There may be statistical differences between the characters I'm not sure about that. As for the first character doing more damage than the others (I'm assuming the "first person" is the one on the most right - Luneth) it depends on the job they have.
The reason why the "first person" is doing most damage is because they are a Warrior. A Black Mage may be able to output the same amount of damage depending if the player can figure the elemental weakness. A White Mage is not an offensive class - they are for healing. A Monk is a really good class and make sure not to equip any weapon on them; they are at their best bare-hand. There are two different levels in Final Fantasy III: physical level and job level. Classes become stronger quicker through their job level increasing. So Monk will become a powerhouse the more skilled the character is for that class.
Eventually you may need a Knight or a Viking. That Garuda fight can be a pain. I give you forewarning on Evokers. While Evokers can summon they have no control as to what ability the summon will use. When an Evoker or Sage use a summon there are two different things that the summon can do - an ability geared towards black magic (damage/debilitating) or geared towards white magic (healing/protective/enhancing). The Summoner class is the only summoning class that can use the summons [now] traditional attacks: Shiva/Diamond Dust, Ifrit/Hellfire, Bahamut/Megaflare for example.
I know when I've played through this game twice my Monk's job level always leveled quickly. It is weird that your job level is lower than your physical level. Increase your job level for Monk and the jobs for the other characters because all get stronger that way. Remember not to equip Monk with any weapon, those claws are for Black Belt which is also a great damage dealer.