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Thread: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

  1. #1
    Registered User Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.
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    Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    The Thief/Ninja and Monk are of very little use to me. And for at least 1 Magic Level I do feel like I need all 4 available White Magic Spells.

    I remember my first play though I went in ignorant of the Downside of the Red Mage, only seeing the "He can do both" factor and had a Red as my only Mage. I completely screwed myself, though was still able to beat it.

  2. #2

    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    I dont know what your playstile is but i played through the entire game with a team of a warrior a monk a white mage and a black mage and i regret not getting a theif as its alot easier to get strong equipment through stealing it from bosses

  3. #3
    Registered User Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.
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    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    I've never successfully stolen anything with my Thief.

  4. #4

    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mithrandir-Olorin View Post
    I've never successfully stolen anything with my Thief.
    Maybe you haven't tried properly? idk it can take a while in ff9 it took me an hour to steal the genji equips then i turned of without saving and then i got pissed

  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages. Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sleipher View Post
    i regret not getting a theif as its alot easier to get strong equipment through stealing it from bosses
    Quote Originally Posted by Mithrandir-Olorin View Post
    I've never successfully stolen anything with my Thief.
    That's because in Final Fantasy I, the thief is not able to steal. The Thief (and later Ninja) is known for its quick and nimble movements. Similar to how a Thief (and Ninja) do their jobs, quick and efficiently.

    Here's what the manual says about the Thief:

    Quote Originally Posted by Manual
    Theif (Class changes to Ninja)- The thief is quick of movement and nimble of limb. The Ninja gains the ability to use (black) magic.
    As for the topic at hand, if you choose to have all four spells of each level, then use all three mages. Or if you have the money, you can discard the spells you don't use for a while, and replace them with the ones you need. It is costly, especially if you need money for the fairy-in-a-jar. But remember, the Warrior (Knight) and Thief (Ninja) gain magic ability when they change classes. If you use lower level magic more often, then it is probably best to have a physical attacker in your party as well.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.
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    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    The Warrior-Knight I would always have, cause only he can carry the biggest Weapon

  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Monk/Master with Black Mage/Black Wizard IS OVERPOWERED.

    A Master with Haste is so broken it makes me not wanna choose a monk. The thief is kinda dumb on this game. Can't steal? So what's the point of having him? Might as well replace him with the Warrior, at least he can take a hit. But I like to use my Thief in my playthru like how I play Zidane sometimes in FFIX, FFI case, just potions. But you get the idea. Attacks when needed, mostly throws least in my FFI playthru.
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  8. #8

    Re: Next time, I'm play using the Warrior and all 3 Mages.

    Who carry the weapons in warrior knight 1...


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