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Thread: HP -> MP Materia

  1. #1

    HP -> MP Materia


    I'm playing through FF7 again (I'm on a quest to play all the FFs through and beat all superbosses)

    Just had a thought about this materia (It switches your HP & MP stats for those who don't know)

    Has anyone ever found a practical use for this? By the time I get it monsters are too powerful for me to be running around with a max of 999 HP.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus HP -> MP Materia Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Some materia have no uses, sadly. This is one of them. At least I never used it in my playthroughs, anyway.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    My only reason im guessing for it is to get 7777MP (cause it's easier to get what number you want in MP then HP) and then take it off and start the fight off with 7777hp.
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  4. #4

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Ahhhh Loaf that is a good idea!

    I've never seen all lucky 7s on the previous times I've played through.

    That could come in very handy.

  5. #5

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    I never used this materia either but maybe the 7's is an okay idea but I would NOT suggest you attempt beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon using these tactics it may be possible but personally I would not take on these enemies without the max HP of 9999. However it is up to you fair play to you if you can do it.

  6. #6
    Ex-SOLDIER HP -> MP Materia Cloud Strife's Avatar
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    HP MP is useless, for the most part. You can do some tricks, but really nothing to keep using long term.

  7. #7

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    They must of made it for a reason, maybe spamming knights of the round over and over somehow?

  8. #8
    Lady Succubus HP -> MP Materia Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Summons don't work that way, sadly. They have a use limit. ..Unless they're mastered. I think.

  9. #9

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    Summons don't work that way, sadly. They have a use limit. ..Unless they're mastered. I think.
    Yea master summons can be summoned indefinitely, so who knows with Mpswitch you might be able to keep summoning phoenix and KOTR as long as you got the mp... I mean I'm not claiming you can beat ruby weapon this way but I still haven't beat him yet, he is hard I don't get how you kill him.

    Oh by the way Laura Kinney (aka X-23) is badass I love her.

  10. #10
    Ex-SOLDIER HP -> MP Materia Cloud Strife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FF9isthebest View Post
    They must of made it for a reason, maybe spamming knights of the round over and over somehow?
    Maybe, but you can't do much with a limit of 999 HP.

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    I already answered the use for this Materia.
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  12. #12

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    I already answered the use for this Materia.
    7777's not really important to me, I can just see what its like on youtube...

  13. #13
    Lady Succubus HP -> MP Materia Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    And that is why I said this materia has no actual use. >_>

  14. #14

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    And that is why I said this materia has no actual use. >_>
    Its gotta have some kinda use....

  15. #15
    Lady Succubus HP -> MP Materia Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    ...We went over this already. Loaf already said what the use for this materia was. You didn't think it was important. So that's why I said to begin with that it had no actual use, yet you do not seem to take no for an answer and will constantly go back and forth.

    Stop being stubborn please.

  16. #16

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    ...We went over this already. Loaf already said what the use for this materia was. You didn't think it was important. So that's why I said to begin with that it had no actual use, yet you do not seem to take no for an answer and will constantly go back and forth.

    Stop being stubborn please.
    Ok well I'm not gonna say your right until I read up on it a little more sorry, I never accept absolutes...

  17. #17

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    I think it is really only good for making the game more difficult which can be fun if you are looking for a.challenge. regarding getting 7777 I found it easier to get using sleep on the enemies and mini on your comrades (alternatively could manipulate and mini enemy). Also, I managed to beat emerald weapon with him getting off only two attacks thanks to 7777, 8 mastered counter attacks, w-summon, mastered KOR, and mime.

  18. #18
    Registered User HP -> MP Materia Dimwitted's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Ha ive personally never used the hp-> mp materia never found it though lucky seven seems like a good plan to go i used final attack maxed and pheonix especially against the ruby wep ha
    I have a life, I just choose not to use it

  19. #19
    I will save the world HP -> MP Materia Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    Never used it, thought it was useless, I just had it in my materia trove. But that's where it stood. As I got stronger, I used less and less materia.

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  20. #20

    Re: HP -> MP Materia

    I finished my playthrough a couple of weeks back.

    In the end HP-MP was useless for me.

    I did start the battle with Emerald with lucky 7s but I got that bu manipulatin a enemy I'd shrunk.

    I then used the goodies I got from Emerald to beat Ruby.

    So by the time I got HP-MP the superbosses had already gone, and I had no use for it.

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