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  1. #1
    Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Lordofdragons's Avatar
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    Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Hello everyone,

    Im finally back on TheFinalFantasy .

    I felt like i needed to express my opinion here to this great community.
    I just cleared Crisis Core today and i have to say, i havent had a final fantasy game affect me so since the first time i played Final Fantasy VII.

    Heres the spoiler part hehe

    When i got the game i knew Zack was going to die, so i was a bit reluctant to play the game because of that fact, but at the same time i needed to know how things played out!
    As i played the story was so great, Zack had a really great adventure and experience, he really was a true hero!.
    Awhile after, i finnaly get to the final fight, after the final boss fight i felt a bit disappointed because the fight was a bit to easy, i sat watching the ending roll out, and i knew this was it, the final place were Zack would make his final stand!.

    When the fight began and zack was facing a horde or endless Shinra soldiers one thing ran though my mind.

    I know in the end i couldnt win the fight, thats the story but i would be DAMNED if i would let Zack go out without a fight!!
    I felt a strage feeling, i felt oddly connected to Zack as i fought.

    It was a good while later and that fight was still going i was getting tired, with all the fire i could barly get a move or spell to attack without getting knocked over, i wasted the entire colection of items to keep Zack up and going.

    Alot of time still passed i used the last of my items to restore my HP/MP.
    I knew this was it but i knew after i used my last Curaga spell i had to take 1 more Shinra with me, i charged slashed down my last troop before the cannon took Zacks last bit of HP.

    The the last fight were Zack could barely move, i cheered Zack on inside my mind as i inched him foward, COME ON ZACK LETS DO IT, ONE HIT IS ALL YOU NEED!!.
    Even though i didnt kill the troop i managed to get one last slash of Zacks Buster Sword off and that was good enough for me.

    After it was over and i watched Zack pass his legacy to Cloud i felt a sense of relief and happiness that i had been there to see it, i didnt want to see Zack die at the begining but now im glad i saw it, to see Zack, become a hero..

    Wow, ive nver spoke this passionatly about a Final Fantasy game before.

    Id like to hear other peoples opinions of that final struggle for Zack, how did you feel when it ended?

    Well thats it for me

    P.S. Its great to be back on TheFinalFantasy.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!
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    Welcome back.

    Yes, I was really emotional as well at the ending of Crisis Core. I knew that there was going to be a sad ending, because of the secret scene in FFVII. The one that happens when you go back to the basement of the Shinra Manor on the 3rd disk.

    I think what really got me tore up inside was after Zack passed on his Buster sword to Cloud. Cloud lets out a pained cry, and it was just something that I thought really made the scene that much more powerful.

    As for the final battle against the Shinra Army, I knew Zack was ultimately going to lose, but I made sure to take as many of those grunts down before it happened. Like you, I wasn't letting Zack go down without a fight.

    The fight against Genesis was a little too easy for me as well, but that was on Normal mode. I tried to defeat him on Hard, with my New Game+ file, and well...he was hard. I still can't beat him.

    Overall, I thought this game was an excellent entry to the compilation of FFVII. It really showed Zack, who was just a minor character in FFVII, as really a great main character. Some people may have been put-off by his happy-go-lucky attitude, but I think it was refreshing to see it.
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  3. #3
    I think most people who got the game, or more or less people on here, knew what the ending was going to be. I was expecting it as well but less so when the game seemed to drag on a bit towards the end. I knew it was part of the plot but ultimately it did get a bit slow before the final confrontation. Yes, final Genesis was easy and all that but when it came down to having to fight the Shinra army (which I didn't expect, I thought it'd be a scene of watching him), I hated where I was at the time.

    I arrived at my friends when I was beating Genesis and then the last part, well, I'm glad his parents weren't in. LordOfDragons, you might have been cheering in your mind but I was voicing my opinion, almost yelling at my psp, to my poor friends confusion as he watched me. He had no idea why I was getting emotional over a game but to be honest, I think that the fact Square Enix got you to fight the army made it a bit more dramatic, it made it pull on your heart strings as you were controlling Zack's fate, especially with everything you go through in the game.

    Another bad reason for being at my mates was that final scene. Am I the only one who got a bit teary? I think the ending to this and FFX are the only endings in games that have made me want to cry (but I couldn't exactly infront of a friend so I had to put on a tough guy facade, showing triumph for completing it). I so regret completing it there but it was worth it. One of my favourite endings ever.
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  4. #4
    I want to play a game. Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Crisis Core for me in general was powerfully emotional- I knew that Zack dies and how he dies. I know that Aerith will eventually dies as well. It's watching the last days of their lives, more so for Zack, and they don't know. They don't think that they'll be dying on this or that day, they plan to live and plan for that future. This is what makes the games so powerful. Zack's fate was sealed before the game even started. To finally see how he died, better represented than in FF VII that was limited (only two or three shinra soldiers were on screen), fighting off a small army showed his determination, courage, and his prowess as a SOLDIER. I was sad at the ending to see his story conclude and Cloud's to begin. A very emotional ending well done by the game's creators.

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  5. #5
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Fayt.'s Avatar
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    Crisis Core was simply an excellent game, albeit too short.

    Learning about the backstory to Zack, Sephiroth and Cloud in particular were a truly worthwhile experience. It was great to finally see another side of Sephiroth, and also the turning point to where he simply lost it.

    Cloud's role in particular though really pulled me in, I'll admit I didn't think a great deal of him before Crisis Core, but after playing it I have a whole new respect for the guy. It's incredible the things he went through before FFVII even started, we knew he had history before sure, but I never expected it to be as deep and tragic as this.

    Considering it was a prologue you had to expect a sad ending, and it was just that, Zack fighting until the very end. I really loved it, it's probably the best RPG on PSP.

  6. #6
    Earth Elemental Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Poto's Avatar
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    All Zack ever wanted to do was be a hero, and he finally did at the end. The ending with Genesis though was confusing, when he falls into the lifestream below the Goddess, it looks like he is taken into the lifestream, but he's not dead. it was a really good scene but it confused me.

    It is always my goal to kill as many of those grunts as possible. Zack was amazingly strong, I put up as big a fight as I could, there should be some prize fer killing a certain number of them cuz i took out a ton just using quake all the time.

    Cloud taking up the Buster Sword has to be my favorite scene in the whole game. it represents the beginning of his jouney, and continues to fight for Zack's honor

  7. #7
    i won this game just today, i was all the day sad thinking how cloud must have felt there theywere good friends,,at the credits it says contuniu at Final fantasy vii,,but which one the ps3 one ore the ps1??

  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Xanatos's Avatar
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    The fact that I knew how Crisis Core ends just wasn't enough to prepare me for this, never have I seen such powerful and emotional ending. Zack had personality of a true hero and he died as one, sad sure, but knowing that he didn't die in vain was good enough for me, after all Cloud with Buster Sword in his hands representing Zack's legacy is indeed a pleasing sight.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! smithhanson's Avatar
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    Yeah, the ending was extremely emotional for me, and I also felt a personal connection to Zack. It was actually depressing, when you were down to those last few Shinra troops and Zack could barely move around. It made me want to cry. I watched the ending cutscene with great sadness, but the last words of the game were the ones that really and truly got to me.

    "Hey, would you say I became a hero?"

    I think that's when the tears came.

    And, to be honest, no matter how cheesy it is, my favourite personal quote is "Embrace your dreams. And whatever happens, protect your honor."

    It was probably the best, and saddest video game ending I have ever watched.

    Square Enix likes to torture us with those sad endings. >:3

  10. #10
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Quote Originally Posted by smithhanson View Post
    Yeah, the ending was extremely emotional for me, and I also felt a personal connection to Zack. It was actually depressing, when you were down to those last few Shinra troops and Zack could barely move around. It made me want to cry. I watched the ending cutscene with great sadness, but the last words of the game were the ones that really and truly got to me.

    "Hey, would you say I became a hero?"

    I think that's when the tears came.

    And, to be honest, no matter how cheesy it is, my favourite personal quote is "Embrace your dreams. And whatever happens, protect your honor."

    It was probably the best, and saddest video game ending I have ever watched.

    Square Enix likes to torture us with those sad endings. >:3
    I agree with this statement in every respect. "Hey, would you say I became a hero?" was the best line of any FF game. haha.

    I thought the fight was okay, but I was expecting it to be longer. No real complaints about that. The entire time it was ending, I was thinking about Cloud... I was like, How is this boy gonna get his memory jumbled right at these moments? haha.

  11. #11
    Learner Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    yeah i just beat it too
    that was probably one of best endings ever
    i especially love how after the credits it goes right into FFVII
    that was epic
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  12. #12
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Haha, i was also reluctant to play crisis core aswell, because i too knew Zack was going to die. . .
    I still played on though and cleared most of the missions and thought that overall crisis core was a really fun game.
    I also thought the final boss was a bit easy, but most of crisis core was like this for me.
    at the last battle, where you vs the endless army of shrinra soldiers, i thought that this whole thing was avoidable and Zack and Cloud should never 've even been in this situation, but there was'nt much that i could do, so i fought on against the [sarcasm]"Endless Army"[/sarcasm] The thing was i was fighting as many shrinra soldiers as i could and i was doing a great job. . .
    I was quite confused by the random slots that came up on the slot machine thingy cause i'd never seen them do that before. . .
    Anyway, i pushed on and fought for what seemed like ages, but i had lots of hp left when the cutscene began. I thought it was stupid that in the cutscene Zack was dying, because i had so much hp, and was in such a good condition, so the end scene kind of disapointed me.
    I think that i thought at the time i could keeo Zack alive, but you can't alter a game's story as much as you can alter destiny

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  13. #13
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Kuja's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    The ending of Crisis Core really got to me... I, to be honest, didn't even think that Zack would die at the end. Infact, I barely even knew who Zack was, when I started the game. But the whole game, really got me, in an emotional way.

    All the deaths, were what got me... I swear, it was the most emotional game I have ever played.

    But when I got to the end of the game, (It took me forever to beat Genesis) I honestly was worried about Zack, and whatnot... Fighting all those soldiers...

    And when the screen went black, and all you heard was guns firing, I literally turned off the PSP... And that's when the tears came... I was so afraid to see Zack die. I didn't even touch the game the rest of that day. Then the next day, I decided, alright, I want to see what's going to happen. So then I continued it, and of course, tears came throughout the whole cutscene.

    But really, when Zack asked: So do you think I've become a hero? (Or something like that), it really got to me... I swear, I have never played such an emotional game in my whole life.

  14. #14
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Yes, I knew what was going to happen, but could I keep from tearing-up?, NO!!!!! As soon as Tseng told Cissnei that he was sending her to save Zach's life, and that he had 88 letters for him it started to get to me. Like some of you I also can't bring myself to just sit back and take a beating at the end(quake rocks), and end up kicking shinra butt until a missle finally gets past my defences. And when the camera comes back to Zach after Aerith's scene, I completely lose it. The worst part though, for me, is when Angeal comes for Zach and we see one of his(Zach's) feathers floating towards the city that I just can't help but shed a tear(EVERY TIME!!!!).

  15. #15
    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    I almost felt like crying while fighting all those shinra bastards in the last fight
    the music was so sorrow, and the way Zack's memories started going away one by one were painfull.
    Zack could barely even walk, let alone fight.
    Either way, I was still trying my best to finish them all off, hoping the Turks would stop in time to save me or something.
    I admit I thought I got a game over at first =P

    I don't actually have this game, but my cousin let me borrow it long enough to beat it.
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  16. #16
    Fortune Teller Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Cait Sith's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    That game really was... touching in a way I can't understand. So much of it was lighthearted and happy it gives you hope.
    "There could be a happy ending... right?"
    You know it can't and you know it won't. But do you want to believe it? Never.
    This game ties the loose ends and cements the bonds that VII established.
    We all knew Zack and Cloud were best friends but having Cloud ask him to try his mother's home cooking moments before Nibelheim is destroyed...
    It made everything seem more surreal.
    I knew Zack would die but I tried not to believe.
    Cissnei put herself in great sacrifice to try to help him get away and that made it seem like Zack had a chance. Almost, but not quite.
    Even Genesis, main villain and epitome of trouble, was worth trying to save in Zack's eyes. Nobody was to blame for this horrible mix up.

    Then came the final cutscene.

    The fact that Aerith seemed to know he had passed made it devastating, and hearing Cloud cry his eyes out next to his best friend's dying body... it was too much. I sobbed with him.
    Zack's final words were some of the most meaningful I've ever heard and him being victim of circumstance makes it even worse. There was no reason for him to die... just as there was no reason for Aerith to die in VII. But that makes it real.

    I beat it a couple of weeks ago. I haven't been able to pick it up since.

    Zack Fair died a truer hero than some who lived... he was a great man. RIP.


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  17. #17
    All is One.One is All. Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cait Sith View Post

    That game really was... touching in a way I can't understand. So much of it was lighthearted and happy it gives you hope.
    "There could be a happy ending... right?"
    You know it can't and you know it won't. But do you want to believe it? Never.
    This game ties the loose ends and cements the bonds that VII established.
    We all knew Zack and Cloud were best friends but having Cloud ask him to try his mother's home cooking moments before Nibelheim is destroyed...
    It made everything seem more surreal.
    I knew Zack would die but I tried not to believe.
    Cissnei put herself in great sacrifice to try to help him get away and that made it seem like Zack had a chance. Almost, but not quite.
    Even Genesis, main villain and epitome of trouble, was worth trying to save in Zack's eyes. Nobody was to blame for this horrible mix up.

    Then came the final cutscene.

    The fact that Aerith seemed to know he had passed made it devastating, and hearing Cloud cry his eyes out next to his best friend's dying body... it was too much. I sobbed with him.
    Zack's final words were some of the most meaningful I've ever heard and him being victim of circumstance makes it even worse. There was no reason for him to die...
    ^ This really describes how I feel. The ending really depressed me,yes..I cried my eyes out I really loved Zack throughout the entire game,and I knew he was going to die..but I was hoping that somehow maybe he wouldn't die,even though its silly to even think that >.< This was literally the saddest ending to any game I have ever played
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  18. #18
    Passing fair judgement Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    I have beaten Crisis Core a total of eight times and the ending still gets me. I kinda thought of Zack as like me(yeah it's weird), so I felt close to his character. When they killed him off it was depressing for me, I'm a weeny in that aspect I guess .
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  19. #19

    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    It was the first game that really made me cry... the music's perfect, the last battle, never backing down until the bitter end. I've known the secret flashback scene in FF VII, so I knew exactly what was beginning when he woke up in that lab. And there, it already made me feel gloomy.

    But what came lay beyond my expectations. I'm pretty empathic, but I don't think I'm the only one who got carried away. I was totally into it, really told myself 'You're NOT going down without them!', even ignored someone who spoke to me while I was playing, I think... lol.

    And as the screen went black, and as I heard the gunshots... I think I hold my breath for a whole #§$% minute.

    And I wasn't even a big fan of Zack. Well, of course I like him now.

    It alway surprises me how Square manages to touch the players so much with a game.
    Last edited by Ravensoul; 08-02-2011 at 01:39 PM.

  20. #20
    Boxer of the Galaxy Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    "A hero didn't die that day. A hero was born"

    Probably one of the most meaningful quotes in reference to the ending. It was great to see what happened in more detail. Ever since visiting the Shinra mansion disc 3 of FFVII, I was always wanting to know more about what happened to Zack. Im really glad they made crisis core. Although I do think it could have been a much bigger success on a more conventional, popular console. I guess they need to boost psp sales though. Many psp were bought just for this game.

  21. #21
    All is One.One is All. Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Many psp were bought just for this game.
    The only reason I got a PSP for Christmas back in 2009(i think) was because I had Crisis Core and I couldn't play it. I begged my grandparents to get me one,and they let me buy one off Ebay for about $50. But yeah,anyways..the only reason I got my PSP in the first place was for Crisis Core
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    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

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    Registered User Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    The only reason I got a PSP for Christmas back in 2009(i think) was because I had Crisis Core and I couldn't play it. I begged my grandparents to get me one,and they let me buy one off Ebay for about $50. But yeah,anyways..the only reason I got my PSP in the first place was for Crisis Core
    Me, too. I only bought a PSP to play Crisis Core, and I wasn't disappointed. Like many others I knew what was ultimately going to happen at the end. I have never been so affected by a game ending in all my life, (with FFX being the only other.) Whilst playing FFVII back in the day, I was always interested in what happened to Zack. I immediately warmed to him, and was torn up when I had to watch him get slaughtered. It was an extremely powerful scene, and I, too, cried on the hero line :'(

    Like others have mentioned, I really liked the way everything was tied up nicely, and different aspects of familiar characters were shown. Overall, the biggest change for me were my feelings towards Cloud. I'm not going to lie, during FFVII I wasn't his biggest fan... But playing through what actually happened in his past really put things into perspective, and I gained a new found respect for him. His voice was also a bonus, as I think it's darn foxy

  23. #23
    All evil will see the light Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Assassin's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    When i saw da end of final fantasy7, i kept on asking myself y zack had 2 die......and its da 1st time any FF game or movie had made me emotional

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  24. #24

    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    I'm not gonna lie - i had tears flowing down my cheeks when Zack died - especially after hearing Cloud's scream. I believe there is a good video depicting Cloud and Zack's friendship somewhere on YouTube with a song by Red playing in the background. It's a pretty good tribute to the dual protagonists.
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  25. #25
    I will save the world Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS! Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Feelings of the end of Crisis Core BEWARE SPOILERS!

    I personally didn't like the ending, and I'm not saying that in a negative way, I just hated to see Zack go down the way he died. He was destroyed by the same company he remained loyal too his whole time while in SOLIDER. But when he gave Cloud the sword and he said live on....and Cloud screaming at the end, I had to close my eyes and shut them tight because I almost started to cry.

    But as the great quote goes and it's a great quote from FF "A hero didn't die that day, a Hero was Born", and I'm all about Heroes. I'm the Hero Without a Name

    "I may save the world, but you'll never know why"

    My TFF Family

    Judge Magister Brother in Arms: To give peace to the world and look cool doing it

    Firefly: Baby cousin To spread joy to all who read the forums

    The_Dream_Recluse: Witty brother with a sweet sword

    Bailiax: My star stealing sister who lives in the beautiful deep sea.

    Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos

    Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan


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