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Thread: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

  1. #1

    How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Hi everyone i have a question about ff7. what i would like to know how did rufus sinra survive in the exsplosion in midga because he is in ff7 advent children and if u was in that possion you would normally hell the hell did he survive.

  2. #2
    Registered User How did rufus survive from exsplosion.
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    According to The Case of ShinRa novella, there was an escape hatch in the Office that he used to get out. Since there was so much damage done from the explosion of Diamond WEAPONs attack, no one in the immediate aftermath of the attack was able to get up to the top floors to find him, so he was just presumed to be dead.
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  3. #3

    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    I still do not understand the logic of this. I understand what you are saying Dodie 16 but when you see the explosion he IS caught in it before he even moves so how the hell did he get to the escape hatch? He must have been at least quite seriously injured from being so close to the explosion?

  4. #4
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Yeah, he was still pretty hurt after the blast. You can catch a glimpse of him being put in an ambulance in the beginning of Dirge of Cerberus, so it's not like he escaped totally unscathed.
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  5. #5

    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    I haven't played DOC so I didn't know that now I do thanks!!!

  6. #6
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Also, if any of you have watched Advent Children (which takes place 2 or so years after the game), you'll see that Rufus did survive, but apparently he had one of his eyes injured ( I think he had an eyepatch). But yeah like Dodie16 said he probably had an escape hatch but he was still injured. That attack was so fast I'm still surprised he escaped in time to avoid getting killed by that attack.
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  7. #7
    Passing fair judgement How did rufus survive from exsplosion. Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Don't forget about the Mako also, chances are he was infused with Mako which also would have helped. Cloud and Zack both survived explosions thanks to their Mako infused bodies.
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    is not a douche How did rufus survive from exsplosion. Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Don't have a clue what an "exsplosion" is. lol

    Also Rufus is one of the main bad side characters, it can't be too easy to kill him.

  9. #9
    Registered User How did rufus survive from exsplosion. Dimwitted's Avatar
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Well like dodie said he didnt escape completely unscathed but didnt dirge of the cerberus come after AC? so im assuming him spending most of the movie in a wheelchair had something to do with it and that means the ambulance that dodie saw in DC is probably something else ? just saying not to sure myself but from what ive read DC is set 3 years after ff7 but AC is 2 years after
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    Registered User How did rufus survive from exsplosion.
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimwitted View Post
    Well like dodie said he didnt escape completely unscathed but didnt dirge of the cerberus come after AC? so im assuming him spending most of the movie in a wheelchair had something to do with it and that means the ambulance that dodie saw in DC is probably something else ?
    DoC did come after AC, but the scene where Rufus was being put in the emergency transport was a flashback to FF VII when Meteorfall was happening, and people were being evacuated from that sector in Midgar.
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    Registered User How did rufus survive from exsplosion. Dimwitted's Avatar
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    DoC did come after AC, but the scene where Rufus was being put in the emergency transport was a flashback to FF VII when Meteorfall was happening, and people were being evacuated from that sector in Midgar.
    Ahh didnt know that DC was one of the games i didnt play ha, But he survived anyway so its explosion --> ambulance --> wheelchair then seemingly ok after that
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  12. #12
    I will save the world How did rufus survive from exsplosion. Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    Someone aboved me said his body was infused with mako which makes his body stronger apparently in fire. Also, he's the president of Shrina, although he may of survived all ways of contacting him would be destroyed, and even if he had a cellphone, perhaps he wanted to be considered dead so he can rule the world from behind the scenes.

    Either way, despite him being a bad guy. Rufus is still awesome, the man cannot die

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  13. #13

    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    I didn't actually know that he cameoed at the beginning of DoC but that does clear up my confusion on the matter. I remember watching AC for the first time and saying "What the?!" when Rufus came out in his wheelchair. I had sworn that he died in Diamond Weapon's attack. Though if there was an emergency escape hatch that does make sense. Hmm.
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  14. #14
    That guy. How did rufus survive from exsplosion. Hot Shot's Avatar
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    Re: How did rufus survive from exsplosion.

    I'd assume the Mako energy gave him geostigma instead of made him stronger. But there are so couple of questionable near-deaths in VII. Like when Cloud fell from the reactor onto the church and when Dyne fell off of the train tracks.

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