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Thread: what you liked bast about FFI

  1. #31

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Also I really love the music especially Motoya's Cave! Though I have only Played FFOrigins.

  2. #32

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    What I loved most was the blend of simplicity, fun, and frustration ( lol ), and good story telling and charecter bonding. Final Fantasy has always been a beast at accomplishing these things ( in some games better than others ). I just recently downloaded the orig on wiiware ( about TIME!! ) after owning dawn of souls and the psp 20th anniversary adition. Good stuff.

  3. #33
    Registered User what you liked bast about FFI Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Quote Originally Posted by downfall94 View Post
    What I loved most was the blend of simplicity, fun, and frustration ( lol ), and good story telling and charecter bonding. Final Fantasy has always been a beast at accomplishing these things ( in some games better than others ). I just recently downloaded the orig on wiiware ( about TIME!! ) after owning dawn of souls and the psp 20th anniversary adition. Good stuff.
    Which do you think is best?
    The origins you downloaded on wii, is that the one on ps1 ?

  4. #34

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    the thing that i liked is you can customize your characters according to your favorite personalities such as white mage, red mage, knight, etc. that is so interesting to me!

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  5. #35
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    For me it's the ability to choose the name and classes of every party member coupled with being available for near every device including mobile phones.
    It's not often they release a high quality JRPG for such devices and I love being able to play anywhere at any time.
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  6. #36
    The Persistent Flourish what you liked bast about FFI Alice's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I just like how it's available for practically almost everything, including the MSX. It's also very simple yet very fun. Also, the ability to choose classes for your characters and you can name them anything. Sure, yeah, you can rename your characters in most FFs, but there aren't any official names for the warriors. Kind of makes me feel more comfortable naming them something.

  7. #37
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ what you liked bast about FFI chaosweapon's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Unlike the other Final Fantasy games, in Final Fantasy I you are the hero of the story. Also it's available an almost every console including mobile phones, meaning that you can play it anywhere and anytime.

  8. #38

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I need to do an interview for my A2 Media project, im making an rpg game.
    I'm Hannah, and I'm doing a comparision between FF1 and Grandia

    If you can help PLEASE DO!!!!

    I need to know opinions of the games, and how they could have been better, Remembering not to be too biased

    Cheers Peopleeee

  9. #39

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I loved Final Fantasy I because it had a nice simple story, a believable world, and put me into the story. I always had an arcade like feel every time I played it, which I never get from the other games, except maybe II. I was expecting a very midevil thing when I first played it, like most JRPGs. But when I encountered a robot in that one cave, I was very surprised. And the timeloop really blew my mind.

  10. #40
    Rune Knight what you liked bast about FFI Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    It was a great game. i liked having a party which a theif who did not steal, a fighter who just loved swords so much. a red mage who was master of nothing & jack of all trades. then the black mage and his hadoken.

  11. #41
    Registered User what you liked bast about FFI xxpanzasanchoxx's Avatar
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    My favorite part of FF

    I would have to say it was the ability to get promoted to a higher class. Biggest reason why I loved games like FFT and Shining Force
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  12. #42

    Question Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    red mage or theif theif is quick red mage is awesome it can do anything but lower stats ff1 is the original kind of hard to fallow at times but awesome i have dawn of souls should i get the psp version. but i like abilites so ff1 is 4 out of 5 also beacuase of the max hp being 999 it should be 9999............
    Last edited by uuuhawka; 01-07-2011 at 08:43 PM.

  13. #43
    Registered User what you liked bast about FFI Tidus235's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    mine was all ways the ninja slash theft

  14. #44
    what you liked bast about FFI rJ floW's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    you're all ****ed,

    the best part of FF1 is thinking you needed 2 knights and having to save up 10000 gold to reup on armour when you could throw in a black belt and halve your time levelling up!

    those little things only the true old school FF1 players know is why it's the best! The only people on this forum that know the true little things are psiko and dawzey!

    THAT is why FF1 is the best...and if i hear about gameboy advance being a reason I'ma act a fool!
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  15. #45

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I like how u can pick your guys to have in a party

  16. #46

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I liked the bosses. Yes. All of them. They were challenging enough for me. I also like this game because of the jobs. You gotta think, which will be your party if you're a beginner.

    Found that on Google, and wrote the text :3

  17. #47

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    What I liked the most was simplistic feel to both FF1 & FF2, the visuals, and how everything just felt like classical fantasy to me. They are both awesome games.

  18. #48

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I loved the music in the game. My favourite is the chaos shrine theme. And like a previous poster mentioned, the part that really get's to me is the ending
    how the warriors of light will know that they saved the world but the world won't.

    It's sad but really Cool in a way that really makes feel happy when i finish the game

    but the
    whole time loop, garland - chaos thing confuses me

  19. #49
    Final Fantasy Noob! what you liked bast about FFI ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I love the story...

    Its also really satisfying when your party gets promoted to the higher class. Feels like a major accomplishment.
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

    Currently Playing: FFIX

  20. #50
    oni freemason what you liked bast about FFI Tamahome's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Hard to say I'm stuck between the theif the monk and the black mage cus he/she looks like vivi

  21. #51
    Juppiter Adept what you liked bast about FFI TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Definitely has to be the customizable experience, no matter how little. You don't see enough option as to what characters are capable of in early RPGs.
    Own: Origins (I&II), III (DS), Chronicles (IV), Anthology (V&VI), VII, 7-DoC, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Tactics, TA

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  22. #52

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I actually like a ton of stuff about the first FF but I gotta say the graphics were superb. I remember being a kid and thinking man this is cool! I gotta say those sprites were 8 bit at its best

  23. #53
    Final Fantasy Noob! what you liked bast about FFI ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamahome View Post
    Hard to say I'm stuck between the theif the monk and the black mage cus he/she looks like vivi
    It would be more accurate to say that Vivi looks like him
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

    Currently Playing: FFIX

  24. #54
    Whistling Songbird what you liked bast about FFI Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    My favorite part is probably the fact that you get to see the Bosses being blasted with high level black magic

    It makes me feel as if they're getting owned. (Firaga's awsome )

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  25. #55
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic what you liked bast about FFI Master Garland's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    This is a great topic OP good idea. As for me the things that I love most about this game are the Story, music and it's overall atmosphere. The story was very great for it's day, and the music was very magical and beautiful as well. I also really love the Chaos Shrine theme as I made a You Tube video of that song. My only gripe with the game is it's many mechanical bugs ie the INT stat does nothing hindering mages overall power(if the INT stat worked like it does in my FF1 ROM with the bugs fixed the mages deal massive damage.) Also the weapon species and element factoring is broken in the original which again is fixed with certain patches etc. Overall when this game has it's quirks sorted out and fixed then adding that balance to it's great story, fell, and music it is a superb game.

  26. #56
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    My favorite thing about FF1 is how simple an rpg can be and still be very good. You can practically program this yourself it's that simple. Not much other than character and enemy data handling plus flags for storyline.

    You can choose your party which I like, gives different ways to play the game. I'd give this game the sye stamp. Simple Yet Effective.

  27. #57

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    One of the things I liked about the first Final Fantasy was that you can turn it into a four player game Which I did with some friends, having each of us play as one of the warriors we had chosen and named. The four of us felt like we were the four warriors, I was a warrior, and my friends were a thief, a white mage, and a black mage.

  28. #58
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    The thing I liked bast *cough* best about FFI was the fact that it really has nearly limitless replay value. Mixing classes on subsequent playthroughs really tests your mettle in ways a lot of other RPGs don't.

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  29. #59
    Hewerya love...? what you liked bast about FFI seanb's Avatar
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    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    I find it hard to think of something I liked about it.... I started playing it this year and got bored halfway through... the story and characters didn't engross me enough...
    It must just be down to taste, because I didn't like the tactics games either, and a lot of people who like ff1 seem to like them too.

    Perhaps I should give it another chance, oh well

  30. #60

    Re: what you liked bast about FFI

    Chaos and the Final Dungeon was my favourite bit of the game xD
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