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Thread: The B-word Sword

  1. #1
    Soldier 1st Class The B-word Sword Tietsu's Avatar
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    The B-word Sword

    i was just playing final fantasy 6 for the GBA and i wen to a weapon shop and saw a sword called the Bast*** sword.

    I know it might be childish to talk about it but i was just wondering why do u think square enix put that name for that sword in that game?

  2. #2
    Twilight's Enigma The B-word Sword Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    It also means a buster sword or a great sword, there's nothing wrong with it.

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  3. #3
    Soldier 1st Class The B-word Sword Tietsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sato Arashi View Post
    It also means a buster sword or a great sword, there's nothing wrong with it.
    Yea but there could be those other people who take it tothe extreme and end up trying to get the company in trouble

  4. #4
    Twilight's Enigma The B-word Sword Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    You have to take in consideration about the target age range. Sure it's rated E 10+, but it's really designed for teens and adults.

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  5. #5
    Soldier 1st Class The B-word Sword Tietsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sato Arashi View Post
    You have to take in consideration about the target age range. Sure it's rated E 10+, but it's really designed for teens and adults.
    yea very true
    i feel dumb for putting this thread up now

  6. #6
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The B-word Sword RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tietsu View Post
    Yea but there could be those other people who take it tothe extreme and end up trying to get the company in trouble
    I doubt that anyone would be offended by that, let alone that they'd have a case.

    Tv shows for teens that have no words like "fuck" or "shit" still use words like "bitch". The word "bastard" doesn't seem offensive in any way.

    Unless you are in fact a bastard child.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 06-18-2009 at 06:07 PM.
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  7. #7
    Soldier 1st Class The B-word Sword Tietsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    I doubt that anyone would be offended by that, let alone that they'd have a case.

    Tv shows for teens that have no words like "fuck" or "shit" still use words like "bitch". The word "bastard" doesn't seem offensive in any way.

    Unless you are in fact a bastard child.
    hehe yea thats very true

  8. #8
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The B-word Sword T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Why you have a sword called the "bastard" sword?

    Because that's the nickname of the sword. It's not another name for a "buster" or greatsword, it's the nickname of a hand-and-a-half sword. It's a sword that can be wielded in one hand, but it's length and specifically the length of the hilt (the handle of the blade, so to speak) is much longer than with a longsword meant to be wielded in one hand. The hilt's length is roughly half as long as that of a long sword hilt (hence, the "hand-and-a-half" name), and the blade's length is roughly between six to eight inches in length.

    I can't tell you exactly why it was known as a "bastard" sword, but it's not because it was favored by bastard children, though. It was probably by the sheer size and power of the sword, or because of a mistranslation (like the Machete)

    If it makes you feel odd, other games have the use of "bastard" sword in-translation. Even a song in Breath of Fire IV is called "Bastard Sword". Given the rather obscure meaning of the word, and because it's referring to a weapon and not to the offending use of the word, it's not unusual to let that pass.

    I mean, it's not like you'll find Middle Ages Re-enactors having any qualms about telling a young man about a "bastard" sword. Probably they WILL point to the real name (hand and a half sword), but they won't seem it as bad.

    However, the moment where it IS an expletive is when it's used by the original meaning (referring to someone as a bastard, aka an illegitimate son)

    So, in a nutshell: Square-Enix places the name to that weapon because it's meant to represent the middle ground between a longsword and a greatsword; the latter usually the true two-hand variety. But sometimes, they get it mixed.

    An easier way: long sword -> broad sword (wider hilt) -> hand and a half sword (or bastard sword) -> two-hand sword (aka greatsword, or zweihander). Any bigger than that, and it can't be carried at all.
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  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. The B-word Sword Polk's Avatar
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    Now I haven't played Final Fantasy 6 in a while, but if I'm not mistaken, FF6 was the game in which an evil clown tries to kill an entire city's population worth of people by poisoning their water supply.

    And you're concerned about the word "Bastard" appearing in the game.
    Last edited by Polk; 06-19-2009 at 02:46 AM.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  10. #10
    Soldier 1st Class The B-word Sword Tietsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Why you have a sword called the "bastard" sword?

    Because that's the nickname of the sword. It's not another name for a "buster" or greatsword, it's the nickname of a hand-and-a-half sword. It's a sword that can be wielded in one hand, but it's length and specifically the length of the hilt (the handle of the blade, so to speak) is much longer than with a longsword meant to be wielded in one hand. The hilt's length is roughly half as long as that of a long sword hilt (hence, the "hand-and-a-half" name), and the blade's length is roughly between six to eight inches in length.

    I can't tell you exactly why it was known as a "bastard" sword, but it's not because it was favored by bastard children, though. It was probably by the sheer size and power of the sword, or because of a mistranslation (like the Machete)

    If it makes you feel odd, other games have the use of "bastard" sword in-translation. Even a song in Breath of Fire IV is called "Bastard Sword". Given the rather obscure meaning of the word, and because it's referring to a weapon and not to the offending use of the word, it's not unusual to let that pass.

    I mean, it's not like you'll find Middle Ages Re-enactors having any qualms about telling a young man about a "bastard" sword. Probably they WILL point to the real name (hand and a half sword), but they won't seem it as bad.

    However, the moment where it IS an expletive is when it's used by the original meaning (referring to someone as a bastard, aka an illegitimate son)

    So, in a nutshell: Square-Enix places the name to that weapon because it's meant to represent the middle ground between a longsword and a greatsword; the latter usually the true two-hand variety. But sometimes, they get it mixed.

    An easier way: long sword -> broad sword (wider hilt) -> hand and a half sword (or bastard sword) -> two-hand sword (aka greatsword, or zweihander). Any bigger than that, and it can't be carried at all.
    Oh ok i get it now
    its just when i grew up i was told to never ever say that word and hen i saw it in the game i just thought that square could get in trouble but now that u've cleared it up i can see why the name was choosen

  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Yeaps, as Oskar said the bastard sword is very real.
    And very fun to dual-wield in Baldur's Gate 2...
    What worries me more was an enemy named **** Blunderbus I fought in a romhack I downloaded after watching a bit of it in a youtube clip.
    Damn those crazy hacker kids!
    victoria aut mors

  12. #12
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The B-word Sword RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    Now I haven't played Final Fantasy 6 in a while, but if I'm not mistaken, FF6 was the game in which an evil clown tries to kill an entire city's population worth of people by poisoning their water supply.

    And you're concerned about the word "Bastard" appearing in the game.
    Ha. Good point, mate.

    Just proves how right I actually was ^^
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  13. #13
    I do what you can't. The B-word Sword Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    Now I haven't played Final Fantasy 6 in a while, but if I'm not mistaken, FF6 was the game in which an evil clown tries to kill an entire city's population worth of people by poisoning their water supply.
    He doesn't try, he actually does it. Only, what, two people survive?

    Let's also not forget that the game includes: the impregnation of a human by a magical beast; a 16-year-old girl having an illigitimate child, while living in a small commune located underground in a destroyed, trashy town; a parent leaving their newborn child in the wilderness because he thought it was a demon; and a character with magical powers, who was once controlled by said clown to slaughter his own soldiers, that morphs into a powerful, pink, naked humanoid.

    I still like the "Smut" in FFIV.

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  14. #14
    Tsuna Feesh The B-word Sword Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Oh, the name is so common! I always see that name, and the sword isn't all that good either... Most of the time.

    Anyway, I saw this on Wiki, THE most reliable source, mind you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh, The Most Reliable Source, Wikipedia!^^
    Bastard swords

    The bastard sword, or contemporary espée bastarde, is a type of sword dating from roughly the early 15th century. It received its name for fitting into neither the one-handed sword family, nor the two handed sword family, thus being labelled a "bastard".[citation needed] These weapons featured longer grips similar to those found on the longswords. The extra space was not enough to allow both hands entirely, however, but was enough to provide for the use of a couple of fingers or a part of the palm, providing some extra leverage.[8] The grips of bastard swords often feature a "waisted" appearance, as in the Oakeshott Type XVIa.[9] The bastard sword, more so than the greatsword, plays into the "hand-and-a-half sword" classification, as some great swords provided considerably more than an extra "half" hand for gripping. Similarly, the shorter length of the weapon at roughly 45 to 55 inches (115-140cm) put the sword halfway between the shorter single-handed sword and the larger (and occasionally fully two-handed) greatsword.[10]

    Like all other types of swords, the bastard sword existed in a number of configurations, generally tending towards a strongly tapered and thicker blade as time went on. This manifestation, along with a relatively small blade length in relation to hilt length, gave the sword a very precise and reactive nature that served well for cutting or thrusting, much like a side-sword.[9] The form of the bastard sword began very much like that of the greatsword, based in the beginning of the 15th century off transition swords evolving from the spatha. Like the transition swords, the first bastard swords featured a plain or cruciform cross-guard (cross) and a round or wheel pommel.[8] Later development of the weapon, however, saw the inclusion of curved quillions, ring guards, and compound hilts similar to those on baskethilts (swords like the schiavona that nearly enclosed the entire hand in a protective guard).[10] These served to provide increased protection for the wielder's hands and may have also positively affected the balance of the weapon.

    Such swords with compound hilts include the German Reitschwert, a form of cavalry sword, and the "Degen" or "Knight's Sword". It is possible, however, that these swords are in fact a single-handed manifestation of the estoc.[9]
    Last edited by Fate; 06-19-2009 at 05:34 PM.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

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  15. #15
    Freezing Ring! The B-word Sword Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    i think this should be removed.

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  16. #16
    Tsuna Feesh The B-word Sword Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Outdoor2497 View Post
    i think this should be removed.
    Uh, what purpose could that serve? It's pointless. So what if it has the word "bastard" in the game? If you look at the bottom corner of a cover of nearly every Final Fantasy game, you'll see a T. Hmm, I wonder what that could stand for? Perhaps "Teen"? Yes, Teen for ages 13 and up. You'd think that by the age of thirteen, you'd have matured enough to not be bothered by words like that, right? There are words like that in all Final Fantasies, Star Oceans, and other RPGs that I've played (with the exception of Kingdom Hearts, where I only saw the word "hell" once in the entire game). You can't go play a Final Fantasy game that is rated T without seeing "Dammit" or "What the hell" in the game! That's just the truth, and I doubt anybody complains about it, either.

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  17. #17
    I'm DYING to see you! The B-word Sword ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    But Fate I bet that you played them when you were younger than 13 LAW-BREAKER take him away, get the shackles and throw away the key because Fate your doing time alot of time

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  18. #18
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The B-word Sword T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Why so? It is a perfectly valid question, which espoused a perfectly valid response, and that should remain in case someone else just asks "why they call this sword 'bastard'?"

    @Fate: while it is the most quoted source, you have to be careful with what you post. I'm sure most people don't know what an "Oakeshott Type XVIa" blade means, or why a hand-and-a-half sword isn't as good as a one-handed longsword or a two-handed greatsword.

    Also, the article seems to contradict your claim of being a "not so good" sword. Despite the length, and perhaps the weight, the advances on the hilt made the weapon's balance shift, and the advantage of having a weapon sized for two-hand combat, but with enough weight and balance to be used in one, made it worthwhile.

    As a final point, although this isn't a verified claim: only a mounted warrior would wield a bastard sword (or a hand-and-a-half sword) in one hand. The foot soldier preferred two-hand weapons because of the sheer destructive power, and because sword & board combat (or the use of a one-hand weapon and a shield) was at times a detriment. In a nutshell: since ancient Rome, a warrior wielding a large Roman shield could find himself crippled with a javelin designed specifically for piercing the shield and adding to the weight. This is a tactic that exists before stronger and better made shields were made.

    Granted, I don't know much about medieval combat (I wasn't there, nor I am a serious re-enactor though I'd wish to be), but I know my stuff. Just a heads up.
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  19. #19
    Tsuna Feesh The B-word Sword Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post

    Also, the article seems to contradict your claim of being a "not so good" sword.
    Oh, no, I meant that I never found that the Bastard Sword was made strong in any games that I've seen it in. I imagine that the sword, in real like, would be very effectively, due to what you just summed up. But I was referring to games, not real life, in this situation.

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  20. #20
    Teh Future Mod :3 The B-word Sword Jenova's Avatar
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    Re: The B-word Sword

    it is childish...
    the reason why is because the use of "Bastard" isn't always a swear, google the actual meaning

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