--> Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy
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Thread: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

  1. #1

    Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    But ff7 is truly epic. Been reading on ff wiki, and its crazy how rich and deep the whole story is. I easily killed the last 2 hours just reading, lotta the stuff I knew from the game, but lot of it I missed or forgot. Its crazy!!

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  2. #2
    Elementalist Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    For many people, this is their favorite FF as well as favorite overall game of all time. FFVII changed how we all look at RPGs and this game is often compared to figure out how good the other game is.

    This FF is in my top three of all FFs, only thing missing from it was more non-stuffed moogles.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    Nothing wrong with liking something that's popular. FF VII is definitely one of my favorites in the series, and games in general, as well.

    And, haha... I know how it is being trapped in the FF Wiki for hours at a time. I can click on links and read stuff for ages and not get bored. So much great info on one handy site!
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  4. #4

    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    I have to just agree Epic but sorry to say FFX I like just a smidgin bit more.

  5. #5
    is not a douche Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    Quote Originally Posted by IcyJJ View Post
    For many people, this is their favorite FF as well as favorite overall game of all time. FFVII changed how we all look at RPGs and this game is often compared to figure out how good the other game is.

    This FF is in my top three of all FFs, only thing missing from it was more non-stuffed moogles.
    We all know the truth. The very best game of ALL TIME belongs to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I cannot think of a more perfect game.

    FFVII is great, but also revels in its own overratedness wouldn't you say?

    Quote Originally Posted by markandrewkinzett View Post
    I have to just agree Epic but sorry to say FFX I like just a smidgin bit more.
    Last edited by Bubble Boy; 04-24-2012 at 02:29 PM. Reason: add

  6. #6
    Registered User Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Layle's Avatar
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    I have played that game over and over. i can honestly say the best part of FF Vll is the middle! mainly cause i thought it was done! lol
    Layle Crystal BearerGOT A PROBLEM WITH IT?

  7. #7
    Il y a un furet dans mes cheveux :O Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Catalana's Avatar
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    FF7 <3 ... thanks to this game I discover the FF's series !!! I played to this when I was younger and I still play to this game again and again Yes ff wiki have a lot of informations : when I have time to waste I go on this website ! There are so many things that I have never supposed about the characters or even the places in the game, the scenario etc ... so interesting O.O xP

    Ohh, there is a ferret in my bedroom again...

  8. #8
    Registered User Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy GlimmerMan's Avatar
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    I never understood why people call FF7 fans fanboys, maybe cause it was mainstream. I love FF7 but I love FF8 as much if not more. I'm playing Chrono Trigger right now and I'm amazed that I never played this game when I was a kid.
    Friendly neighborhood noobie

  9. #9
    Chocobo Queen Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Katpuss's Avatar
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    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    VII is one of the top FF installments but I would put XIII, XIII-2, VI and III (DS version) above it in terms of entertainment, gameplay, characters and graphic longevity.

    VII characters got to me emotionally, more than others have done, and I totally fell in love with Red XIII.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy GlimmerMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katpuss View Post
    VII is one of the top FF installments but I would put XIII, XIII-2, VI and III (DS version) above it in terms of entertainment, gameplay, characters and graphic longevity.

    VII characters got to me emotionally, more than others have done, and I totally fell in love with Red XIII.

    Red was the shit! I always use him when I play FF7. The only thing I don't understand is how did he have puppies when he was the last of his kind.
    Friendly neighborhood noobie

  11. #11

    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    Quote Originally Posted by GlimmerMan View Post
    I never understood why people call FF7 fans fanboys, maybe cause it was mainstream. I love FF7 but I love FF8 as much if not more. I'm playing Chrono Trigger right now and I'm amazed that I never played this game when I was a kid.
    Its because some of us been playing final fantasy long before 7 and would be made fun of somewhat about it. Then when 7 came out, the same people who would mess with us finally jumped on board.

    Graphically, this was the most groundbreaking FF of them all. But for us that were already playing final fantasy before it, its not typically our favorite. I've been playing them since the original Nintendo so I personally got to see everyone jump on the bandwagon after slowly converting people for years.

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  12. #12
    Ayyye Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Eh, the graphics are obviously sub-par for PS1 when you compare it to the other two. The game play is pretty cool, but the story is just not that great. I might have enjoyed the game if it weren't for Cloud lol the most enjoyable part was when Cid took over. Cloud is just far too angsty to not be easily hate-able. Still not as bad as Squall though...

  13. #13

    Re: Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Eh, the graphics are obviously sub-par for PS1 when you compare it to the other two. The game play is pretty cool, but the story is just not that great. I might have enjoyed the game if it weren't for Cloud lol the most enjoyable part was when Cid took over. Cloud is just far too angsty to not be easily hate-able. Still not as bad as Squall though...
    Lol. The graphics weren't subpar when it was released. They were miles ahead of anything else, not just rpgs. Of course the other 2 would have better graphics because development picked up after 7. When 7 was released, it was the best graphics you could find. I still remember my friend bringing it over the first time and being blown away by the graphics.

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  14. #14
    Ayyye Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Yes, because graphics make a good game >_>

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes, because graphics make a good game >_>

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Yes, because graphics make a good game >_>

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes, because graphics make a good game >_>
    No, but they definitely help immerse you into the experience.

  16. #16
    Ayyye Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Meh, I disagree. Graphics tend to be more distracting. Gameplay and the story are the only real parts that make a game important. I mean, most good books give a better experience than a video game. I still prefer older games anyway. Graphics are more or less eye candy for advertising. They catch your eye, then the game will capture you thanks to it's gameplay or storyline or lose you thanks to pointless graphics.

  17. #17

    Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Meh, I disagree. Graphics tend to be more distracting. Gameplay and the story are the only real parts that make a game important. I mean, most good books give a better experience than a video game. I still prefer older games anyway. Graphics are more or less eye candy for advertising. They catch your eye, then the game will capture you thanks to it's gameplay or storyline or lose you thanks to pointless graphics.
    But when you read a book you usually envision something of what the character looks like, sounds like. That's a large reason why people feel that books into movies feel "off".

    While yes text can be captivating. Imagine when aerith dies. Seeing the satisfaction on sephiroths face and the despair on clouds. Body movement and facial expression are huge. There is nothing distracting about it. It's immersion.

    Something like Crysis is a distraction. They made everything look pretty for the sake of something looking pretty.
    But what Quantic Dreams is doing with their games, that is immersion.

  18. #18
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterion View Post
    But when you read a book you usually envision something of what the character looks like, sounds like. That's a large reason why people feel that books into movies feel "off".

    While yes text can be captivating. Imagine when aerith dies. Seeing the satisfaction on sephiroths face and the despair on clouds. Body movement and facial expression are huge. There is nothing distracting about it. It's immersion.
    You have no idea how much I agree with you.

    Something like Crysis is a distraction. They made everything look pretty for the sake of something looking pretty.
    I always pictured Crysis as a tool to test your PC performance, with that being said first Crysis is surprisingly a solid game.

    But what Quantic Dreams is doing with their games, that is immersion.
    Just one of the reasons Heavy Rain is top on my list of games I want to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Cloud is just far too angsty to not be easily hate-able. Still not as bad as Squall though...
    Squall was pretty bad at first, though he improved immensely over time. He gave up on the lone wolf act eventually, became more friendly and was eager to help his friends oposite to Cloud who became even worse in Advent Children.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 09-26-2012 at 05:28 AM.

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  19. #19
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I hate the way that the title comes across that the OP is afraid to say he liked FFVII because he might come across as 'jumping on the bandwagon'. I think people are too elitist when it comes to FFVII, I'm assuming because it is the one that took FF into the mainstream. Like what you wanna like, FFVII is an amazing game. It's probably my third favourite in the series (after VIII and XII, that's right XII).

  20. #20
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    There are two types of fans. Fanboys, who are the gaming equivalent of hipsters, and gamers, who enjoy the games that they play. As long as you belong to the latter category, there's no bandwagon to jump on, nor is there shame in loving a particular game.

    Besides, I think for most people, the first Final Fantasy they play is special in a way that can't be defined, but is nonetheless shared. As VII is what brought the series into the mainstream, it's not surprising that many people feel this way. I have the same feeling about VIII, which many people panned, but I don't care because the game has meaning to me that no other Final Fantasy will ever have.

    Not to say that I don't like VII, it's a solid RPG, I just think it suffered from a number of problems that are common to the series in general yet seemed much more pronounced in this one. IMO of course. But hey, different strokes for different folks. If it's your favorite game, that's cool. If it's not, that's cool too as long as you're not hating all over it. That's rude, not to mention messy.
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  21. #21

    Please don't categorise the cash cow spin offs into the actual FFVII story, the fact that we have put them all under one forum pisses me off enough, they added nothing to the game but warped the characters and story, they were brought out for one purpose, to take your money.

    What they done to the turks in AC is unforgivable, going from cool ass mother fuckers to comic relief, they made a joke of them, Rufus surviving was such a cop out to retain characters, even bringing back Sephiroth was silly and completely ruined the purpose of the final show down in FFVII where Cloud defeats Sephiroth in his mind with his omnislash

    The spin offs that ive seen detracted from the FFVII story and im confident the spin off games do the same, why am i being prejudice with these games? Because ive been nothing but let down by Square since they started doing sequels/spin offs..

  22. #22
    Ayyye Don't want to sound like a bandwagon guy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterion View Post
    But when you read a book you usually envision something of what the character looks like, sounds like. That's a large reason why people feel that books into movies feel "off".

    While yes text can be captivating. Imagine when aerith dies. Seeing the satisfaction on sephiroths face and the despair on clouds. Body movement and facial expression are huge. There is nothing distracting about it. It's immersion.

    Something like Crysis is a distraction. They made everything look pretty for the sake of something looking pretty.
    But what Quantic Dreams is doing with their games, that is immersion.
    I just remember bland PS 1 graphics for faces tbh >_> I will admit, I would like to see some of the older games brought to newer systems. Not really for the graphics, but the systems were VERY restricting. I mean, there's just no life to it. I still don't need to count how many hairs are in Ramuhs beard >_>

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonHeart View Post
    There are two types of fans. Fanboys, who are the gaming equivalent of hipsters, and gamers, who enjoy the games that they play. As long as you belong to the latter category, there's no bandwagon to jump on, nor is there shame in loving a particular game.

    Besides, I think for most people, the first Final Fantasy they play is special in a way that can't be defined, but is nonetheless shared. As VII is what brought the series into the mainstream, it's not surprising that many people feel this way. I have the same feeling about VIII, which many people panned, but I don't care because the game has meaning to me that no other Final Fantasy will ever have.

    Not to say that I don't like VII, it's a solid RPG, I just think it suffered from a number of problems that are common to the series in general yet seemed much more pronounced in this one. IMO of course. But hey, different strokes for different folks. If it's your favorite game, that's cool. If it's not, that's cool too as long as you're not hating all over it. That's rude, not to mention messy.
    Oddly enough, FF VIII has that same effect on me. I don't really like it, but it was the first FF game I ever saw. I just remember the summons, monsters and futuristic stuff made me think it was the coolest thing since square lunch meat, then I eventually got a copy and discovered the junction system...

    But yeah, when ever I think of Final Fantasy, I think of FF VIII.

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