I like the battle on the big bridge theme in world 2
There are a lot of themes on this game that I got very attached to (really a lot more than any other FF) but I've come down to one choice.
At first it was Beyond The Deep Blue Sea or the Submarine theme, but when I heard The Day Will Come theme it touched me. Like when you were little and you wished for the one single present you wanted for Christmas then when that day came, you really didnt pay any attention to what else you got until you mauled open that one gift.
This theme makes me feel like that everytime I hear it.
Whats your guys favorite theme?
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I like the battle on the big bridge theme in world 2
Last edited by Coy261; 06-12-2010 at 01:31 AM.
I liked the theme of when you verse the final exdeath, that was kool
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
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i like the normal battle theme
its just so catchy
~ Victus per Veneratio ~
The songs I like from the game are the following:
Main Theme of Final Fantasy V
Four Hearts
Fate in Haze
Sealed Away
Battle 1
Welcome to Our Town
Boss Battle
Airship theme
Home Sweet Home
Exdeath's Theme
Battle on the Big Bridge
Beyond the Deep Blue Sea
Decisive Battle
A New World
The Final Battle
Currently Playing:
Battle on the Big Bridge.
What a question...really, Gilgamesh gets the best theme song ever, plus one of the best battle songs around. Probably one of the most memorable, as well, from the series.
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
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The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
When you find the airship for the first time, inside that place. I like that song a lot. I don't remember the name of it though. Has a cool beat I guess. And as always, any song Gilgamesh is apart of is a good song.
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I say ExDeath theme.
The Battle theme. I prefer that over other normal battle songs. Even though IX is my favorite FF.![]()
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"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
~St. Augustine
Final Fantasy V has some great music! Battle on the Big Bridge is probably their most original, and awesome piece for the game.
I also liked the battle theme and then the main theme.
I love these music topics because I love Nobou Uematsu's musical masterpieces. The most loved pieces of music in FFV for me are...
Fate In Haze: This song makes me daydream of being in a beautiful misty cave exploring it and relaxing next to waterfalls and such other pretty things.
Ahead on Our Way: Makes me feel optimistic and I think about the future.
Home Sweet Home: Just simply a very lovely tune that puts me in a relaxed state of mind. I feel like I am alive in the ancient Celtic days and I'm a warrior and farmer with a wonderful family etc.
Pirates Ahoy: I Just like it.
Sealed Book: Deep mysterious and powerful.
Decisive Battle(First EXDeath battle theme) Sounds extremely powerful and awesome. I love Magic way more than physical attacks and this makes me think about controlling the elements and powerful forces of the universe.
There are others of course but these stand out most.
My Home, Sweet Home and The Final Battle and The Dawn Warriors.
I'm going with the Gilgamesh battles, I like how they used it in FF12 also when you battle Gilgamesh during one of the hunts
I see nobody has felt a "vibe" with the them of "Ancient Library?"
It was a dark and mysterious tune, and then the chorus attracts you and lets you appreciate the rest of it.
The battle theme, it is slightly greif felt theme, as if this battle does nothing but bring the planet closer to the end. It may be well due, to the fact that I have musical theory and have my own outake of it...
Neo-Exdeath. The black mages version is ultimate. That is all. I will fight to this song and kill...
Gilgamesh. Of course, this battle theme is perfect to a humorous character.
Quite Heroic.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
Naturally, I'd say Clash on the Big Bridge. It's just so... Epic, for lack of a better word. Gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it.
I also enjoy Home Sweet Home, or whatever that one was called. (I can't remember it right this minute.)
Both beautiful pieces of music.
Home Sweet Home I like, Harvest is kind of cool, Lenna's theme and also Gilgamesh's theme. The world is messed up, but the music is awesome
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
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Battle on the Big Bridge, the battle theme and the song in Butz's home town.
I liked the main theme, played during the title screen.
I also liked the song that played during the final battle with Neo Ex-Death.
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I don't really know names, but I really liked the world map theme in Galuf's world, the theme that plays when Galuf's army charges the bridge to X-Death's tower, and the theme in the final battle. I recall FFV's soundtrack as one of my favourites, although found the random battle theme was annoying.
Definitely Clash on The Big Bridge. The music you hear when riding the Black Chocobo is also my favorite chocobo theme arrangement this far.
If something bad happens, do the Panic Dance!
As I Feel,You Feel That Song Gives Me Goosebumps Everytime I hear It And Clash On The Big Bridge Bad Ass. The Day Will Come And Ahead On Our Way Other Favorites From The Game
ashamed that I just discovered the awesome tracks to V. Some diehard final fantasy fan I am...Clash on the Big Bridge is just terrific stuff.
Exdeath's Final Boss theme, Clash on the Big Bridge, and the Regular FF5 Boss theme.
Ever heard Clash on the Big Bridge done by Nobuo's Black Mages? Best FFV song ever.
Chill the body, freeze the soul. ~ Maya, Legaia 2
the thread title is about FF music theme, then it lead into music battle theme, nothing beats big brigde music but IMHO FFIX's music theme is the best..
I love " My home sweet Home " and " Dear Friends " ... they are so beautiful and quiet![]()
Ohh, there is a ferret in my bedroom again...
My favourite theme is Beyond the Deep Blue Sea. One of my favourite FF theme's period.
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Final Fantasy V (ps3)
Chrono Trigger (ps3)