well well, the mystery of Jenova will maybe never be solved
from stories bout The great calamity from the sky, to Hojo's researches, we today know Jenova is an extraterrestrial being who fell down on earth to feed on it. BUT, where does she come from herself? what do you guys think?
well i've been thinking, and since i played DoC i've made my own theory. We know the story bout Chaos and Omega, Omega awakens when the world is in need, Chaos comes and eliminates the life on earth, Omega collects the souls of the earth (lifestream) and goes to travel the universe in search for a new beginning. MAYBE, that was what happened to Jenova. I'll refer to Jenova as female, since they do in the series too (mother and stuff). Her planet, in further text X, was endangered, by mass dying, or draining it's powers by intelligent beings living on them. And like Gaia, X created it's ultimative weapon and eliminated life on it. The souls of it's dwellers travel back into the lifestream. Now, in Case of the Lifestream, Aerith, being now in it, is talking bout a dark power (sephiroth) she feels travelling through it. Lets say after the mass dying of several billions beings, many of them being full of hate, they pollute the lifestream, corrupting the weapon which collects it (Jenova) at beginning meant to save them. Corrupted she travelled the universe, maybe destroying several planets on it's way, and lands on Gaia, leaving a scar. The corrputed lifestream enters Gaia's lifestream and pollutes it. The Cetra gather to heal the wound but Gaia tells them to leave as fast as they can, but it's too late, from the open scar lifestream emerges on the outside, the Cetras not fearing it because they thought it was Gaia's, come close to it, and it pollutes them too, turning them in monsters (like in Nibelheim reactor people were made to monsters by exposing them to mako(energy drained from the lifestream)). that's why in Aerith's mother's videos (forgot her name >.>) she talked bout it as 'first it came as a friend' meaning it looked like Gaia's lifestream. And since it was part of Gaia's soul now, Jenova-her body, even if kept by shinra and marked as "biologically dead" could have revived whenever the chance is given to. That's why, even after defeating her body, she didn't 'go away'. She stayed continuin to pollute Gaia's lifestream, causing Geostigma. After the Jenova cells where gathered for the reunion, and Sephiroth (carrying the 'soul' of Jenova) defeated, Aerith, acting from the lifestream with the Healing rain was able to heal the planet and her inhabitants, and Jenova forever gone...