouldn't be able to pull off.

    In short, as he develops, through highs and lows, he becomes the idol that everyone loves.
    I agree with this 100%. The ruse he puts up at the beginning & the vividness that was shrouding his mind all but built his character, far from useless. I don't blame Cloud for being emo.. all what he knew (before his true self was revealed) about his past, personality, and personal experience was being warped around what he sought himself out to be. Through all the adversity they dealt with in the story and pulling himself out of his own weakness, he was very charismatic & determined end game. I feel next to the Zidane of FFIX, went through a more personal struggle & resolve of all the FF titles. I idolize him because of that and seeing those traits in him helped me through rough patches through my teens when I had no one at my side.

    His and Tifa's love I believed to be quite strong and it showed several times through the story (After the WEAPON incident him being washed ashore near Mideel, when he asked the crew to have their time alone to think about what they wanted to fight for before going after Sephiroth and they were outside near the Highwind & fell asleep near each other (so cute)). His whole childhood was set on getting Tifa to notice him & be as close to her as he could even through his teens when he joined SOLDIER... how much more love do you want him to show to be convinced he wasn't banging her after the world was saved?

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  15. #15
    Queen Why do people like Cloud so much? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    More importantly.. Why dont you like Cloud?? But u summed up the bad points about him. He doesnt have to follow through with those two after him. He can do what he wants. Id rather a "mopey" guy over a macho, sleazy womaniser anyday of my breathing life. I think it adds to his appeal n charm, the fact that hes not paying much attention to that silly love me that makes him even hotter. Cloud has the best, most profound backstory in the FF series. And myMan Sephiroth is a big stupid bully who is always messing with his head. Hes in a constant internal conflict within himself, body, mind and spirit. and can you blame him after what hes been through???..But srsly if you dont like him why do you care if other ppl do??! We cant all agree. Anyway "NeoAquarius" and "Secret Weapon" pretty much summed up my thoughts on Cloud nicely. He is my favourite and THE BEST protagonist in the Final Fantasy series. Go Cloud!!!

  16. #16

    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Oh I just love him, he is cool, I don't know '-' he pleases me, and I love the way he fights, his face with no expression on Advent Children. I think I have no real reasons, I just do like him, very much

  17. #17
    Il y a un furet dans mes cheveux :O Why do people like Cloud so much? Catalana's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Cloud is one of the best character developed in FF <3 He has spiky hair like chocobos lol Hey If he's so gloomy it's because of the death of both Aerith and Zack !!! And he protects his friends and Tifa too : in FF7 he dressed as woman to go in the house of the perv' Don pouet pouet ( Cornéo no ? ... whatever ) to save Tifa !!!
    And his limits breaks are class and powerfull ! GO CLOUD <3

    Ohh, there is a ferret in my bedroom again...

  18. #18
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Why do people like Cloud so much? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Why do people like Cloud so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Catalana View Post
    Cloud is one of the best character developed in FF <3 He has spiky hair like chocobos lol Hey If he's so gloomy it's because of the death of both Aerith and Zack !!! And he protects his friends and Tifa too : in FF7 he dressed as woman to go in the house of the perv' Don pouet pouet ( Cornéo no ? ... whatever ) to save Tifa !!!
    And his limits breaks are class and powerfull ! GO CLOUD <3
    I Like You Answer Catalana. As For Me, Not Sure If I Already Answered This Question Or Not, But I'm Too Lazy To Go And Check, Time Is Precious To Me Right Now Anyhow. As I Was Saying, Cloud Is Awesome, Cause A: HIS LIMIST BREAKS ARE UNFREAKINGABLYINSANETATIOUSLYAWESOMENESSTASTICAL! Plus, He Looks Bad-Ass, And Helps Save The World From Certain Doom And Destruction. He Can Somehow Wield A GIGANTICAL Blade With Little-To-No Effort Whatsoever. At Least Now He Can Seeing As He Has Had The Time To Train With That Thing...XD There Are A Few More Good Reasons Too, But All Other Reasons Besides Those Are Probably Moot Anyway.

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