Barbariccia! Wind is an awesome element. Though I do prefer Golbez over all of them...
So who is your favorite Elemental Archfiend?
Mine is probably Rubicante for being a self centered jerk. He's awesome and he knows it. Plus he heals you before fights and thats cool too.
Barbariccia! Wind is an awesome element. Though I do prefer Golbez over all of them...
Rubi. He knows he's awesome and he's showing it off.
I'm with HUNK. He heals you before you fight him, so yaaaay. Besides, he's kind of easy to beat, if you knew Edge's ability has a special use.
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
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Barbariccia, since all she wears for clothes is her hair, which is the totally hawt thing to do nowadays. Rubicante is a close second though, since he's pretty cool and practices chivalry against his opponents, even against hotheaded ninjas like Edge.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Rubicante, definitely. He got an awesome voice in the DS version, but he's also a bastard. But, he's cool about it, which is almost ironic, given his nature.![]()
But still, Golbez over all the archfiends. He came close to killing you... o_O Whereas Rubi DID heal you before he fights you, a lesson he only learned in the Anniversary Edition of FFI.
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
Rubicante, for all reasons stated above. Also, it is implied in the After Years that Edge forgave him considers him an honorable fighter too.
"Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."
Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:
rubicante because i like fire, and that entire "you think our rage a weakness? then let me show you how wrong you are!" has got to be the best line in ff
I have to go with Rubicante, my reasons are all listed above. No reason to list them if everyone else has already done it for me...
Rubicante. As far as archfiends go anyways, Golbez is a BAMF. Rubicante actually had a sense of honor, he wasn't just there to pull cheap tricks and kill you, he was actually looking for a good fight. Though I must say I wasn't crazy about him flinging open his cape and flashing me.
For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.
I say Cagnazzo because he pretty much managed to kill two of the main characters (who were awesome)... and because he looked like a demented turtle
Rubicante is such a dork, but in a good way. <3 Heals the party and casts Blizzaga on himself as a counter-attack. Seriously, whatta dummy.But at least he's an honorable dummy and has a great voice in the DS-version. And his cloak of flame rocks (Edge has it in the sequel, yay!). And who doesn't like that flashy "look at mah bare legs, durr".
Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!
You gotta love a boss who is so sure of himself that he puts you at full strength so he can have a real challenge. I'm sure Golbez would not have approved. Especially since he loses.
Also, when my friend played through this game, he got really into it and hated Rubricant. So he called him Lubricant.
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...can you?
Rubi, he's sorta funny in a 8th grader immature sorta way.
I like Rubicante best. He is an honorable villain, and his fight is the best out of the four fiends. Especially in the DS version with his counterattacks and Scourch.
I like golbez, but my least fav archfiens was scarmiglione. . .he's annoying, especially when you don't know he's got two forms
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Rubicante, gotta love a villain with some flair.
Plus healing me before battling, think it's part of a strategy for me to like him too much to kill him. Not gonna work though.
Barberica it hot
I like scarmiglone, but I dont know why....
I picked Rubicante. He is kind of the most important, and had the best enemy design out of the rest.
Rubi..because of reasons alrdy said![]()
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Rubicante, most of the reasons already said and although the man was kind of douche, he had some honor, he wanted to fight the best the world had to over good or evil, he was never one to be a coward, if I would be a bad guy in any video game, I would be him. Plus I like having control of fire![]()
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Rubicante. He had a cool look. Second best enemy look just after Golbez. He was unique by technically being on the bad side, yet he was still a righteous, honorable man. I don't believe he ever had any real evil inside him. He just followed the orders of Golbez. When you think of it, nothing he did throughout the game indicated he was evil. The thing with Edge's parents was Lugae's doing.
I was tempted to say Barbariccia, since I've always thought she looked damn sexy (hehe), but that's really all she has to her, so I chose Rubicante.
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Barbariccia!, she's just hawt lol. Plus when she wrapped herself in her hair, I was already getting annoyed by that.
Plus she's hawt lol, loved her design in FFIV complete collection on PSP.
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I like Cagnazzio because he can be the hardest to fight at that point in the game. However, Scar is my personal favorite because he is the earth elemental and provides a challenge if you choose to ignore his one-hit KO.