I personally liked Kain, he was a bad ass, and he had a spear. Gotta love them giant sticksAlso because he was on both the good and evil side before he decided he was truly good. (Even though he was posessed, his feelings were apart of it)
i couldnt see a favourite character in the forum thing (unless i overlooked it if so my bad X3) so i thought i would put one on here :3 personally my favourite is rydia :3
I personally liked Kain, he was a bad ass, and he had a spear. Gotta love them giant sticksAlso because he was on both the good and evil side before he decided he was truly good. (Even though he was posessed, his feelings were apart of it)
Normally, the main character is not my favourite one, but this time Cecil really was the only character I actually liked.
I liked him better when he was a Dark Knight though.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Since I could choose multiple characters ... I did.
Cecil was an excellent main character, with his triumph over his evil past and such. Plus, when he first becomes a Paladin, he can gain like five levels in one battle. It was awesome.
Rosa was a good heroine and a good white mage. Plus, magic wasn't all she could do -- her Aim skill came in handy quite often, and could do some pretty decent damage on some enemies.
And I don't think it would be a stretch to call Rydia the best black mage in the series. Not only could she cast black magic, she could also summon -- which is more often than not what I use, considering the delayed casting time of many of the more powerful spells. I like that she is powerful enough without any side-quests to add to her list of summoned monsters, but you have the option to venture out and pick up Odin, Bahamut, Asura, Leviathan, and the Sylphs. (I don't care about the pathetic Goblin, Mindflayer, and Cocatrice.)
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
It also marks the first time a White Mage breaks multiple traditions, so to speak. Rosa is the second/third official White Mage in the series (1st would be the first White Mage, the second and official first is Minwu/Ming-Wu), but she's the first (and thus far, the only) with a separate knowledge of Archery (effectively making her a White Mage/Archer). She retroactively breaks another tradition, however; that of Summoners dabbling into White Magic (or the inverse). Most White Mages after Rosa learn the arts of summoning: Garnet/Dagger with her Summon focus, Eiko with her White Mage focus, and Yuna as a main summoner but also a strong dabbler in White Magic. When you think about it, while it doesn't exactly break a tradition as it wasn't established yet, she was unique for her time. She still holds a bit of traditional concepts (being the Hero's chick, the damsel in distress, her desire is to help Cecil as her mother helped her father), but in the area of mechanics, she is certainly different.
Technically, that distinction goes between "apocalyptic power in a small package" Vivi and "spell-frenzy" Lulu. Both of them are powerful and focused Black Mages on their own, and they also acquire the ability to reach Doublecasting (or in the case of Lulu, X-Casting). Rydia's distinction is in being, much like Rosa, a Summoner that "breaks" tradition (or rather, that never follows the actual tradition of linking White Magic and Summoning); also, her Summons are particularly powerful (in theory, Ifrit is the equivalent of casting a Fire 2/Fira spell individually on each character or Fire 3 amongst all creatures; same thing happens with the rest).And I don't think it would be a stretch to call Rydia the best black mage in the series. Not only could she cast black magic, she could also summon -- which is more often than not what I use, considering the delayed casting time of many of the more powerful spells. I like that she is powerful enough without any side-quests to add to her list of summoned monsters, but you have the option to venture out and pick up Odin, Bahamut, Asura, Leviathan, and the Sylphs. (I don't care about the pathetic Goblin, Mindflayer, and Cocatrice.)
Now, as for a favorite character...I'd be tempted to say Cecil, but I have my qualms about his mechanical Paladinhood (and entering Dissidia, his actual Paladinhood). However, I'd throw that concept to the wind and say Edge, just to get a bit weird. Mechanically, Edge is a complete package; someone whom you'll expect having at nearly all times. His appearance in the game is particularly late and his character development rather short (the only other character with further delayed appearance and shorter character development is FuSoYa), but pretty impacting. Basically, in the stretch of a siege to his castle, he has to learn pretty harsh lessons which cause him to realize the big responsibility he has on his hands, a responsibility he'll have to share along with Cecil and Yang later on (reconstructing Baron and leading Fabul, to be precise)
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
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The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
Rydia, by far the coolest summoner FF has ever had.
For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.
I would say Cecil.
I liked the abilitys in the DS version,made him more powerful.
Rydia over all.. even though she has the lowest HP and quite possibly the weakest equipment through the entire availability of her in the game.
For pure game play reasons.. Cecil, he has the most versatility with equipment that keep you from dying... especially physical attacks...
Although that rule is similar to Kain, he isn't in the game nearly as often.![]()
Difficult to choose. I like them all in their own ways. Cid's goofiness, Rydia's bluntness, FuSoYa's...puddleness, err... etc. But as Cecil is my all time favourite FF-character, I have to say him. (Though I kinda cheated and chose like 5 characters in the poll *hack-cough*).
Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!
Rydia, without question. For what character stories FF4 does have, hers was just as interesting as Cecil's to me, and I loved using her in battle. Doesn't hurt that most art depicts her as filling out nicely by the time she returns to your party to smack around Golbez.![]()
I also loved Cecil. He was a great hero, and if not for Tina and Ramza, easily my favorite FF lead. Although I did miss Dark Knight Cecil at first...I have to admit, having some backup healing doesn't hurt when Rosa's turn is still a bit aways.
Damn! I only realised that it was a multichoice poll after i voted (Choosing only one guy)
My favourite was split between two:
Those two being both Rydia, and Golbez.
-I like Rydia because, well. . .She's hot.
-And i like Golbez, because i like him off both Disidia and FFIV. In Disidia he's kickass with his gravity magic, and he's a good antagonist in FFIV
Oh, and my vote went to Rydia. . .
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature
i personally like Kain because of his "ninja-ish" personality
~ Victus per Veneratio ~
I picked three Cecil, Rosa, and Edge
I would have to say Rydia, she is by far the most powerful in terms of summoning, and one of the best black mages in all of FF, learining many spells, and able to learn tons of kickass summons. plus she keeps edge in check of his ego
Kain wins everytime for best character. They haven't been able to emulate the same success with dragoons.
I'm gonna do what I did with the Final Fantasy VI Best Character thread and rank all the characters in order.
1) Kain - Coolest appearance and personality, in my opinion. Dragoons are just badass. I liked how he went from being good to evil to good to evil again and back to good. I also think it was a nice touch to have Kain in love with Rosa, even though his best friend Cecil is with her. I can relate to that, kind of...wanting a girl so much, but she doesn't notice you in that way.
2) Rydia - Didn't really like her that much until she returned to the party halfway through the game. She was cool, though. The summoner of the game. She could use powerful black magic. She had a good backstory and finally, I like the green hair.
3) Cecil - MUCH preferred as the dark knight, character and appearance-wise, but preferred as the paladin when it comes to weapons and skill. Didn't have as interesting of a story as let's say Kain, but he was still good for the main character.
4) Edge - Not really a fan of his personality much, to be honest, but he's really useful in battle and has a pretty cool job as a ninja. Don't really get too many ninjas in Final Fantasy.
5) Tellah - I liked his character. I'm not completely sure why, but I just did. It just sucked that he never had much MP.
6) Rosa - She really didn't much of a personality or character in the game, but she's a very helpful party member as a white mage, so you can't hate that. Or maybe you can, but I don't.
7) Yang - The monk is probably my least favorite job class in the earlier Final Fantasy games (maybe except for the bard...EDWARD! *angryface*). He was pretty useful as a physical attacker, though.
8) Fusoya - He's got every spell in the game mastered. Can't argue with that. But you CAN argue with the fact he's relatively weak defensively and he doesn't have a whole lot of MP to use all that magic he has. And he turns into a mop when he dies in battle. I did like that he was a Lunarian and advanced as a person compared to the Earthlings. He was smart.
9) Palom & Porom - I rank them both as one here for obvious reasons. I liked Porom a LITTLE more than Palom, but for the most part, they're basically the same person, just different magic. They weren't my favorite characters in the game, but they did alright.
10) Cid - Pretty bland as a party member. Not very helpful, in my opinion. Just stick to doing what you do best in making and improving airships.
11) Edward - Does this really need explaining? I haven't heard one person say they actually liked Edward. He's the most helpless character in the game and most of the whole series at that. He grew some balls in The After Years. He even sounded like a bit of an smartass to some people, or am I the only one who caught that? So yeah, he grew a pair, but he still sucked. Can't believe they made us go through a good chunk of his tale all by himself in The After Years. Square just did that on purpose, because they know we all hate Edward.
When it comes to The After Years, I would make a whole new list with the added characters, but instead, I'll just say I didn't care much for any of the new characters, except for Ceodore, Izayoi, the now older Porom (LOVE the pink hair!
) and uh, I thought Leonora was cute, both in appearance and personality. Golbez, though, was badass. My new favorite playable character in the Final Fantasy IV world. My only complaint is when he levels up, HE DOESN'T FREAKING GAIN ANY HP!!! So he has the same HP at the end of the game that he had at the start. Why they did that, I don't know.
Well... I was stuck between all of the final characters who fight against Zeromus.
I picked Cecil, but I will tell you my personal favorites of all five of the final characters in order, from most liked to least liked, and why I did or did not like them.
Cecil: I like Cecil because he is the most versatile character in the game, he has high HP, all the important stats high, takes small damage being hit with physical and magical attacks. At level 99 Cecil can do 9999 against almost everything with Ragnarok or an Onion Sword, and even when he doesn't, it's still over 9000 damage. Also giving him the ability to heal himself, he's an absolute tank that does massive damage.
Edge: With both Masamune and Murasame and 99 strength he does huge damage. With unbelievable speed he dices those beasts in a matter of seconds. With the Black Garb and Black Cowl he doesn't get hit physically much, and when he does, it's a fair amount of damage, nothing to much. However when getting hit with magic over and over again he WILL die, almost without question, in a matter of seconds. Massive damage dealer, poor magic defense.
Rosa: Fair damage dealt to her physically and magically, but will heal herself ( and others ) very quickly. She's probably one of the most useful characters in your team.
Kain: I personally don't like Kain much because of his slightly poor physical and magical defense. Yes, he Jumps his way out of harms way, but when he lands he his very vulnerable to damage, both physically and magically. Although he does do some pretty nice damage with jump.
Rydia: I personally do not understand why people like Rydia so much. She does do nice damage around the middle-late part of the game, but in the last level she is usually the first one to die against every single monster I encounter ( if anyone dies at all ). Also, in the last level, even her summon Bahamut doesn't do that much damage. She is personally my least favorite character in the end of the game.
I really liked the bunny-like creature you encounter as you move from town to town, changing his name and trade every time you encounter him. I think at one point his name is Namingway? I don't remember, but he would build maps for you and other stuff like that. Probably nobody knows what I'm talking about, but I really liked that random little guy.
Yeah, that's Namingway. In some versions, he changes his name to something else. Like in The After Years, he changes himself to Challengingway, or something like that. He changed his name to quite a few other names in the DS version.
I've never really cared for the guy, though, to be honest.
love rydia <3
my FIRST final fantasy and played this on PSP VERSION, haha im FF newbie
because of this my opinion : "the fvkin long and hard RPG game (ff) is not exciting" is dissapear now ^^
(currently play FF7)
i like Kain, im just playing right nw to get him back on the team
Ashe and Vaan forever
I roleplay Daisuke Niwa and DArk from DNANGEL and HAruhi Fujioka from OHSHC and also Ashe, so if anyone would like to RP with me just ask haha
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Though Cecil was a close second, I gave it to Edge in this case. I've been partial to Dragoons in the past, so starting, I thought I'd like Kain, but he just didn't have the will I was looking for in a character. He seemed easily bent and I found others more relate-able. I think my favorite thing about Cecil was the internal struggle, always a staple in a good story.
Today I finally beat FFIV and I must say my favorite character is Rydia. She is so full of hope and a badass summoner : P Hehe,but my fav male character is Edge,idk why..I just rly liked him...maybe its because he is a ninja :3 lol
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***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
ninja's are amazing!!!!
Ashe and Vaan forever
I roleplay Daisuke Niwa and DArk from DNANGEL and HAruhi Fujioka from OHSHC and also Ashe, so if anyone would like to RP with me just ask haha
My twitter - @Host_Haruhi
I voted for Yang, although I am a fan of other characters in the game such as rydia, and edge. Yang in my mind is my favorite, due to the fact that he had great physical strength, he fought to protect those he cared for and at the end when people think he died, he sacrificed himself to save the dwarven kingdom/the party. Plus also, if u'd play the DS version, near the end of his time when he kicks everyone out of the door with one kick is pretty awesome!
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
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Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos
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