You can't do that, how can you fight boss battLes if you're Low LeveL..
I never done that way.. sometimes, it's hard to escape on random battLes..
I started a low lvl run just yesterday, i'm only going to fight bosses and gain exp that way rather than doing random battles with enemies just walking around.
Has anyone done a run like this before and how difficult was it for you to complete it?
Sig and ave made by Violet, thanks again Violet!
You can't do that, how can you fight boss battLes if you're Low LeveL..
I never done that way.. sometimes, it's hard to escape on random battLes..
My Art Thread:
i have never done it that way because it would be difficult to kill someone like bahamut at only level 5.... good luck though
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Well this must be the dumbest, the most retarded tactic that I have ever seen. Have you ever played any FF before? This might work on few bosses in beginning but if you're going to train like this remember that bosses are really rare and you'll be on such miserable level that even common monsters are going to beat shit out of you. Why do you think random battles exist, to train you characters on a decent level so you can have a chance against monsters and bosses that come later in the game.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
lol. very well said Xanatos. thats almost what i said but i didnt say it like.
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Well no it is possible, he will just have to know what items to obtain at what time in the game, what materia combos to put in his gear. What skills bosses use so he knows what equipment to put in that absorbs and what not, what Enemy Skills that give you the advantage on a boss. If you want to do a low lvl run, you need to have beat the game multiple times to know what to do at what moment.
I disagree with you on this one, levels exists for one simple reason and that's to raise you're stats. If you are not on high level that means you don't have enough speed, strength, luck, evasion... and no mater what kind items and materias do you posses, boss will crush you because he's multiple times stronger and faster than you. I know I had many times problems with some opponents even tho I was on a very high level and because of that I don't really see how it could be possible to beat a game with thta tactic.
Last edited by Xanatos; 08-19-2009 at 12:09 PM.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
i strongly agree with xanatos
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Have you ever seen low lvl characters soloing final bosses? or a speed run? People who do speed run avoid random battles, It's possible, you just have to figure it out.
Last edited by loaf; 08-19-2009 at 12:21 PM.
no i have never seen a speed run
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Uh, why is it so retarded for the OP to try this? I'm assuming he's already beaten the game and he's looking for a challenge. There's nothing wrong with trying to make a game more challenging, since that's what they're there for.
I saw a video on YouTube of someone beating the last Jenova with a VERY low 7,of course everyone was dead and they used Tifa's limit brake to finnaly kill it. So im guessing maybe?? It could be a fake or something...I thought to myself ' how the hell did they get all the way through the game like this!?"
I think the title of the video was "Biggest Level Jump" or something i'll check and make sure and update, It was crazy...
Here it is-
Last edited by ZantetsukenZack; 08-19-2009 at 04:16 PM.
Its called a challenge, FF7 is too easy as it is. If you looked up some vids on youtube you would know its possible.
Like the vid of tifa beating emerald at lvl 7, there are others. Its not retarded and i'm not either. If you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all.
Sig and ave made by Violet, thanks again Violet!
I would recommend you to read a little better. I didn't say that you're retarded only your tactic. But what should I say? You didn't mention the reason you're doing this not even that you have beaten FF VII before. I know that FF VII is too easy I have finished it. Yes I have saw some of those videos as soon as Loaf recommended but I don't assume that quickly just by sawing some videos on Youtube. It's really hard to believe that LV. 7 Tifa has beaten Emerald Weapon. But even if that's all posiblle you need to use master level materia, and you need to train to master materia and by training you gain levels so... Look I don't care I still stay by my statement and even if you decide to do finish game on that way I wish you luck I'm sure you'll need it.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
i still think its impossible
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
i agree with Xanatos
thats why levels are there
if your too low of a level to kill the boss
you need to level up
so if your a low level you cant kill bosses
maybe if you had 3208471023487 mega elixers or something
Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I'll admit i should've stated whether i have beat it or not in my first post but low lvl runs have been done before. I have my own strategies on how to beat them. Yes there are things that are impossible to do but this isn't one of them.
Sig and ave made by Violet, thanks again Violet!
It's a challenge, just like IENANM or something like that.
I plan on starting a IENANM soon actually
I don't know if its possible but I once found a video on youtube where this one guy went on a low lvl run and somehow got omnislash and beat the game at lvl 8. it may have been fake but still an interesting video. i recomend it
Sorry but I don't think it is doable sorry.