It would help me out if you could say what equipment, materia, and levels you have for your characters, but here's a basic run-down to beat Safer-Sephiroth (I assume that's the boss fight that you're on).
Characters should be at least above level 50, and have their level 4 limit breaks learned. Characters should also have healing materia and plenty of MegaElixers for when he does the Heartless Angel attack. If you have
Knights of the Round materia, it can deal out a lot of damage and make the battle go by much faster. Also, equipping the Ribbons accessory are an excellent way to avoid all the status attacks that Sephiroth can dish out.
Anyway, Safer-Sephiroth attacks in a fairly consistent pattern, and it goes like this:
1. Wall or DeSpell -
If he does Wall, cast DeBarrier to take it away.
2. Deen (if DeSpell was cast on his previous turn) or Shadow Flare (if Wall was cast on his previous turn) -
These attacks can cause some status ailments. Make sure to have Esuna or items that can heal your party.
3. Unnamed physical attack
4. Safer∙Sephiroth flies up into the air -
You need characters that can hit at a long range, or equip Long Range materia assuming that you have it. Magic attacks also work well (other than Earth and Gravity attacks), and if you have Knights of the Round, use it.
5. Pale Horse -
causes Sadness, Poison, and Frog if your characters aren't immune from those attacks. Heal accordingly
6. Super Nova -
After this attack is done, heal immediately, possibly with a MegaElixer if you have some. This attack also charges your limit break gauges fast, so you can use your Limit Breaks when you need to.
7. Break (if Safer∙Sephiroth's HP > 25%) or Heartless Angel (if Safer∙Sephiroth's HP < 25%)-
Heartless Angel will reduce all character's HP to 1, so use MegaElixers or other healing items to get your HP back up. He will only start using Hearless Angel when his HP is getting low, so when you see it happening, you know he's almost defeated.
8. Safer∙Sephiroth drops back down, and starts the pattern again from 1.
Since you know the attack pattern now, you can adjust your fight accordingly. Keep attacking with all you have, when you don't need to heal that is. And GOOD LUCK~! Hope that was of some help to you.
