Hello everyone,

Im finally back on TheFinalFantasy .

I felt like i needed to express my opinion here to this great community.
I just cleared Crisis Core today and i have to say, i havent had a final fantasy game affect me so since the first time i played Final Fantasy VII.

Heres the spoiler part hehe

When i got the game i knew Zack was going to die, so i was a bit reluctant to play the game because of that fact, but at the same time i needed to know how things played out!
As i played the story was so great, Zack had a really great adventure and experience, he really was a true hero!.
Awhile after, i finnaly get to the final fight, after the final boss fight i felt a bit disappointed because the fight was a bit to easy, i sat watching the ending roll out, and i knew this was it, the final place were Zack would make his final stand!.

When the fight began and zack was facing a horde or endless Shinra soldiers one thing ran though my mind.

I know in the end i couldnt win the fight, thats the story but i would be DAMNED if i would let Zack go out without a fight!!
I felt a strage feeling, i felt oddly connected to Zack as i fought.

It was a good while later and that fight was still going i was getting tired, with all the fire i could barly get a move or spell to attack without getting knocked over, i wasted the entire colection of items to keep Zack up and going.

Alot of time still passed i used the last of my items to restore my HP/MP.
I knew this was it but i knew after i used my last Curaga spell i had to take 1 more Shinra with me, i charged slashed down my last troop before the cannon took Zacks last bit of HP.

The the last fight were Zack could barely move, i cheered Zack on inside my mind as i inched him foward, COME ON ZACK LETS DO IT, ONE HIT IS ALL YOU NEED!!.
Even though i didnt kill the troop i managed to get one last slash of Zacks Buster Sword off and that was good enough for me.

After it was over and i watched Zack pass his legacy to Cloud i felt a sense of relief and happiness that i had been there to see it, i didnt want to see Zack die at the begining but now im glad i saw it, to see Zack, become a hero..

Wow, ive nver spoke this passionatly about a Final Fantasy game before.

Id like to hear other peoples opinions of that final struggle for Zack, how did you feel when it ended?

Well thats it for me

P.S. Its great to be back on TheFinalFantasy.