Where are you right now in Final Fantasy 5?
I did'nt like FFV too much, cause i felt overwhelmed at the number of jobs, but iv'e decided to give FFV a go again.
Btw could people also put stuff in spoiler tags cause i'm not that far, i think i omly just got the second
Spoiler: crystal, sh!!!!!! don't tell any one, lol
any help would be good, thanks in advance
edit[1]: This is why i stopped cause i got out into the big wide world of FFV and did'nt know where to go , so i stopped playing for FFVI, sorry to all the FFV fans *cough*Zane*cough*
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature
Where are you right now in Final Fantasy 5?
You should take your time and decide what jobs you want each person to have since it will take LOTS of extra training in order to have each person learn every job. Also, takes a little bit longer to gain AP, so just take your time and choose what jobs you want everyone to have.
I remember getting lost about once, and I think it was just before I got the airship. It took me a while to explore and find Mid in a town and realize I had to go talk to Cid.
I don't think you should get lost too often though, most of the time you have an idea where to go it's just a matter of finding the placeIf you really don't know where to go, explore you'll eventually come across something.
Are you starting a new game or are you continuing your previous file?
Last edited by GypsyElder; 06-17-2010 at 05:06 PM.
Thanks, i'm starting to get the hang of things now.
That's the exact part that i'm at, i just talked to Cid, and he went to the ship. I'm just leveling my guys up a bit outside of town, and then i'm gonna go to the engine room or whatever it is.
I'm continuing with my old file, cause i can't be bothered going back and doing everything again. Besides, i'm doing reasonably well now, i just have to level my guys some and then i'm off.
Thanks for the help, if i get stuck again i know where to go, heh.
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature