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Thread: Final Fantasy VI on DS

  1. #1
    The Brave Final Fantasy VI on DS
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    Post Final Fantasy VI on DS

    Lately, both FFIII and FFIV has been released on DS in 3D format.
    I think that Final Fantasy VI, one of the best games in the series, deserves to be released on the DS. Who else agrees with me?

    Sure, FFV might be released first, but i am sure that we are patient until then, right.

  2. #2
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI on DS Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    I would like VI DS, V would have to have cooler character design though, the original artwork (not in-game,that was cool), was not doing it for me

  3. #3
    Rune Knight Final Fantasy VI on DS Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    VI would be a good game for the ds. and it would be nice to finally see the tower of kefka the way it should be shown in 3d.

  4. #4
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI on DS Discordius's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    What I would be interested in is that the gameplay overhaul III and IV got be applied in VI as well. Make it more challenging, balanced. Putting some of that into FFVI would make it ways better.

  5. #5
    The Old Skool Warrior Final Fantasy VI on DS LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisbet View Post
    I think that Final Fantasy VI, ... the best game ... in the series, deserves to be released on the DS. Who else agrees with me?
    I fixed it for you. ^^

    It would be nice to see some touching up. As it stands, the GBA version is the "best" version of the game (if you ignore the lower sound quality), given the balance and appropriate translations. The extra content is nifty as well. I'd love to see that make the jump to the DS style. I know a lot of people whined and cried at first, claiming that the overhauls ruined the feeling of the games and blah blah blah, but let the whiners whine. It's my opinion that it'd be a great endeavor.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI on DS vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    this would be great. anyone to me that whines about changing the feel is crazy (IMO). 4 on the ds gave me the same feel as the original. the music sets the mood and the scenery was enriched. i loved everything about the new mak-over except the augment thing was annoying cause to master it you had to play the game 3 times and do it the right way each time. 6 being redone in the same manner would be phenomenal i only hope they can work the kinks ot to make it happen

  7. #7
    Disciple of Bahamut Final Fantasy VI on DS DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    I know we'd probably have to wait a long while for it, but I've thought that VI should get the DS overhaul since IV came out on it. And if they add the voice acting like they did for IV, that would be awesome! Mind you, that would likely take more time, but at least they'd already have a couple of the voices covered (Terra and Kefka, since they were also in Dissidia). I wonder if they'd change anything up to make the Desperation Attacks easier to use, though... Maybe do a system similar to VIII with that?
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  8. #8
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI on DS Discordius's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    I would oppose voice acting. I want to name my charcaters.
    Also, voices could make some charcters feel different from what we're acostomed to see them as.

  9. #9
    Disciple of Bahamut Final Fantasy VI on DS DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    Quote Originally Posted by Discordius View Post
    I would oppose voice acting. I want to name my charcaters.
    Also, voices could make some charcters feel different from what we're acostomed to see them as.
    You might have a point there, bud. I hadn't even thought of that one. Maybe they could allow the player to name the characters, but in the voice acting, still use the characters' original names... Or at least give us an option to turn it on or off.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI on DS Discordius's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    Quote Originally Posted by DMDracoMoondragon View Post
    You might have a point there, bud. I hadn't even thought of that one. Maybe they could allow the player to name the characters, but in the voice acting, still use the characters' original names... Or at least give us an option to turn it on or off.
    They did that on FFTactics for PSP, but not in FFIV DS. I wonder.

  11. #11
    Rune Knight Final Fantasy VI on DS Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    no, you heard the CEO of Square enix, he said that western games allow oppertunity to allow a player to do what they want by renaming a character or fully exploring, but that takes away from the story. Stories maybe linear but it allows us to tell a better story.
    so don't hold your breath for the renaming of characters, they made it clear in the last few games like 12- 4 that renaming is a waste of time and takes away from the story. its not about game play its about story telling.

  12. #12
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI on DS Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    I would love for FFVI to be on the DS (As long as it uses mainly touch compatibility because my control pad's broken ), i'm currently playing FFVI, i'm at the cave to the Espers world, i only just figured out that you could equip espers, lol, but yeah. I love this game!

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  13. #13

    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    I completely agree, it should be released on the DS.

    I think VI is the best FF game. Many people came on board to FF when the playstation was released and claim that VII was the best but many FF gamers who started prior to FFVII say that VI is better. Granted VII is one of my favorites too but I like the simplicity of VI.

    The only one concern I have about VI is that the dialogue was changed when it was released onto the Advanced. I heard they tried to make it a bit more politically correct. I hope they go back to the old SNES dialogue if they do.

  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    Anyone else for a Final Fantasy Chronicles V+VI on Nintendo 3DS?
    It'd probably never happen, but if it did, I alone would probably buy several copies.

    But yes, I would love a DS remake. A guy can never have too many copies of the greatest game ever made. But, I would also like to see FFV DS which is itself also a great game and would very likely benefit from some choice graphics when I think back to some of the locales (meteorites and the like among them).
    victoria aut mors

  15. #15

    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    what do you guys think about this ffvi remake. it is not a rom hack but is actuly made entirely from scratch.
    YouTube - Final Fantasy VI-2 Bahamut X

  16. #16

    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    I'm very excited to see if it works. I hope they decide to release one for the DS, not the 3ds like was mentioned around E3 time. In fact, no offense to FFV, but I hope they skip that installment and redo VI, as it was more prominent and a much better game all around. Love V, but still, it's all about VI

  17. #17
    Rune Knight Final Fantasy VI on DS Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VI on DS

    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    no, you heard the CEO of Square enix, he said that western games allow opportunity to allow a player to do what they want by renaming a character or fully exploring, but that takes away from the story. Stories maybe linear but it allows us to tell a better story.
    so don't hold your breath for the renaming of characters, they made it clear in the last few games like 12- 4 that renaming is a waste of time and takes away from the story. its not about game play its about story telling.
    just so you know i was joking and being sarcastic. i would never want voice acting in the game. personally want to rename my character.

    but i personally think we should not do it for the DS, Why not do it for the Wii and give it FFIX style graphics with rendered world map. i mean finally getting to see the tower of kefka actually reaching for the sky.

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