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Thread: No FFV Fans?

  1. #31
    Just kind of there. No FFV Fans? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    I wish it could be downloaded from the PSN, but I don't think that'll ever happen. x.x
    You can find it on gameboy advance. And you should be able to play it so long as you have one of the many systems that play GBA games.

    GBA classic, GBASP, GBMicro, Gamecube w/Gameboy player, DS, DSLite.
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  2. #32

    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Just look for ZNES emu and play it with that.
    I think they call it FFII though.

    ..your main character should ride in on a chocobo and be named Butz.

  3. #33
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    Just look for ZNES emu and play it with that.
    I think they call it FFII though.

    ..your main character should ride in on a chocobo and be named Butz.
    Official Translation from the GBA version is better. The one for SNES was an unofficial fan translation. It was better than the PS1 version but not nearly as good as the GBA version. The only lacking thing about the GBA version is maybe the slight slowdowns and slightly "off" music.

    And just a little word of warning, TFF doesn't exactly endorse piracy here.

  4. #34
    Just kind of there. No FFV Fans? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    I think they call it FFII though.
    Actually II was IV. And III was VI. V never got an official stateside release on SNES.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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  5. #35
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy No FFV Fans? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Never thought about getting a Game Boy. With all the kiddie games I saw there (with the exception of a Metroid game I spotted), I never thought it would get good games like V.
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  6. #36
    Just kind of there. No FFV Fans? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    You'd be surprised how many good games are on gameboy advance.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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  7. #37

    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    Never thought about getting a Game Boy. With all the kiddie games I saw there (with the exception of a Metroid game I spotted), I never thought it would get good games like V.
    Metroid is kiddie.

    GBA has FF I,II,IV,V, and VI.
    There generally isn't a market for M games on a system like the gameboy.

  8. #38
    Just kind of there. No FFV Fans? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    Metroid is kiddie.

    GBA has FF I,II,IV,V, and VI.
    There generally isn't a market for M games on a system like the gameboy.
    Who needs M games when you have Pokemon?

    But yeah. The GBA FFs are excellent ports.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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  9. #39
    Registered User No FFV Fans? HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    I second the words of ser Calvan here.

    The GBA remakes of Final Fantasy titles are often times better than the originals or the PSX remakes. There's always really cool bonus content.
    Like the FFIV Advance cave of trials and the fact that you can get back EVERY character that supposedly died at some point in the game. (Totally L33t by the way, I'd love to use Edward again)

    The graphic revamps are always nice to see too, but if you really want that, you should porbably be playing the PSP remakes.

    Anyway, because I'd like to make a post relating to the topic here, I love FFV. It's a great game and I think the class system for that particular FF instalment is the best. (Go berserker!)

  10. #40
    TFF's Resident Messenger No FFV Fans? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    I really like Final Fantasy V. It has a unique job ability system that I prefer to Final Fantasy X-2's, but only because the mastered abilities can be used in other jobs, you choose to equip them. It is also a game where you can summon Leviathan, my favorite summon creature (take that FFX).

    While it is not favorite overall, it is in my top 5.
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  11. #41
    Registered User No FFV Fans? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    I'm pretty sure that FF5 in near universally regarded as one of the lesser titles in the series. You're the first I've heard claim it as a top 3. Nearly any body else I've heard mention it, mentions it only as one of their very least favorite. And sitting between 4 & 6 doesn't help it. If you think about it, 4 set a new standard,,, 5 maybe didn't quite live up to that, then 6 set an even higher standard, negating any positive qualities of 5 by comparison, and then of course 7 blew everything of the water, forever putting 5 in the back seat.

  12. #42
    TFF's Resident Messenger No FFV Fans? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: No FFV Fans?

    I probably should've been more specific. Final Fantasy V is my top five Final Fantasy games that I HAVE PLAYED. I haven't played III, IV, VI, VII, XI, or XIV. I didn't get interested in Final Fantasy until 2003, right after X-2 came out. Everyone I talked to would always mention VII, and I looked for it on the Internet, but I could never find it cheap enough.

    V's story is also very good, too. It is like IX's (or rather IX's is like V's) in that it takes you to another planet. I like how its summoning creatures also have a back story with the characters (Syldra and Phoenix).

    I wasn't expecting Galuf to perish though. It made the story that much better.
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  13. #43

    Re: No FFV Fans?

    I never really did pay much attention to V but after reading about it on the net and as its heading for PSN soon, I'll probably be playing it. And as Locke4God said, being between 4&6 which are far more popular really doesn't give 5 any credit. I may soon become a fan of FFV

  14. #44

    Re: No FFV Fans?

    I myself is a fan of FFV. I think the Job Class system is the best "feature system" of the whole series, but it is just an updated version of 3's system. I can't really comment on the story since I haven't played all the way through 5, however the story seems pretty exciting keeping it just about the main characters. The thing I like the most is that this game (Playstation version) has a multiplayer feature. Yeah it's very limited but my friend and I always play it when we're together, and because of that I have some wonderful memories with FFV. IMO FFV is the best SNES era Final Fantasy.

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