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  1. #1
    Fueled by Coffee Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers) Elise's Avatar
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    Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    So I'm replaying FFVII again these days, now I'm in disk 2, in Midgar after the fight between Weapon, Shinra, Cloud and the others. The events are serious now, but back in disk 1 there were so many suggestive adult themes, the most obvious example is the events in the Honeybee Inn, I could name more! It made me wonder for a while why it's not rated AO, haha, seriously though I'm surprised by the difference between my understanding now and my understanding then, even when I decided to play the game again I didn't see this coming, even though I know it, when I read the dialogue again it felt like reading it as new, and not remembering it.

    Has anyone had a similar experience? Things that ran over your head as a kid?
    I guess it's made in a way that kids won't understand any of the adult stuff.

  2. #2

    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    The fact that you didn't understand them then and now understand them as your older pretty much answers your question.

    This happens in alot TV programs, take Charlie Sheens TV show for example.

    Nobody cares as long as the parents arent quizzed about it, and there is nothing in FF7 which ever raised a Q

  3. #3

    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    I missed most of the adult concepts as a kid as well - it was only when i played the game again as a teenager that i realised just how dirty of a place the Honeybee Inn and Don Corneo's mansion really were.

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  4. #4
    Asking all the personal questions. Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers) RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    Final Fantasy 7 turned me on, I would never be able to sell my copy of FF7 well at least not with the booklet.
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  5. #5

    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    Final Fantasy 7 turned me on, I would never be able to sell my copy of FF7 well at least not with the booklet.
    It should be safe, considering the pages are white as well ;P
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  6. #6
    Fueled by Coffee Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers) Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)


    Well FFVII is the most adult of all the FF games, I think all these adult stuff appeared comical because of the graphics, which is good. Also, think of the languages Barret and Cid use, yea we would laugh at them but think if they are re-made or were made in top notch graphics like FFXIII... I think it would be a different story. In AC there weren't any of these stuff, even Tifa's outfit was changed... or wait I might have missed something, I haven't seen that movie in years lol

  7. #7

    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post

    Well FFVII is the most adult of all the FF games, I think all these adult stuff appeared comical because of the graphics, which is good. Also, think of the languages Barret and Cid use, yea we would laugh at them but think if they are re-made or were made in top notch graphics like FFXIII... I think it would be a different story. In AC there weren't any of these stuff, even Tifa's outfit was changed... or wait I might have missed something, I haven't seen that movie in years lol
    If they did remake FFVII with voice actors and everything they would have to bleep out so much of Barret and Cid's dialogue if they wished to maintain a PG or even M rating. Although i would secretly hope they kept it all in there for the comedic value (even it becomes an MA rating). Yeah, Tifa's outfit could possibly be an issue if they did a remake as well - probably explains why they changed it in Advent Children.
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  8. #8
    Fueled by Coffee Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers) Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenZecht View Post
    If they did remake FFVII with voice actors and everything they would have to bleep out so much of Barret and Cid's dialogue if they wished to maintain a PG or even M rating. Although i would secretly hope they kept it all in there for the comedic value (even it becomes an MA rating). Yeah, Tifa's outfit could possibly be an issue if they did a remake as well - probably explains why they changed it in Advent Children.
    Or give the option for it ^^

    Just like when you are given the option for Japanese or English, you get to choose between PG and NC-17. I'm not sure if this is even possible, technically or legally, or if it has been tried before, but I think it's the best option because if Square Enix has to choose it would make it without the swear words or the adult themes, because it gains more with that, but then we will miss the chance of having the same game in better graphics and I think many would complain about it ruining a classic or whatever.

  9. #9

    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post
    Or give the option for it ^^

    Just like when you are given the option for Japanese or English, you get to choose between PG and NC-17. I'm not sure if this is even possible, technically or legally, or if it has been tried before, but I think it's the best option because if Square Enix has to choose it would make it without the swear words or the adult themes, because it gains more with that, but then we will miss the chance of having the same game in better graphics and I think many would complain about it ruining a classic or whatever.
    Then again, most of the FFVII lovers who grew up with the game are in their teens/20 + anyway so the NC-17 rating should be fine. It wouldn't be the same without Cid's classic lines
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  10. #10
    Master couch potato Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers) Peachesonfire2012's Avatar
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    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    FFVII is awesome. its one of the only games i know that make a refference to crossdressing XD

  11. #11
    I will save the world Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers) Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Adult Themes! (may contain spoilers)

    Crossdressing, cursing like a sailor, the strip club, Tifa's giant boobs.....yes FF7 is kind of adult compared to everything else, I played it as a kid and my friends had the biggest crush on Tifa (for obvious reasons), I think now though.....if you tried to do that, you'd get a bunch of angry parents.....although Vanille is kind of racy in FFXIII...I mean everytime she moans sadly, it sounds like something else if you know what I mean

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