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Thread: Red dragons, pink tails etc

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Red dragons, pink tails etc Rowan's Avatar
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    Red dragons, pink tails etc

    Okay so I'm nearing the end of the DS remake. My characters are level 80+ from farming green dragons. I managed to get a green tail to make an onion helm which greatly increase speed, not sure what else it does. Anyway, I opened a chest and got into a fight with a red dragon which just destroyed my party by nuking them constantly with solar flare or whatever it's called, 2000 damage on party every turn. That's so messed up, even with dragon equipment halving element at level 80, still 2000 damage. Anyway, I died and lost all my progress in the crystal cave which was accumulating towards 2 hours worth. Needless to say I was punching my bed like a maniac and turned off my ds and havnt touched it since.

    When I eventually pick it back up, I intend to farm pink tails from flan. I Would like to know if it's difficult to farm pink tails as everyone makes it out to be, and what is the best way to kill the flan princess's? I was thinking usin stardust rod on rydia (who is a freakin muffin, by the way)

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    FFIV is actually the only FF game I've gotten as mad that Rowan just got because of that damned crystal cave. You just get so far and then you're like ok I'm going back to leave and save and then one step later it's that Deathmask or a Ruby Dragon cause you're in that room where it's like HARD enemies. F FFIV sometimes. I love that game but that last dungeon pisses me off so much.
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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Red dragons, pink tails etc Rowan's Avatar
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    Finished it just before. Managed to find a save point on the 7th or 8th floor of the dungeon. I was lucky to not get into a fight with the red dragons. I had an easier time fighting all the bosses. Anyway, was a great game. Felt a little short, maybe that's because it's one of the older FF's. I'm glad I played it because they were great characters.

  4. #4
    Ayyye Red dragons, pink tails etc Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    If i remember correctly, the DS version changed some stuff to make it so that you can only get one item per battle, and if one flan drops a pink tail and another drops something can (will) cancel out the pink puff. I think the chances of finding a flan princess was 1/64 and a 1/128 chance (or something) in them dropping a pink tail. There are strategies out there that people claim help, but I doubt they do much.

    Also, try berserking the red dragon, pretty much the only way to win iirc.

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