When i got the game i knew Zack was going to die, so i was a bit reluctant to play the game because of that fact, but at the same time i needed to know how things played out!
As i played the story was so great, Zack had a really great adventure and experience, he really was a true hero!.
Awhile after, i finnaly get to the final fight, after the final boss fight i felt a bit disappointed because the fight was a bit to easy, i sat watching the ending roll out, and i knew this was it, the final place were Zack would make his final stand!.
When the fight began and zack was facing a horde or endless Shinra soldiers one thing ran though my mind.
I know in the end i couldnt win the fight, thats the story but i would be DAMNED if i would let Zack go out without a fight!!
I felt a strage feeling, i felt oddly connected to Zack as i fought.
It was a good while later and that fight was still going i was getting tired, with all the fire i could barly get a move or spell to attack without getting knocked over, i wasted the entire colection of items to keep Zack up and going.
Alot of time still passed i used the last of my items to restore my HP/MP.
I knew this was it but i knew after i used my last Curaga spell i had to take 1 more Shinra with me, i charged slashed down my last troop before the cannon took Zacks last bit of HP.
The the last fight were Zack could barely move, i cheered Zack on inside my mind as i inched him foward, COME ON ZACK LETS DO IT, ONE HIT IS ALL YOU NEED!!.
Even though i didnt kill the troop i managed to get one last slash of Zacks Buster Sword off and that was good enough for me.
After it was over and i watched Zack pass his legacy to Cloud i felt a sense of relief and happiness that i had been there to see it, i didnt want to see Zack die at the begining but now im glad i saw it, to see Zack, become a hero..