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Anyone here that knows me even the slightest know that I am a HUGE FF7 fan. Its my favourite in the series, and one of my favourites of all time. From the artstyle sprite backdrops and beautiful music, to the addictive materia battle system and wonderful story+characters. However, I do not feel that square owes me anything. I am gracious that they are going through with this remake, something at one point seemed like it would never happen. When I heard on our TFF skype combo that they showed it during the E3 event, I immediately thought they were deliberately pulling on my heart strings. But to my surprise, they actually did announce it along with a hype inducing trailer. I once said I would pay even $500 to play a remake of FF7, so a few little DLC here and there isn't going to bother me personally, I would think true fans of the game wouldn't mind either. It depends on how you view square because many games have DLC nowadays, why should we single out square as being moneygrubbers
Being the huge fan that I am, most people would assume I have a problem with the combat. I actually dont care. I figured from the start this wasnt going to be turn based and for good reason. There hasnt been a turn based FF for a long time, and they have been just as successful. I dont believe theres a way you could have a turnbased game seamlessly integrate with the enviornment and flow of the game without it taking away the realism; which is a huge factor in the FF7 remake. I dont have a problem with action combat as long as we have a great character development system in place in which we are able to customize and empower them (something I have yet to see a possbility from FF15).
I'm looking forward to the remake and I cant wait to see what the final product looks like.