Lol Tifa's boobs like a sacrifice ... why not ? Try Aerith ! xP
Thought this was hilarious. There's more on youtube
Lol Tifa's boobs like a sacrifice ... why not ? Try Aerith ! xP
Ohh, there is a ferret in my bedroom again...
Haha! Yeah I watched all those ages ago..there are also dates with Aeris n Zack, Hojo & Lucrecia, lol Vincent n Yuffie and my personal fave (THANKGOD THE CREATORS CHANGED THEIR MINDS ABOUT PUTTING THEM AS A COUPLE..GGRR) Aeris & Sephiroth ("Hey, wait! Mother wont approve!!"lol) amongst the dates that are actually possible in the game including Cloud with Barret or Yuffie.
I have seen all of the four different date versions. Aeris and Tifa can be funny Yuffie is a little better but the date with Barret is hilarious!!!
LOL thats to did they do that?
Friendly neighborhood noobie