Ifrit, Shiva, Sylph, Asura, and Leviathan are among my favorite Summons.
I like the Mist best. It's pretty weak, but cool. Odin would rock slicing the monsters in pieces, but he's such a wimp
Ifrit, Shiva, Sylph, Asura, and Leviathan are among my favorite Summons.
The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)
PSN Username: SailorCallie
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I was always a pretty big fan of Leviathan, and and sometimes Ifrit depends on what i am fighting
Leviathan is probably what i use the most, besides Bahamut, in that terms i call Leviathan my favorite and then probably Shiva.
Ifrit and Indra/Ramuh w/e you wanna call him. Even when they weren't doing much damage I liked to use them just to throw some things in there and make it interesting![]()
And leviatan haha
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
I used Titan a lot before I started finding the others. After that, it was Leviathan, then Bahamut. I never liked Asura too much because there was no way to predict or control what she would do ... Rydia might be the only one alive and she can call Asura, hoping that she'll revive the rest of the party, or at least heal herself, but no, instead, she'll just cast Protect and be gone. What a bitch.
On the same note, Odin is nice, but too unpredictable in whether or not he will actually function as designed. And with as many MP as it costs to summon him, it's usually just not worth the gamble.
Playing the SNES version, I loved using Sylph. Sylph would do damage to an enemy and heal your party, but it would also heal back the 25 MP that Rydia used to summon them. Sometimes more. So she could use that every turn, dealing usually more damage than she would deal with a weapon, plus healing the entire party.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
In every version except the DS version it was Leviathan.
In the DS version I loved using the Mist Dragon. Very useful. :3 Also the Mind Flayer and Cockatrice if I could find them.
I loved the Mist Dragon,it had to be my most used summon.![]()
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My most used? Definitely Titan and the Sylphs, even after getting Bahamut the latter could only pale in comparison to Titan in terms of usage. Titan is pretty helpful as soon as you get him, starting with 1000+ damage to all enemies (at least with the game I got, heh). I would only summon the Sylphs in normal battles to recover from grinding but they were still useful.
My favorite? I love them all, but there's just a certain beauty behind slicing all enemies in half, or setting them on fire with just one tackle. So it'll be a tie between Ifrit and Odin.
Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
~St. Augustine
After playing the PSP remake, I gotta say besides Bahamut, my favorite summon spell is Leviathan or the Mist Dragon. With Leviathan, they finally made his wave look cool and powerful. With the Mist Dragon, I like how he slowly formed from within the mist when you summoned him (or her?).
Titan was cool, too, but not my favorite. And Odin, I was disappointed to see they just re-used Ramuh's spell animation with him.
Shiva, I've always liked her, definitely my favorite and most used summon.
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-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
I'd have to go with Titan and the Mist dragon, before I beat Bahamut, I used those 2 all the time. Titan in the ps1 person and Mist dragon in the DS version. Those were my fav summons.
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
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I remember the Mist Dragon being useful throughout the game because its power raised with Rydia's HP. In any case, I never used the elemental summons after Rydia learned the third-level elemental spells, and I just never needed to use Sylph, Asura or Odin either. Obviously Leviathan was a great summon until I acquired Bahamut.