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Thread: The Unknown Voice!

  1. #1
    Registered User The Unknown Voice!
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    The Unknown Voice!

    Anyone remember the scenes in the main game of FFVII where some dialogue would suddenly appear and tell Cloud important things or just little chats every now and again?

    Examples: In the first Mako reactor before Cloud sets the bomb, he hears someone say "Watch out! This isn't a normal reactor!" Or when he's in Junon, sleeping in one of the beds, the voice would say "Haven't slept in a bed like this in a long time." The last example I remember is when Cloud meets Reno in Aeris' Church, and the voice says something along the lines of "You remember him" or "You know him". I forget what was said exactly.

    Anyway, does anyone else think that it was Zack speaking to him? There was no voice acting in the game, and no name given in the dialogue box when it would happen, but I think it may have been him.
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  2. #2

    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    Been a long long time since I played this but I was also wondering the same thing.

    Wasn't there a voice in the brothel too in one of the sectors?

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus The Unknown Voice! Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    That's not an unknown voice. That's Cloud's inner monologue. It's the 'real' Cloud seeping out and remembering things.

  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    That's not an unknown voice. That's Cloud's inner monologue. It's the 'real' Cloud seeping out and remembering things.

    It's definitely Cloud. Don't forget, for most part of the game, you're not exactly playing as Cloud, because he believes to have lived a life that he didn't live (Zack's life). At that point of the game, it's just memories coming back to him from when he first went to a Mako reactor I guess?

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  5. #5
    Registered User The Unknown Voice!
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    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    Haha... I guess I missed that connection. Makes more sense that it's Cloud's inner monologue than it being Zack. Oh well. Thanks for clearing the answer up!
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  6. #6
    Registered User The Unknown Voice! WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    Hmmm i thought i might have been Zacl too, but it does make sense that it would be Cloud remembering things as he see's them

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  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    You're all totally right.
    Except for that one voice that said to him in some town HOT DOGS, HOT DOGS IN TIGHT BUNS. That was Zell from the future thinking Cloud would be a good party member...
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  8. #8

    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    I always thought it was jenova (he has Jenovas cells in his body) talking to him but you could be right in thinking it could be Zack but personally the things that are said make me lean towards Jenova, possibly things like "Watch out! This isn't just a reactor!" could be words spoken by Zack but all the other converstaion say Jenova to me.

  9. #9

    Re: The Unknown Voice!

    I always used to think that it was Sephiroth he was talking to for some strange reason. Either Sephiroth or Jenova. But after reading through the comments, i would have to say that yes, i do believe it is the 'real' Cloud talking - makes much more sense. Gosh, i was a stupid kid
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