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Thread: Ff7 ending let down

  1. #1

    Ff7 ending let down

    Spoiler? Dint think it is

    But yea I felt it was a let down seperoth was easy as was jenovia (sp?) and you didn't even have to do any thing in the final battel

    then just to wach a 5 min movie and like hours of credits just to reset the game O_o.

    I thought you should have been Abel to go back ou in to the world and every one would say about how glad they at it's safe and all that crap. And for the giant metior to be gone from the world map sky.

    But no, I've not played it since beating it. Can you get back out of the north crater? I've not tried yet lol

    well on to ff8 again for me
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  2. #2
    Ff7 ending let down Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Yeah it was a bit disappointing compared to other FF games. But there is FFVII:AC/DC which continue the story. But when it was first released in 96, I dont think they had intended to continue the story so I have always wondered why they left the ending the way it is if they hadn't planned to add more to the story.

  3. #3
    I want to play a game. Ff7 ending let down Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Quote Originally Posted by gareth9989 View Post

    But yea I felt it was a let down seperoth was easy as was jenovia (sp?) and you didn't even have to do any thing in the final battle
    Most final bosses in the Final Fantasy series have been easy. There are both the Weapons, Emerald and Ruby in Final Fantasy VII if you want a challenge. Usually the final boss is easy that way the player can beat the game, then there are optional super-bosses that give the player a challenge.

    Quote Originally Posted by gareth9989 View Post
    then just to wach a 5 min movie and like hours of credits just to reset the game O_o.
    Final Fantasy VII has one of the shortest endings in the series, Final Fantasy VIII is one of the longer ones which should satisfy the length you enjoy for endings; I too prefer longer endings since it appears that more is shown.

    Quote Originally Posted by gareth9989 View Post
    I thought you should have been Abel to go back ou in to the world and every one would say about how glad they at it's safe and all that crap. And for the giant metior to be gone from the world map sky.
    Technically, the characters do leave the North Crater via the Highwind but they don't say anything relating to how they are happy the world is safe. I'm surprised you didn't mention anything about Yuffie or Vincent being absent from the ending. I understand why they weren't there, being optional characters, but it would have been nice if Square created endings have one or both of those characters as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by gareth9989 View Post

    But no, I've not played it since beating it. Can you get back out of the north crater? I've not tried yet lol
    You can't continue the game after beating it, but you can leave the North Crater before fighting Jenova and Sephiroth.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    I thought the ending was pretty good myself. Once that flash of light hit across the planet, you didn't know exactly what had happened to everyone. It was that sort of thing that led to many a fan to speculate as to what actually happened to everyone. Now, we do know what exactly happened, but back when it was first released and there was no Advent Children to carry on with the story, it was left open for interpretation to the fans.
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    Certified tech, come at me! Ff7 ending let down SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    If FFVII had the kind of ending you wanted it would be like FFVI all over again where they leave the final dungeon narrowly escaping on airship and seeing the world at peace. But yeah I agree on the disappointing ending, FFVI's was pieced together better in my opinion.
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  6. #6

    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Lol nice reply zargabaat. Tbh I didn't notice yuffi and vin wernt there lol. Guess I'll just go after the wepons again (they destroyed me last time lol)
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  7. #7
    Rune Knight Ff7 ending let down Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Everyone on this site probably knows by now im not a big fan of 7. mainly it was quick wrap ups for the game as well as explanations. the ending did lack. and the fact that that tifa got a big shot in the face from cloud saying he wanted to be with aeris or how ever you spell her name. and sephiroth were crazy easy. the final battle at which cloud and him were supposed to have a big epic battle was a one shot fight which ended in half a second. hell i wished i could throw a cure spell on him to make that fight last more than 2 rounds.

  8. #8
    I want to play a game. Ff7 ending let down Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    and the fact that that tifa got a big shot in the face from cloud saying he wanted to be with aeris or how ever you spell her name.
    Well, originally the plans for Cloud and Tifa's moment underneath the Highwind were a lot suggestive than the finished product. Following a fade-out, Cloud was supposed to walk out the chocobo stable on the Highwind, followed by Tifa who would check around as she left. This was considered a bit "extreme" and they toned it down for the actual version.

    So that big shot in the face must have been pretty weak since they still had a moment, though a lot less suggestive.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Ff7 ending let down Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    I thought it was an epic ending

  10. #10

    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Lol yea bit of a bitch slap for tifa aye?
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  11. #11
    Imperius Rex Ff7 ending let down Storm's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    I liked how it was open-ended, and to be honest I don't regard Advent Children as a sequel, more of a fanfic movie actually made by Square Enix. My only issues were the pointlessness of the battle which you don't actually fight in, and that there was no alternate ending with Vincent and Yuffie in it, but I did enjoy the ending sequence. I liked how you were left unsure if the world was saved and evrybody survived (except for the after-credit hint).

    It would have been nice if Sephiroth was harder, but I guess he is easier to satisfy both the speed-gamer and the completionist.
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  12. #12

    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Quote Originally Posted by gareth9989 View Post
    But yea I felt it was a let down seperoth was easy as was jenovia (sp?) and you didn't even have to do any thing in the final battel

    then just to wach a 5 min movie and like hours of credits just to reset the game O_o.
    I tend to disagree, yer there could have been a bit more, but now, as it was stated previously, there are other alternate games/movie which explain what happened to the guys after the encounter with Sephiroth.

    Final Fantasy Advent Children stated what the characters were doing, I.E Barret mining for oil, Cloud with his delivery service, Tifa carrying on working at the Seventh heaven. etc.

    I agree on the part where you said that the last bosses were not all that challenging, but Squaresoft realised that the large majority of their fanbase that were playng their Final Fantasy series were that of the older generation as they used to take alot of concentration and tactics to conquer. You never used to be able to march through the game without having to worry about leveling up. So to make the Final Fantasy series more adaptable to the other generations, they lowered the difficulty somewhat, this then brougt new customers in, younger gamers started to appreciate the game because it didn't take to much brain work to do.

    However, the final cut-scene did lack that certain "final Chapter" you never really fully understood what happened at the time. I too was one who thought this, but at the end of the day, I enjoyed the game, so what if the ending was a little crummy, the actual game-play and story line kept me buckled down to my chair and resuming play.
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  13. #13
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    The reason why Vincent and Yuffie weren't in the final ending because they were semi-hidden characters, who you probably wouldn't find on your first play-through (unless you had some guidance, or was extreamly thorough).

    It's explained in Dirge of Cerberus that Vincent and Yuffie aided the evacuation of Midgar... which to me seems like a good and reasonable explanation, seeing as Square Enix (Squaresoft) didn't put enough attention into the ending of the original game. ^^;

    Back on topic, I think the ending did what it was meant to: close the story, leaving you with a few questions and thoughts about what could possibly happen next. It certainly wasn't the best ending I've seen in a Final Fantasy game, but give it some credit. If Sephiroth was really difficult, fewer people would have beaten the game.

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  14. #14

    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    i dont think it was a let down because if anyone out there has seen the film ff7 advent children its a follow up to that and its up to u what u decide what happens to the charictars at the end of the film.

  15. #15

    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    I thought every final fantasy ending was that way, open ended and open to interpretation. I liked the ending. I don't really care that you couldn't play afterwards as that is how most games were like back then. You come to the "THE END" screen and then you shut the game off. Back to the real world with ya!
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  16. #16
    Certified tech, come at me! Ff7 ending let down SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    Quote Originally Posted by mineteaser View Post
    You come to the "THE END" screen and then you shut the game off. Back to the real world with ya!
    ^ Best part of FFVII right there.
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  17. #17

    Re: Ff7 ending let down

    I thought the ending was okay not as impressive as 8 and 10 but still pretty cool.

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