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Thread: The Opera House Scene

  1. #1

    The Opera House Scene

    First of all, to refresh your memories, I've searched for the "lyrics" of the scene, and here they are:
    The West and the East were waging war...
    Draco, the West's great hero, thinks of his love, Maria.
    Is she safe? Is she waiting...?

    Oh Maria!
    Oh Maria!
    How I long to be with you!

    The forces of the West fell, and Maria's castle was taken.
    Prince Ralse, of the East, took her hand by force.
    But she never stopped yearning for Draco...

    . . .

    Oh my hero, so far away now.
    Will I ever see your smile?
    Love goes away, like night into day.
    It's just a fading dream.

    I'm the darkness, you're the stars.
    Our love is brighter than the sun.
    For eternity, for me there can be,
    Only you, my chosen one...

    Must I forget you? Our solemn promise?
    Will autumn take the place of spring?
    What shall I do? I'm lost without you.
    Speak to me once more!

    Vision of Draco:
    Come, Maria. Follow my lead.

    [Maria dances with the vision of Draco for a few turns.]

    Vision of Draco:
    Ha ha ha ha......

    [The vision fades, leaving behind a (real) bouquet of flowers. Maria takes the bouquet and walks up to the balcony, where she tosses the flowers into the night sky.]

    We must part now, my life goes on.
    But my heart won't give you up.
    Ere I walk away, let me hear you say
    I meant as much to you....

    So gently, you touched my heart.
    I will be forever yours.
    Come what may, I won't age a day,
    I'll wait for you, always...

    [A Minister from the former Western country approaches Maria.]

    Prince Ralse is looking for a dance partner.
    Leave the past behind.
    Our kingdom is adopting the spirit of the East.

    [Maria follows the Minister down off the balcony and inside.]

    . . .

    [Maria is dancing with Ralse amid other couples. Suddenly, a Messenger rushes in.]

    The survivors of the West attack!



    [A battle ensues on the dance floor.]


    [Draco rides out into the fray.]


    Draco, I've waited so long.
    I knew you'd come.

    Maria will finally have to become my queen!

    For the rest of my life, I'll keep you near...

    It's a duel!

    Then of course a few question:
    - Did you like the scene?
    - Where you touched by it?
    - What do you think about all the other theater scenes that followed in the later FFs?

    I loved the scene... I really loved it. It was the best moment in a videogame EVER for me. It's not only the great song that touches your heart immediately, it's also the idea of having to play an opera scene in a game like Final Fantasy. .-. Also, the story is very sad, it kinda reminded me of Romeo et Juliette. (I saw that opera, too, when I was 16 xD) Being part of something like that, there is no way you weren't touched by it. .,.
    The only thing I didn't like about it was that you had to learn the script and you could fail. xD" I failed one time because I didn't read the script, I didn't think that it was important to read because I thought: "Hey, you'll see it on stage in a few minutes, so why learn the script?" xD
    Also, a bit weird perhaps, but I tried to sing it once in the game. xD" You know, you get the script on the screen, and you have the music in the background. So I tried to imagine how it is sung. But I failed. Again. XD" After that I asked someone I knew if she had the song and she gave me a very very good version of it. <3 That one I really love to listen to. x3

    As for the other theater scenes... I saw the one in VII and the one in IX after VI. And they were... well, basically, IX had the same story, but it wasn't as great as VI. Firstly, it was not an opera (opera > theater xD"). Secondly, what did they do with the background music?! It wasn't touching at all, it was just... bad. Sorry that I have to say it like that, but the first time I saw it I nearly fell asleep. <.<" (That was because I hadn't slept for over 24 hours xD")
    The one in VII was a bit funny, perhaps they didn't want a drama again. But I didn't like it either. xD" It was quite nice, but it didn't touch me in any way and I don't even really remember what it was about anymore. .-.

    What about you? ^^

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  2. #2
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Opera House Scene T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Also, a bit weird perhaps, but I tried to sing it once in the game. xD" You know, you get the script on the screen, and you have the music in the background. So I tried to imagine how it is sung. But I failed. Again. XD" After that I asked someone I knew if she had the song and she gave me a very very good version of it. <3 That one I really love to listen to. x3
    Which version? There are several. Most of them are named "Aria di Mezzo Caratere". The Black Mages version is epic and spectacular. The only bad thing is that the lyrics are in Japanese, which sucks a bit when you realize that the last part of the mini-opera is missing. IIRC, the last part of the song is basically Maria saying her good-byes and speaking to the two heroes, before everybody bursts into song.

    I honestly don't seem to recall the VII theatrical montage, but IX's "I Want to be your Canary" is more of a comedy of sorts. A bit of traditional comedy instead of a modern comedy, where everything seems a bit light-hearted and the female protagonist is meant to have her reward at the end. My only problem would be that it's a bit less personal, so to speak, than the FFVI opera.
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  3. #3
    Registered User The Opera House Scene
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    I honestly don't seem to recall the VII theatrical montage.
    I believe Freya is referring to Aeris and Cloud's date scene in the Gold Saucer. More specifically, the play that they participate in.

    Anyway, about the opera. I have the English version on my iPod. I got it from the Distant Worlds c.d.

    I love it very much, but I haven't played FFVI yet. I really want to, though.
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  4. #4
    I want to play a game. The Opera House Scene Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I did like the opera scene in FF VI and I was touched by it a little. Definitely better than plays in VII or IX. The only thing I liked about IX's play was one of the characters had my last name.

    It may have been taken from Romeo and Juliet for they are similiar. I liked how you had to choose the lines kept you more involved in the game instead of breezing over the script.

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Which version? There are several. Most of them are named "Aria di Mezzo Caratere". The Black Mages version is epic and spectacular. The only bad thing is that the lyrics are in Japanese, which sucks a bit when you realize that the last part of the mini-opera is missing. IIRC, the last part of the song is basically Maria saying her good-byes and speaking to the two heroes, before everybody bursts into song.
    There are many versions of it? oo Oh, that I didn't know. I got a version sung by someone called Svetla Krasteva (hope I typed it right .-."). I heard that it was with other lyrics are that the lyrics aren't real lyrics (that it's just sung a weird way xD), but I like it. x3~

    And yep, I was referring to the Gold Saucer date. Cloud had to play a knight who wants to rescue Aerith, the princess. The enemy of both was... a dragon, if I remember correctly. Quite a strange play. xD"

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  6. #6
    Registered User The Opera House Scene Locke4God's Avatar
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    You know the scene was ok, but I didn't really think it was this big staple scene that I hear people try to sell it up as. It was just a scene between one character and a NPC you never see again. The only reason you were there was to get an item so you could move to the ghost city. It didn't impact the realtionships of any of the characters and really wasn't very important at all. Esspecially not stacked against Aeries dying, or Tidus disappearing. Even in the same game I thought the scenes where Tera goes Esper, where you save Shadow, where Kefka poisons the water and all those people die, or where Tera was first taken from the Esper world were much much more important scenes.

  7. #7
    I love Aria di Mezzo, to me it is one of the greatest FF songs. It is also a song you can put a lot of emotion and expression in when you sing it.
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  8. #8
    Bananarama The Opera House Scene Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    Even in the same game I thought the scenes where Tera goes Esper, where you save Shadow, where Kefka poisons the water and all those people die, or where Tera was first taken from the Esper world were much much more important scenes.
    I totally agree with this, but at the same time, I think that the scene was just incredibly well done. I've actually been replaying VI lately and even after all of these newer FF's, this is still one of the most beautiful scenes. I think it works so well because reading the words seems to have more meaning than just hearing them. My only problem with the PS1 version is that they didn't put the scene into CG, except for Celes dropping the bouquet in the 'press start' CG.

    Plus, the way the current FF's have been going, you're bound to get some Japanese pop star singing the English version, and it would just get shot to hell.
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  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    - Did you like the scene
    Yuss. It was a nice scene. I don't know if it had much more meaning than "this is a cool scene for Celes, showing off her acting and sing chops." And it also gave her her theme music for the rest of the game. The scene where she jumps off the cliff resonates much more with me.

    - Where you touched by it?
    Maybe a little bit, but again, not as much as the other scene. It felt a little like being an actor and trying to remember your lines, so I liked that aspect.

    - What do you think about all the other theater scenes that followed in the later FFs?
    The Golden Saucer Date scene in FF7 was kinda humorous. The first time I played through, Cloud dated Tifa (I think because I liked Tifa better, and thus set them up.) I would like to see the date with Barret. I need to play through again and be a jerk to all the girls. As for the one from FF9... I don't really remember it. Anyhoo...

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  10. #10
    Registered User The Opera House Scene Kindushin's Avatar
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    Opera scene from VI - Can't help humming along to it. Yeah i'm sad and constantly bored.

    Theater from VII - Well it was okay I guess... Especially with Tifa and you fail. I giggled at that.

    IX - Boring. Sword fight was fun, but apart from that.... (Assuming i'm not being stupid and this IS the beginning theater?)

  11. #11
    i aboslutly love this scene! It is one of my favorite parts of the game. celes is my favorite character in the game but i just love the score i wish i could fimd it so i can put it on my player, i do like this scene more than the ones from VII and IX the one on VIII was ok between squall and rinoa. Celes Forever

  12. #12
    SOLDIER 3rd Class The Opera House Scene Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: The Opera House Scene

    I liked it. It was certainly a change of pace (memorizing and remembering the lines), and variety is good in a game.

  13. #13
    The Strongest Fusion The Opera House Scene Gogeta's Avatar
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    Re: The Opera House Scene

    I really liked this scene, as I read I thought it was very awesome, I also think the music was perfect for that scene, I literally almost cried, and yes, I am somewhat of a "Softy" when it comes to very romantic and calm music in anything. I mostly liked the part when Celes was doing that part of it on the tower, it was pretty amazing. I did not mess up on that part once, but when it came to the boss... I died on my first try, I felt so pathetic. But overall I loved that scene, it was very "romantic" except for the octopus... Ugg I hate that guy.

    Edit 1: I also liked the music for Celes theme, as I heard it again, it had part of the song in the opera in it, but no random "voices" in it. It was very awesome.

    Edit 2: I really dont remember the scene in #9, been a while sence last played, VII was OK, not the best, but my fav is VI. VI changed my life, XD
    Last edited by Gogeta; 05-17-2010 at 05:10 PM.
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    I really didnt get too much into 1-3, I got about halfway through 6, didnt play 9 that much, and played 12 at a friends house.

  14. #14
    Registered User The Opera House Scene Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: The Opera House Scene

    I only just played this scene for the first time yesterday on SNES, i thought it was quite good, but it did'nt really effect me that much, aside from pissing me off (Ultros again, he's not hard to beat he's just annoying)

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  15. #15

    Re: The Opera House Scene

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post

    Then of course a few question:
    - Did you like the scene?
    - Where you touched by it?
    - What do you think about all the other theater scenes that followed in the later FFs?
    The opera scene is amazing. For me it's even greater because it builds the anticipation of introducing my favorite character, Setzer. I tried to sing the lyrics once and failed too. I recently saw a youtube video with "professional" opera singers singing the song over the original gameplay scene, it was OK but i actually prefer the 8-bit midi "Nah nah nah nahs" with the song.

    I was touched by the song yes, not for the story, it was stale and boring, but for the passion and feel (especially amazing considering it was an 8-bit game with no actual singing). It's the kind of depth that some new FFs are missing (specifically XII and XIII a little too)

    I've seen in several magazines and internet lists where this is ranked high on the "most moving scenes of [any] video games" or something similar

    I never even considered the other theater scenes from other final fantasys to be good. FFVII is terrible and FFIX is only good for the interactive sword fight.
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  16. #16
    Teh Future Mod :3 The Opera House Scene Jenova's Avatar
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    Re: The Opera House Scene

    Is this the original FF6?? because i thought that the third paragraph was different... anyways, im not the biggest fan of the opera part (but its better than sabin's scenario...)
    but i quite liked the fight with Ultros ^^

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  17. #17
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: The Opera House Scene

    Hmmm. I thought I had responded to this one in the past. Guess not haha.

    - Did you like the scene?
    I loved it. It was well played out and even though there was the goof up at the end, it still turned out to be pretty good for what it was.

    - Where you touched by it?

    The first time I played through, not really. As the years passed I found myself more drawn to that scene and have become quite fond of it and look forward to it with every play through.

    - What do you think about all the other theater scenes that followed in the later FFs?
    Cheap impostors that are not near as impressive. VIIs was weak and IXs just seemed to hoaky and unorganized.
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