As I've said on MSN the other day, I'll be joining your FFVI let's play version. Since my PS1 doesn't work and my PS2 doesn't play PS1 games, I'll be playing FFVI on my GBA. I'll start when you we get more people to join.![]()
Hey guys,
Do any of you remember when Strong Bad made the Lets Play Together for Final Fantasy IV? I got the idea from him and we are going to play Final Fantasy VI together.
This is basically the same thing as then but with Final Fantasy VI. We will post our progress, tell what are parties are and their levels, what we are doing at the moment, and what what we are planning to do next. But please no spamming.
We will start when we get around five people. You can join when ever you want. Tell me what system you are going to play FF VI on and I'll post it up here and your progress also.
I will say what Strong Bad said when he started the one for FF IV. This is not a competition.
I will be playing FF VI on the GBA.
T.G Oskar-GBA
Last edited by Flash; 08-07-2008 at 01:00 PM.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
As I've said on MSN the other day, I'll be joining your FFVI let's play version. Since my PS1 doesn't work and my PS2 doesn't play PS1 games, I'll be playing FFVI on my GBA. I'll start when you we get more people to join.![]()
It's been a while since I've played FFVI. Sure, why not? We can just play at our own pace right? Because I don't think I'm up to playing a game like this straight through anymore, the way I used to. I'd probably take a lot more breaks than any other time I've played this game, which I've played about 10 times now. I'll probably try to play it differently than before, and maybe try to get some things I never really bother to finish.
But yeah, I haven't really been up to playing games much lately, so... I don't think I'll be able to play as much as before. It just isn't in me anymore. But I'll go for it.
Sign me up. I'll be playing on Playstation version.
Last edited by Fluffy; 02-18-2008 at 11:19 PM. Reason: Forgot system...
Ok the sign up is taking quite awhile. So unless we don't get up to five people signed up we will start on the twenty-seventh, that's this wednesday. But you can still join in at anytime just say that you are.
Don't be scared.![]()
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Since no one has posted their progress yet I guess that I'll be the first one to.
I haven't really play it that much but I will play a lot this weekend. At the moment I am on my way to South Figaro. After I get Sabin I plan on training untill my party is at level fifteen or higher.
My stats so far:
Level 12
HP: 142/280
MP: 0/0
Level 10
HP: 145/221
MP: 0/0
Terra Spells:Cure, Poisona, and Fire
Level 10
HP: 188/213
MP: 97/97
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Well, I hadn't started yet but there's been a change of plans. I went and got the GBA version. I figured if I'm going to be playing again, I should be playing a version I haven't played 10 times already. =P
I'm not entirely sure what's been changed and what new additions it has. I know a few, but not all, so there will probably be some surprises in store for me. I hope I don't miss any, or at least not a lot, of the new things.
I notice some of the script has changed. I don't think it really needed to be changed, but I guess a new experience doesn't hurt.
Progress so far: started the game.
Last edited by Fluffy; 03-02-2008 at 12:17 AM.
I'm still at Narshe as I had mentioned, Flash. As of now here are my stats...
Location: Narshe
Play Time: 0:12
Terra (Level 5) (Spells: Fire, Cure)
EDIT: I'll play more most likely tommorow. I've been busy with homework, working on RP posts, poems, and stuff.![]()
Ok I beat Vargas, got Sabin, and on my way to the Returners hideout. I just finished training a few minutes ago. Right now I'm right outside the hide out. Just saved and most likely done for the night. My team is as is so far.
Level 15
Tools:Auto Crossbow, Bioblaster, and Noiseblaster
Level 15
Level 15
Magic:Cure, Poisona, Fire, and Drain
Level 16
Blitz Techs:Raging Fist, Aura Cannon, Meteor Strike, and Rising Phoenix
Time: 3:48
Gil: 22422
Is it just me or does the opening of FFVI kinda sound like some kind of horror movie?
Last edited by Flash; 03-02-2008 at 10:14 PM.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
I've been trying to see if I could add myself to the group, but I would like your advice over it.
The thing is this: I recently began a game on the GBA version, not so long ago. The game isn't that much advanced, since I haven't taken my time around it. Since the idea is to begin the game anew, and start from the moment you specifically join, I was wondering if you could add me even though I have started a bit earlier than you guys.
Just for reference, I'm around about to go South Figaro.
The second thing is this. It's not that important, but it'll cause me to play even slower than the rest. The reason is because, essentially, I'm playing the game to refresh the dialogues and the story in order to make a sort-of fanfiction of it. It's not that showy (basically adding an extra character, and retelling the story, in order to link it to a much bigger fan/science-fiction story of mine), but since I need to play AND write at the same time, it'll cause the game to move a lot slower.
Having given my disclaimer, can I join? I'll post the exact levels and spot once given confirmation.
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
Yes you may join and yes you can keep playing from where you are. Since I am just a little farther than that.
Right now I'm at the area where you get to choose what people you want to play as. I'm going to play as Locke, then Sabin, and Edgar, Terra, and Bannon last.
Time: 4:16
Level 20
Last edited by Flash; 03-03-2008 at 12:52 PM.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Yay, another person joins! Hope we can get a few more even. Welcome aboard.You're actually very close to where I'm at.
I wasted over an hour in the first boss battle, killing Ymir by destroying its shell. Horrible thing has a whopping 50,000 HP, and I didn't even have Terra alive. At least I now have a hard-earned Ether to show for it.![]()
I'm about to start playing again right now. So far I've gotten to right outside of Mt. Kolts. I've equipped my characters as best as I can and am about to venture forth to my doom.
Level 3
HP: 63/63
MP: 27/27
Magic: Fire, Cure
Level 5
Level 6
Tools: Auto Crossbow, Bioblaster, and Noiseblaster
Time: 2:10
Steps: 4175
Gil: 3288
Prepare yourself, Vargas!!
More progress:
I went to defeat Vargas; not a problem. Got my Genji Glove from the Returners. Ultros was also pretty easy. Now I have to choose one of the three paths. I think I'm going to go with Terra, Edgar, and Banon first. After that I'll probably go with Locke, and then... *shudder* Sabin. That's always been the one I liked least I think. I like Locke's the most.
Level 10
HP: 185/185
Dances: Twilight Requiem
Time: 3:33
Steps: 7387
Gil: 6632
Terra/Locke/Banon: Had some trouble getting out of the Lethe River. I actually had Banon die once from Fireball, of course, causing me to lose. Entered Narshe and messed up on purpose on the cave "trial" thing to fight the enemies there. Unequipped Terra and Edgar before the end of this scenario; it's not like they'll be needing it for a while. Time for Locke!
By end of scenario:
Level 3
HP: 63/63
MP: 27/27
Magic: Fire, Cure
Level 6
Tools: Auto Crossbow, Bioblaster, and Noiseblaster
Level 12
HP: 277/277
Time: 3:47
Steps: 7875
Gil: 9088
Locke: The other fairly short scenario. Not much to say I guess. Got all the items in South Figaro. Got the items in the South Figaro Cave. Defeated Tunnel Armor... long fight. Scenario end. Time for the long one... Sabin.
By end:
Level 5
Level 5
HP: 98/98
MP: 41/41
Magic: Blizzard, Cure
Time: 4:19
Steps: 10535
Gil: 9258
Sabin: Ahh... so glad to have Shadow.Not too much special stuff. Had a fairly challenging boss fight in the Phantom Train though. I didn't want to be cheap and use a Phoenix Down to kill it. In the end, Shadow soloed it. Sabin and Cyan died before they could even attack. Will continue this scenario tomorrow. I'm done for tonight.
Characters so far:
Level 6
HP: 132/132
Blitz: Raging Fist, Aura Cannon
Level 7
HP: 149/149
Bushido: Fang, Sky
Level 5
HP: 105/105
Time: 5:14
Steps: 11999
Gil: 1902
Jumped off Baren Falls, went through the Veldt, got Gau. Spent a few hours here getting Rages. I missed a few enemies before, but at least they're ones I can still go back and fight later. I think I'm missing about two Rages due to that. Went through the Serpent Trench once I finished up, and now finished with Sabin's scenario. Yay!
Level 6
HP: 148/148
Blitz: Raging Fist, Aura Cannon
Level 7
HP: 167/167
Bushido: Fang, Sky
Level 7
HP: 158/158
Rage: Guard, Imperial Soldier, Templar, Cloud, Zaghrem, Angel Whisper, Oversoul, Commander, Mu, Wererat, Belmodar, Leaf Bunny, Stray Cat, Silver Lobo, Doberman, Megalodoth, Lesser Lopros, Darkwind, Aepyornis, Hornet, Nettlehopper, Trillium, Cartagra, Nautiloid, Exocite, Magitek Armor, Satellite, Spritzer, Bandit, Bomb, Ghost, Alacran, Darkside, Urok, Foper, Guard Leader, Vector Hound, Chippirabbit, Gorgias, Cirpius, Acrophies, Unseelie, Specter, Living Dead, Eukaryote, Valeor, Wild Rat, Gold Bear
Time: 7:54
Steps: 18927
Gil: 15954
I think we all know what comes next... here I go.
Last edited by Fluffy; 03-07-2008 at 09:08 PM.
Well I finished the senario with Locke and Celes yesterday and I'm about done with the one with Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, and Gau. Shadow left me before I got the Phantom Forest which made me mad. I wanted to use him against the Phantom Train but it was still easy with out him. So next up is the senario with Terra, Edgar, and Banon. So I'm getting closer to the showdown at Narshe.
Time: 6:31
Steps: 13,233
Gil: 1522
Level 17
Blitz Techs: Raging Fist, Aura Cannon, Meteor Strike, and Rising Phoenix.
Level 18
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger, and Flurry
Level 18
Rage: Zaghrem, Angel Whisper, Wererat, Belmodar, Silver Lobo, Hornet, Cartagra, Exocite, and Magitek Armor
I'm gonna stay in the Veldt for awhile to get some more Rage Techs for Gau then I'll leave.
This is will prolly my strongest team level wise by time I get to Narshe.
__________________________________________________ ______________
EDIT March 6 2008
I didn't play at all today but here is my progress from yesterday. I finished all the stuff at Narshe and started my search for Terra. So right now I'm right outside of Zozo.
Party at the moment.
Level 17
Level 19
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger, and Flurry
Level 18
Tools: Auto Crossbow, Drill, Bioblaster, Flash, and Noiseblaster
Level 17
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Blizzard, and Imp
Time: 8:19
Gil: 10,452
Last edited by Flash; 03-06-2008 at 10:41 PM.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Finished the Narshe battle. Went to Zozo and finished up there, getting my first four Espers. Now I've gone back to the Veldt before proceeding, and just finished getting some more Rages, though I think I missed a few monsters again. Oh well, I'll go fight them soon enough. Note that I'm learning magic with all characters, but have no intention of using it. I'm simply learning it for completion's sake, so I won't bother listing new magic just yet.
Espers: Ramuh, Kirin, Siren, Cait Sith
Level 5
HP: 98/98
MP: 41/41
Magic: Blizzard, Cure
Level 5
MP: 33/33
Level 6
MP: 41/41
Tools: Auto Crossbow, Drill, Chainsaw, Bioblaster, Flash, Noiseblaster
Level 7
HP: 158/158
MP: 55/55
(New) Rages: Anguiform, Sand Ray, Corporal, Hunting Hound, Aspiran, Actinian, Heavy Armor, Fidor, Hell's Rider, Poplium, Harvester, Hill Gigas, Iron Fist, Rock Wasp, Fossil Dragon, Veil Dancer, Vulture, Gobbledygook
Time: 14:28
Steps: 35730
Gil: 145203
Obviously, Gau still has all previously mentioned Rages.
Last edited by Fluffy; 03-08-2008 at 01:52 PM.
Right now I am training with the four people I have at the moment. Getting them to learn some magic from my new espers before I go to the opera house. Locke is taking forever to learn Cura. Everyone else might have finished learing magic from at least two different espers be for he is done with Kirin.
Level 20
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Regen, and Libra(Cura 80%)
Level 19
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Silence, Sleep, and Imp
Cyan-Cait Sith
Level 21
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger, and Flurry
Magic: Fire, Slow, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, and Imp(Float 58%)
Level 20
Tools:Auto Crossbow, Drill, Bioblaster, Flash, and Noiseblaster
Magic: Thunder, Poison, Confuse, Float, and Imp(Thundara 58%)
Time: 9:34
Steps: 20,414
Gil: 45,684
Last edited by Flash; 03-08-2008 at 05:44 PM.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
How rude of me to forget!!!
Well, from the moment I joined, I have done very little. I joined for about the moment I had escaped from Figaro, and since then I have just made some advances up to Mt. Kolts. Of course, I haven't done the lot of training, but the characters are in relatively equal levels. Knowing a bit of the old game, I quickly set myself up to get the good Relics, like the RunningShoes/Hermes Sandals, and the Hyper Wrist.
Party Set-up:
Level 8
HP: 169/169
Tools: Autocrossbow, Bio Blaster, Noise Blaster
Level 8
HP: 144/168
Level 7
HP: 136/136
MP: 61/61
Spells: Cure, Fire
Time: 18:23 (!)
Steps: 4743
Gil: 872 a final thing, that makes 6 chapters of the fanfic (curious? Read my first post). That explains the 18 hours: I left the GBA running while I wrote in the computer, so around one or two hours are of doing nothing.
More to come later.
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
Don't worry about it. I haven't really played that much since Brawl came out. Only played for about one whole hour since then. I just finished the opera scene and got Setzer. Now I am on my way to the empire. My party is as is.
Level 22
HP: 389/831
MP: 311/311
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger, and Flurry
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Regen, Fire, Libra, Slow, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Float, Imp (Cura 36%)
Level 21
HP: 377/758
MP: 295/295
Tools: Auto Crossbow, Drill, Bioblaster, Flash, and Noiseblaster
Magic:Fire, Thunder, Poison, Thundara, Slow, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Float, Imp
Level 21
HP: 292/751
MP: 297/297
Magic: Cure, Cura, Poisona, Regen, Thunder, Poison, Libra (Thundara 72%)
Celes-Cait Sith
Level 21
HP: 587/847
MP: 257/272
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Imp (Float 30%)
Time: 10:47
Gil: 8361
Steps: 22834
I am haveing a hard time playing the game. Every time i turn it on I usually turn it back off. Probably because I don't want to get to into it right before I start something else.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
yo its loz and was hopin to join the lets play together ff6 version since its ff6 i know it'll be sweet. Btw i have the game on both snes and gba
~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
$Nanaki$ is my twin brother
Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew
<img src="">
98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
You are welcome to join but you might have to start over on the game you have. Depends on how far you are because everyone isn't that far. You will also have to tell me what system you will chose to play on.
Yes we are still doing this I don't know if you forgot but it is still going on, just to let you know in-case you did for get.
Right now I am in the burning house rescuing Relm. I was training for awhile but got bored and moved on. My team at the moment.
Level 26
Magic: Cure, Cura, Raise, Poisona, Regen, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Blizzara, Thundara, Bio, Break, Death, Gravity, Libra, Slow, Rasp, Silence, Sleep, Osmose (Berserk 63%, Vanish 63%)
Level 25
Magic: None
Lore: Aqua Breath, Revenge Blast, Stone
Level 24
Magic: Cure, Cura, Raise, Poisona, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Drain, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara(Esuna 96%, Protect 32%, Shell 32%, Dispel 64%)
Time 15:37
Steps: 33150
Gil: 25734
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Too late to hop in...? I could start FF VI once again. I never have been finished it because I sort of get bored with it because mobs doesn't have a change to beat me and I haven't play it that many times that story gets boring after a while.
I'm not going to go any fast pace with this game because my school takes so much time that I don't have time to play almost any day. Probably going to be behind you guys almost all the time.
Anyway, I think that I will start it today and play for couple of hours before going sleep. Maybe leveling till level 10 as always when I start play FF6. And oh yeah, I'm going to play PS1 version. Don't own SNES and haven't been able to buy GBA version yet ()
You want to buy this shirt and/or this shirt for me, don't you. They cost under 4000 Yens (~25 €). When you have bought both/either one of them (I'm 182 cm tall), contact me with PM and I will give you address where to send that packet. Thank you.
<a href=><img src=></a>
Yes Testbug you are in I added you the day you posted but haven't posted till now, obviously. The reason I haven't posted sooner was because I've been doing other stuff and playing Crisis Core.
And now my progress. I got to the floating content and about to get Shadow again, this time I will stay and wait before jumping to the ship. I got this far about two weeks ago.
Level 26
Tools:Auto Crossbow, Drill, Bioblaster, Flash, and Noiseblaster
Magic:Cure, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Drain, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Rasp, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Float, Imp, Osmose (Cura 20%, Poisona 80%, Regen 60%)
Locke-Cait Sith
Level 28
Magic:Cure, Cura, Raise, Poisona, Regen, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Blizzara, Thundara, Bio, Break, Death, Gravity, Libra, Slow, Rasp, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Berserk, Imp, Vanish, Osmose (Float 64%)
Level 26
Magic:Cure, Poisona, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Blizzara, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Silence, Protect, Sleep, Confuse, Imp (Rasp 60%, Float 66%, Osmose 60%)
Time 16:59
Steps 34157
Gil 55298
I might play it some tonight now that I've beaten Crisis Core, or I might play Tactics for PSP somemore.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Well, I got my creative juices flowing once again, and decided to run the game from the point I had left it on. Work had made me a bit unwilling to turn on the GBA and play a bit more, but I really wanted to move the story a bit forward.
Right now, as I write the story, I am in the multiple scenario choice, having completed none of the scenarios. I decided to choose against joining the Returners, just to get the Genji Glove. It seems my memory retains a vast amount of the knowledge placed upon, as I found too easy various hidden Relics and items (the Atlas Armlet/Gigas Glove in the Kolts, the White Cape in the Hideout), plus I chose instinctively the exact route for the Lethe River.
One thing I noticed: why would the Returner's Hideout would be located near the river of "Oblivion"? As far as I recall, Lethe is the counterpart of Mnemosine, a river that was located in the underworld. If someone drank from the Lethe, it would lose its memory.
Also, two things. First, South Figaro appears to be an Early Renaissance town, given the architecture and the feel. Second, do you think Ultros has gained an extra bit of knowledge? He got a bit more wording than before, and is also more lecherous. In the original, Ultros sounded a bit silly, but here, he sounds (and acts) like a sick bastard. Poor, poor Terra.
Instead of writing down about the current party, as there is no actual party defined thus far, I will write about the entire roster as they begin the scenarios.
Level 8
HP: 250/250
Tools: Autocrossbow, Bio Blaster, Noise Blaster
Level 10
HP: 221/221
Level 11
HP: 241/241
MP: 111/111
Spells: Cure, Fire, Poisona
Level 8
HP: 166/166
Level 12
HP: 289/289
Blitzes: Raging Fist, Aura Cannon, Meteor Strike
Time: 25:20 (!!)
Steps: 6365
Gil: 6022
With that surge of inspiration, I managed to do two chapters of my fanfiction story. Given that this means a logical separation between the party, this allows for two things. First, I can write an extra chapter or two without having to play the game, and second, this allows me to finally have more liberty in playing, as I don't need to write and play at the same time. I expect this to happen at least once more (during the long chapter in the Southern Continent). Just in case you're following (if not, then meh, I'll still do the write-ups)
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
I picked up FF VI again today didn't get that far but made some progress. I am in the WoR now and just got off the isle you start out on there and just about to the next town. So I only have one character now.
My Character
Celes-Cait Sith
Level 27
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Rasp, Silence, Protect, Sleep, Confuse, Imp, Osmose (Drain 68%, Float 66%)
Time: 17:56
Steps: 35221
Gil: 83293
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
Silly lazy forgetful me... I still am playing, I was kinda forgetful about that.
So, after some time, I finally finished the three missions and went to protect the Esper from Kefka. This means I'll spend the next few hours without my hun, and onward to some of the most interesting parts of the World of Balance (the Opera, the Magitek Research Institute, etc.) I'm right at Narshe, before taking the trip via Figaro. I would have done it faster, but I was hunting for as many Rages as I honestly could.
Seriously, 56 Corporals? I guess I was TOO battle-frenzied to go on.
Level 14
HP 399/402
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger
Level 13
HP 354/354
Tools: Auto Crossbow, Bioblaster, Noiseblaster
Level 13
HP 314/314
Time 33:19
Steps: 18451
Gil: 23518
With FFTA2 eating most of my time, and with the new PSP and the loom of Lenneth, it seems I have less time playing on. But I still have to do the fanfic story, so I will remain playing. I really feel proud of how the story has developed. Cyan has even more Shakespearian accent, and Kefka is even more of a maniac than before. Also, a bit more psycho. Really can't wait to develop more and more. Ironically, I decided to make a slight change to the story, leaving Edgar in Figaro (so that means he'll just accompany the party for a while) and having Celes instead of Locke. Maybe I'll give it the appearance just for the Rachel sequence. Also, to explain how the party gets into Zozo right at the moment they finish Dadaluma.
In both places, I seek to get Shadow for company. Ironic, ain't it?
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
I was thinking about playing FFVI and I was wondering if I could join. It looks like you could use more people because no one is really posting. I've never gotten very far in VI because I usually get bored with it and start a different game. I know I would be starting pretty late, but I could try to catch up.I'll be playing the PS1 version and I will probably start today.
I will join this. I recently had FFVI started new on my Anthology game. I'll post up my party.
Level 12
HP 271/304
MP 126/126
Magic: Cure, Antdot, Fire, and Drain.
Location: Narshe
Time: 5:56
Steps: 14819
GP: 20072
Right now I'm about to pick my party and go fight Kefka. I was more than an hour past this already, but I forgot to save. >< Some sorceress monster in Zozo pretty much casted a near consecutive fire 2 then bolt 2. I was kind of disappointed that I didn't save in between and now I don't really feel like playing anymore today.
All my characters are between level 12 and 14 and have the best equipment I could buy. I'm kind of surprised that I still have so much GP left.
I was going to spend more time getting rages, but it gets very boring to quickly and I haven't found them to be all that useful. Maybe they get better later in the game?
I'm not really sure what else to add, so I'll just post further progress later.
Updated September 6th, 2008Time: 18:26
Gil: 16951
Where am I?: Daryl's Tomb
Current Party
Celes Fenrir
Relics: Earrings, White Cape
Magic:Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, Demi, XZone, Cure, Cure2, Life, Antdot, Remedy, Regen, Scan, Slow, Mute, Safe, Sleep, Bzerk, Imp, Vanish, Warp
Sabin Shoat
Relics:Hero Ring, Hyper Wrist
Magic:Fire, Ice, Bolt, Bio, Break, Doom, Cure, Life
Relics:Sprint Shoes, Atlas Armlet
Magic:Cure2, Remedy, Dispel
Setzer Siren
Relics:Running Shoes, Coin Toss
Magic:Safe, Sleep, Haste, Rflect, Shell, Warp
R.I.P General Leo
Last edited by loaf; 09-06-2008 at 07:51 PM.
Hey I'm just curios is anyone is actually still doing this. Every day or two I play for an hour or two. Keeping it updated as often as I can.
Also sorry for double post. Kinda wanted to get peoples' attention about this thread by showing a new post then my edits.
I'm still planning to do this, but now that school has started, I don't have much time to play videogames.I will try to play some more and update this weekend, but I can't guarantee anything. I haven't made any progress yet.